katiekido Member


  • Use chia seeds in replacement of eggs in cooking/baking! When water is added, they create a gel. Chia seeds are very nutritious too!
  • I thought 73% was my max too! But I was surprised at the Trader Joe's 85%, it's MUCH better than any others with that high percentage!
  • Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Lover's 85% bar - sweeter and nuttier than the bitter Lindt 85% bar! Yum!!!
  • Go for it! I've run hundreds of races and there are usually lots of walkers in them! Definitely don't let your friend discourage you! I would encourage you to participate - it doesn't matter if you walk, run, jog, crawl! I think you should enter it and be proud to cross that finish line! :)
  • I'm having this problem right now - out of control cravings for snacks, especially salty (I just ate over 600 calories worth of snacks I did not need!) I am fine all month long until the week before and there is no amt of snacking that will satisfy! I try to counter balance it with more working out to ward off some of the…
  • Could also be the fruit! I noticed you had an apple, pear and blueberries. Apples & pears are loaded with fiber and can cause GI distress!
  • I'm always over on my sugar too. Eating fruit definitely puts you over the sugar limit. I only count sugar that is "added sugar" and don't worry about the natural sugars found in fruit, etc.
  • Are you on any type of BC pills? I had the same problem and it turned out being different BC pills. I also agree with the veggie comments - too many raw veggies can cause some major bloating!
  • There are some newer great brands of oatmeal out there - try Oats Revolution (available at Target). Whole Foods offers similar product by a company called Three Sisters. The Plain Grain version only has 1 gram of sugar, sweeten it up with a small packet of Stevia and add in a teaspoon of cinnamon and a touch of nutmeg. For…
  • I have the same problem - I'm ALWAYS over my sugar limit by lunchtime. Are the sugar limits realistic on here?
  • Be strong! Go for the lemon seltzer :):smile:
  • Tom Holland has a great book called "The Marathon Method" it's a great resource for half & full marathon training. It provides tons of valuable running information. I highly recommend it! He also has a book "The Twelve Week Triathlete" that is great as well! Good luck and have fun!!!
  • My initial reason for buying them was for recovery, but I might try them out on my shorter runs right now and see how they feel. Don't think I'd test them on a long run just yet.
  • How long have you been running? I've been running for over a decade. I'd say frequency depends on the length and intensity of the runs you are doing as a newbie! Congrats on starting to run! I would suggest sticking with the plan from runnersworld that you said was 3 days a week, you don't want to get burnt out or worse…
  • So I just picked up the compression socks today, they are the Saucony compression socks (the only brand my local store carries) but they feel fantastic. Provide just a little bit of compression to take away some achiness! They provide some support too, so far I love them!
  • Target offers affordable, breathable, good quality workout clothes. I'd suggest that if you're on a budget! Or even more budget friendly, Walmart sometimes has decent workout clothes too. I've also bought inexpensive running shorts from Old Navy that I've had for 5+ years and still in great shape!
  • Depends on the activity ... but this works for me: Running - 10+ miles, the day before I will have one extra small meal (cereal, fruit, yogurt or leftovers), I try to add in a little more than normal consumption of carbs. Before the run, I eat a powerbar. Every 45 minutes I eat GU energy gels. If I'm feeling fatigued…
  • I will definitely let you know! Yeah, I tend to get sore in the calf too, so hopefully these help. My local running store carries Saucony & Baluga Compression socks, so I'm going to pick up a pair after work, try them out tonight and see how my 11 mile run goes tomorrow.
  • There are certainly some flashy ones! I want some hot pink ones! The CW-X Compression Support Socks look like a good price and exactly what I'm looking for. Too bad they only come in black and grey :( I think I might give them a shot, I've thought about ordering some in the past.
  • Ohh I've seen this article before! Great idea, where did you order yours from? They are definitely worth a try.
  • No swelling! So I think it must just be muscle tightness. Thanks for the stretching suggestion, I've been just doing the calf stretch with straight leg, and also out to the back left and to the right. I will try bending the knee. I'm doing my long run tomorrow so I want to loosen it up as much as I can today. I'm going to…
  • I agree, you definitely should be able to finish it. Slowly add mileage to your long runs before the race. I'd suggest running 3x a week, one short run (3-4 miles), one medium run (4-7 miles) and one long run (10+ miles) per week. Build your long run by 1-2 miles each week. Try to do at least one 18-20 mile run before the…
  • Thanks everyone! I love the water running suggestion! I actually just learned to swim in the fall, but there is only one community pool in the area with very limited access so it's difficult to get there. I guess I should just make it fit in my schedule better :) I have been doing physical therapy, I recently stopped going…