

  • As the child of people who should have divorced and didn't "because of the children," I say don't use that as a reason to stay married. Your kids can tell things aren't right. They'll be better off with a happy single mom than a bitter, unhappily married mom.
  • At your height and weight, you are borderline underweight - losing any more would be dangerous for you. Your post makes it sound like you have an unhealthy relationship with food (fear of calories, etc), and like you have trouble seeing your own body accurately. Honestly that worries me - those could be the symptoms of an…
  • What size you are is partly how much you weigh... but a lot of it is just how your body is shaped. For example, I have big shoulders and hips. That's in my bones, it'll never change, but it means there are some styles and sizes that just don't work on my body. Work on making yourself the best you can be. Then look for a…
  • Thanks for sharing, yor change is incredible. All that hard work definitely shows!
  • Yeah, I have a problem with thighs too. If pants fit my legs they're 2 sizes too big at the waist. And it just gets worse the fitter I get - fat comes off my waist but the muscle stays on my thighs. As others have suggested, try a "curvy" style. They come in more at the waist. I'm a size 18 in regular jeans but 16 in most…
  • Yeah there's something wrong with you: you have Early Age Thinking Syndrome (EATS). It's a serious condition where young people start using their brains too early in life. EATS can have terrible consequences such as questioning your elders, not jumping off bridges when everyone else does, and making informed decisions. I…
  • Better to do it slow than to do it twice :)
  • Obesity carries health risks, true. I rarely hear anyone argue otherwise. BUT: 1. You can't tell someone's health by looking at them, or by a number on the scale. I am obese, but according to every test they can do I'm off-the-charts healthy - whereas my normal weight roommate has loads of chronic health problems. 2. Their…
  • Wow, what a difference!
  • Try finishing each workout with 15 minutes of light cardio like jogging. I find that helps cut down on soreness. The day after your workout, no matter how sore you are, do some light or moderate exercise for about 20 minutes to thoroughly warm up and then do some stretches. Start out with 2 rest days (where you do light…
  • I'm 5'8, 194 pounds. Waist: 34 Hips: 44 Bust: 43 You might just have wide hip bones. Everyone's body is shaped a little different - I have really big shoulders and hips, no matter how trim my waist gets my hips never go below about 40"
  • Well, I'm 23 and haven't started dating yet. So you're not the only one :)
  • Being overweight is hard on your knees 24/7. Running is very hard on your knees while you're running. Running while overweight is exponentially more wear and tear on the joints. Maybe you could find a lower impact activity? Bicycling, swimming, hiking, etc are all much easier on your knees.
  • My weight can change several pounds from one day to the other just from water retention, using the restroom, etc. Wait a few weeks and see if it evens out.
  • A while ago I checked my BMI and realized I was obese. That was kind of a surprise... especially since I'm so healthy. My blood pressure is great, resting heart rate is awesome, I even had my VO2 max measured for a school project and I was literally off-the-charts healthy. But both my mom and dad are obese and have all…
  • Two words: Thrift. Store. Buying new pants isn't a big investment when you're paying $5 each.
  • It might be you... or it might be the bike. Here's a few things that might make your next ride easier: 1) pump the tires up! There's a pressure range printed on the side of your tires, inflate them to the maximum pressure rating. 2) Make sure your brakes don't rub on the wheels. Spin each wheel slowly and watch the brake…
  • I don't have any advice, but wanted to offer encouragement. I really admire your faith and commitment :)
  • Vegitarian diet will not help you lose weight. It won't hurt your progress either. You might get some benefit from it just because cooking vegetarian will force you to think a little more about what you're eating. However, I don't think it's a good idea to start a completely new diet just to lose weight if you aren't going…
  • You have to eat more than you burn to gain weight. Running increases how many calories you need - you don't have to stop running as long as you can eat enough to make up the deficit. Could you add in more healthy, calorie-dense foods like nuts and cheese? Dairy will be really good too because as young women we need LOTS of…
  • Don't go every day! At least not at first. Start with something you'll have an easier time sticking to, maybe 2-3x per week. Anything is better than nothing, so just do what you can :) Pick a class you think sounds most fun. Then make yourself go at least one month before giving up. If you hate it after a month then try…
  • What counts as "too much"? The point where you get injuries? Enough that you stop seeing improvements? Enough that you have no time for hobbies? Everybody will have their own definition. The most I ever exercised was back in high school. I was on the cross country team, got around on a bicycle, and my hobbies were dance…
  • I don't bloat a ton, but I can't lose weight for the week before and during my cycle. Then right after I'll drop about 2 pounds.
  • 1) 22 2) 5'8 3) 194 4) Not a lot of workout-type excercise, but a LOT of activity. I walk and bicycle everywhere, and have a job that involves some heavy labor. 5) Between 2200 and 3000, depending on that day's activity 6) Work activity into your daily life. During the school year I burn a solid 500 calories a day just on…
  • Advice depends on what kind of mobility issues she has. If it's trouble walking/standing, how about seated aerobics or a water fitness class?
  • Could it be http://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness? They have a beginner program and progressions under the FAQ section.
  • Eh, I just shrug and deal with it. Part of my commute is through a marsh, so you can imagine the bugs I deal with. But having something on my face is even more irritation. I say go for a bandana or very light scarf. That way you can turn it into an accessory when you're off the bike and not stick out. And sunglasses are…
  • Haha, I am not offended by "tasty animals," even if I don't agree! Personally I love me some legumes :) It is definitely possible to lose weight with a balanced, low-calorie vegetarian diet. Switching to a vegetarian diet will not automatically help you lose weight, but it might be helpful for you if most of your calories…
  • MFP doesn't include exercise calories in its calculations. Basically, it doesn't project weight loss based on TDEE. Doesn't mean your calculations are wrong! It's just that MFP assumes you're doing something different, so what it predicts for weight loss may not be accurate for your method.
  • Got another one for you: Just because some people get health problems from a food source doesn't mean no one should eat it. Someone who is not lactose intolerant will benefit from the protein and vitamins in milk, people who don't have gluten sensitivities can get important nutrients from wheat, etc.