imitedlay7 Member


  • Here's the schedule: Week 1 (if you do the extra cardio): Day 1 AM: Workout 1 Day 1 PM: Cardio 1 Day 2 AM: Workout 2 Day 2 PM: Cardio 1 Day 3 AM & PM: Cardio 1 Day 4: Repeat Day 1 Day 5: Repeat Day 2 Day 6: Repeat Day 3 Week 2: (Do this for week 1 as well if you don't want to add the extra cardio) Day 1 & 4: Workout 1 Day…
  • Week 1 (if you do the extra cardio): Day 1 AM: Workout 1 Day 1 PM: Cardio 1 Day 2 AM: Workout 2 Day 2 PM: Cardio 1 Day 3 AM & PM: Cardio 1 Day 4: Repeat Day 1 Day 5: Repeat Day 2 Day 6: Repeat Day 3 Week 2: (Do this for week 1 as well if you don't want to add the extra cardio) Day 1 & 4: Workout 1 Day 2 & 5: Workout 2 Day…
  • Okay so I decided to do the 7 day kickstart, but I'm only doing 6 days because I didn't follow the diet or do the cardio video yesterday. I did Workout 1 made it through just fine, my husband did pretty well too. Got up early this morning and did the cardio 1 and loved it. Sweated my butt off. I'm really loving it so far!!…
  • I got it on Saturday!! Starting it today!!
  • I GOT MINE ON SATURDAY!!!! Starting it today!
  • Mine too!! Yay!!
  • Thanks for all of the responses guys. Just a little background, I'm in the military and it was my supervisor giving the chewing for an issue that was partially my fault and partially his fault. I admitted my fault but I was pissed that he would bring up this subject (leadership) when he's one of the worst leaders I've ever…
  • Not sure, I ordered it Friday as well. The e-mail said it would arrive within 7-10 business days. But my card hasn't been charged either.
  • I'm totally going to make these!
  • I would reccomend the book "Run Your Butt Off." It's sort of like a couch to 5k program, but it also incorporates diet as well. I would suggest replacing your 40 minutes of elliptical/tradmill time with the running. If you like your workout time the way it is, set aside 30 minutes in the evening. With this program you will…
  • I run to raunchy hip hop. Brings out my wild side :wink:
  • I posted my own topic the other day on the Body Revolution, I'm glad there's a group. I am so excited! I ordered mine on Friday!!:bigsmile:
  • Okay peeps, here's the skinny, when you go to you click the link that says "notify me" and you will get an e-mail letting you know when you can purchase it. It took 2 days for me. I'm guessing this is how they are releasing it before it goes public. Also, for anyone who has already…
  • or just go to
  • I'm getting more and more excited about it as the minutes pass. I'm ordering it as soon as I get home, since the website is blocked at work! BOO!
  • I am sitting in my cubicle laughing histarically at this thread, holy bananas! I just started "trolling" the forums yesterday, so far this is what I learned (most of this come from one post many of you have already referenced): -Not wearing make up to the gym makes you a beast -Wearing a loose fitting shirt and "probably…
  • I'm training for a marathon! I was training for the Nashville Rock and Roll, but I won't be able to go since the Navy has decided I'm going to Japan, so I'm going to continue on my training plan, then move into the 50 mil training plan and hopefully find a marathon in Japan in the fall I can run.
  • My advice would be to focus on completing the event for the first time and not worrying about placing or winning. Be happy with your accomplishment and focus on your own PR which will get better the more you train. You need to be able to run the distance first, before you work on speed. Once you are comfortable with the…
  • I have a body media armband. I love it! It's the most acurate way to track how many calories you are actually burning during the day. You may be burning less or more calories during your exercise than what it shows on here. Which, if you are a person that eats your exercise calories back, could hinder your weight loss.I…
  • I'm 4'11" and my goal weight is 115. I've got 15lbs left to lose. Feel free to add me :)