Running a marathon

So uh...some time ago I was REALLY into running and signed up for the Lehigh Valley Marathon scheduled for mid-September 2011. Earlier in the year I ran a half marathon and didn't do too bad. Problem: had shoes that were worsening my plantar fasciitis. Had to take a break after the half to recover and rebuild.

Since then I've been gradually getting back into things. I'm able to run a steady 10 miles at this point still. Question is, from you seasoned runners, would it even be possible or adviseable to run (or half run/walk) the marathon in September? I'm not worried about my time (AT ALL) but would just like to say "hey, wooo! I did it!"


  • aymetcalf
    aymetcalf Posts: 597 Member
    If you are running a steady 10 miles now - you should be able to finish a marathon in september - but be prepared to run/walk it. Add mileage every week to your long runs and dont run more than 3 times a week (to prevent injuries). On race day, just take it nice and easy - remind yourself you're just trying to finish. Best wishes. :flowerforyou:
  • katiekido
    katiekido Posts: 26 Member
    I agree, you definitely should be able to finish it. Slowly add mileage to your long runs before the race. I'd suggest running 3x a week, one short run (3-4 miles), one medium run (4-7 miles) and one long run (10+ miles) per week. Build your long run by 1-2 miles each week. Try to do at least one 18-20 mile run before the marathon. Take it slow and add in walk breaks! You'll be fine! Also make sure to taper for at least two weeks before the race. GOOD LUCK & Have fun!
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I agree, you definitely should be able to finish it. Slowly add mileage to your long runs before the race. I'd suggest running 3x a week, one short run (3-4 miles), one medium run (4-7 miles) and one long run (10+ miles) per week. Build your long run by 1-2 miles each week. Try to do at least one 18-20 mile run before the marathon. Take it slow and add in walk breaks! You'll be fine! Also make sure to taper for at least two weeks before the race. GOOD LUCK & Have fun!

    Good advice - this was similar to how I trained for the half earlier this year.
  • staceyseeger
    staceyseeger Posts: 783 Member
    Your should have no problem finishing the 1/2 in Sept since you have a great base. Just remember to have fun! Good luck! :smile:
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Your should have no problem finishing the 1/2 in Sept since you have a great base. Just remember to have fun! Good luck! :smile:

    It's actually the full 26.2 :ohwell:
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    So your race is Sept 11, that's about 8 weeks out. Below is the most basic (lowest mileage) training plan around. Your long run should be up to 15 or 16 miles by now.

    My $.02 (after running 22 of them), marathons are tough enough when properly trained, when you are undertrained they are even less fun. Can you finish, probably. Should you do it, probably not.

    Is the a half marathon there you can bump down to instead?
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    If you can keep consistently training from here on out, you should be able to finish, but it might not be that pleasant of an experience. It's hard to say. And if you "squeeze" in training & ramping up faster than recommended, there's the risk of injury.
    good luck with whatever you decide. Your body may respond well and you could be fine or it could be a struggle.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Real story: I'm jerked that I spent $85 on this earlier this year. I cannot bump down to lower mileage races. This is it. This is the big kahuna race that I shelled out my moolah for...

    I can do a run / walk combination. That's do-able. Attempting to run the entire thing won't happen.
  • rickydeuce
    rickydeuce Posts: 80
    Just sent you a friend request. My race partner lives in the Lehigh Valley. Perhaps I can get the two of you together. Ours is in October, but it can't hurt having someone to train with!