"Too skinny", but I don't see it. Help?

Everyone around me says I'm a little too skinny (5'4 110 pounds) after losing almost 10 pounds in a year. The thing is, I'm still unhappy with my body and I can't even digest the fact that I may have to up my calories. I don't see "skinny" in the mirror. I see average with a bit of pudge. I lift weights twice a week for several months now, and I see no changes either. I'm too scared to eat more than maintenance because it makes feel like I will lose control and gain weight. I feel like I have an eating disorder sometimes, but at the same time I don't. I'm obsessed with calories and food so much that I can't eat out with friends. They all think I'm weird or something, but I would never eat below 1200 or purge. I think it's completely wrong. I just don't know what to do or when I'll be happy with myself. Any advice?


  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    If you fear living your life then you may have an issue.

    ETA If you lose anymore you will be underweight.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I lift weights twice a week for several months now, and I see no changes either.

    Do you increase the amount of weight you lift regularly? And when you say lifting weights...do you mean pink 2lb dumbbells or heavy weights?
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Your post indicates control issues, the possibility of body dismorphia, and an admission of obsession ... all indicators of a problem.
  • lcangelini
    lcangelini Posts: 33 Member
    Just by your measurements alone you are borderline underweight. Try slowly increasing for a couple weeks then checking your weight again if you want to weigh more. Find an amount of calories to eat that works for you. Also, you need to eat more in order to build muscle significantly.
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    If you're not comfortable in your own skin, there might be an issue. Screw what everyone else says about being "too skinny", are you healthy? What's your body fat percentage? And clearly you're unhappy, there's some issues here, but I think maybe more mental than anything. I'd find someone to talk to about it, see if that helps.
  • Loralrose
    Loralrose Posts: 203
    At your height and weight, you are borderline underweight - losing any more would be dangerous for you. Your post makes it sound like you have an unhealthy relationship with food (fear of calories, etc), and like you have trouble seeing your own body accurately. Honestly that worries me - those could be the symptoms of an eating disorder. Have you considered talking to a professional about this?
  • freddi11e
    freddi11e Posts: 317 Member
    90% of girls have an eating disorder. lots of people who go from fat to skinny develop eating disorders. I looked at your diary, and it looks great. and 10 pounds in a year.... that sounds like me lol i feel like i'm the only one on the planet who takes 6 months to lose 5 pounds. 110 is a healthy weight for someone that is 5'4. you may never like the person you see in the mirror, but that is a mental/psyhological issue you may need help with. What you see in the mirror may not reflect what you truely look like to other people.

    "If only you could see yourself the way other people do..."

    Just keep eating healthy... you seem to eat a little over 1600 a day... nothing wrong with that at all. at keep up the strength training.
  • fificrazy
    fificrazy Posts: 234
    90% of girls have an eating disorder. lots of people who go from fat to skinny develop eating disorders. I looked at your diary, and it looks great. and 10 pounds in a year.... that sounds like me lol i feel like i'm the only one on the planet who takes 6 months to lose 5 pounds. 110 is a healthy weight for someone that is 5'4. you may never like the person you see in the mirror, but that is a mental/psyhological issue you may need help with. What you see in the mirror may not reflect what you truely look like to other people.

    "If only you could see yourself the way other people do..."

    Just keep eating healthy... you seem to eat a little over 1600 a day... nothing wrong with that at all. at keep up the strength training.

    She SHOULD be able to maintain on closer to 2,500 if this weight actually suits her genetically. Not only that, but upping one's caloric intake when you're experiencing disordered thoughts can actually RELIEVE these thoughts- as it takes yours brain out of starvation made, levels out the body's hormones and helps makes the physical repairs (restriction can cause loss of brain mass, providing your body with nourishment is the only way to reverse this) so you can think properly again.