toning, bulking, thin privilege, ignorant, judgy, fat acceptance, thin/fat shaming. These words just get tossed around too much.
That's David tenant from Doctor Who!:smile:
I'm the type of person that doesn't really think before speaking and I just say the first thing that comes to mind so yes i've told family and friends that they've gained weight.
I wouldn't recommend freezing it b/c that generally makes it taste weird. You can always put it in the fridge to keep it cool for tomorrow or sometime that week nothings better that cold Chinese!!
Um i'm 5'9 and 140 so we're closish. Your closer to my twin she was 210 but she lost 10 pounds and is 200.
Nice beard
No unless she's into girls.
Married at first sight.
I've been craving a lot of cheese ever since I started playing. Maybe because I carry so much at a time.
I do something similar except I make up episodes of my favorite shows. Like i'll see the walking dead put my own characters in it with the original cast and go. That passes the time real quickly.
Run faster! That would freak me out and make me not want to run. Maybe go a different way or at different times?
Just buy a big bag of rice and it can last you weeks. With rice you can make anything from deserts to entrees just buy adding a few cheap ingredients. We were raised in a family of 4 with a budget of $100 a month on groceries (because we realized that allowed us to get the essentials and not junk). There's a site called…
You can definitely live off of $100 dollars a week. I'm a college student too and me and my sister only spend $20 for 1.5 weeks of groceries most weeks $20 dollars can last us for 2 weeks and i'm never hungry going to bed. Though since i'm a light eater she gets most of that!. My tip would to not buy any junk food if you…
Grab just so I could get that biking gear.
That confidence
Not but that ostrich is so cute!
looks approachable
In for answers too. I've never had a big stomach and always had abs and defined obliques even when I wasn't working out, but i've never been overweight or anything over a 6 so I guess it's different. However, from what i've heard eating healthy food and having a low sodium intake does help.
I'll go where this petition leads me. So i'll support.
I can't stand seeing one spider let alone seeing multiples. I would've run a lonnnnnnggggggggg time ago. My sister still has to come and save me when I see a bug. If you can capture one and get proof that it is indeed a brown recluse you and your landlord still does nothing but spray you can probably sue or get outta your…
I might not be a guy but I watch it and I also can't wait for Juan Pablo's season! I'm in the situation as you my mom watched it so I just started watching it. Which has lead me to watching soooo many seasons. It doesn't make you any less masculine if you watch it. Watching just means you have the right combo of…
This is a no can do for me. I love candy!!
Just got in my friend code is VV9J4CRQP! 4 uses left!
If anyone else wants to get a code - SAGARD7PP [/quote] Didn't think it would work but it did THANKS!!!:love: