Prom Dresses and Single Digit Size Dreams

Hello there everybody. My name is Katie and as of fall I will be a senior in high school. I know its a bit early as prom season isnt usually until March to May, however I have been looking at prom dresses and I found one that looked exactly like one from my dreams. The only problem is the size. I currently wear a size 18 as far as pants and usually an X-large for shirts. (I dont actually know my dress size :blushing: ) my measurements right now are 36, 40, 44. The dress is beautiful. See for yourself:
The only problem is the largest size this dress comes in is a 6. I currently weigh 190 and would love to know if there is any way I would be able to fit into this dress by around April. Also, any additional weight loss tips would be appreciated. Thanks guys. :smile:


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Possibly. But I think your safest bet would be to do your best until Prom Season and then try on dresses in the store to find the style that is most flattering for whatever size you are - be it this dress or something else.
  • db34fit69
    db34fit69 Posts: 189 Member
    Don't set your goals on some event. This is setting you up for big disappointment in case you don't fit into the size 6 at the end. Continue your journey, eat well, work out a lot, and be confident that you'll definitely fit into a slimmer dress than you do now!
  • lcangelini
    lcangelini Posts: 33 Member
    How tall are you? I'm a size 6 at 5' 4" and 138lbs. If you're around my height you'd have to lose ~50lbs in 10 months which would be around a 1lb loss a week which is totally doable! Although I agree with everyone else that you should wait to actually try on dresses in the store. Not only is it a lot more fun but you never know which styles will look the best on you. Good luck! :)
  • TiffieLand
    TiffieLand Posts: 159
    That site doesn't looks very legit either as in the quality of the dress you are going to get probably not the same as the picture. My friend brought a dress online, supposedly very dress from the picture but turned out so ugly and not the same when she got them. It's really best to try in store.
  • katiepaulson1997
    I'm about 5"3'. Honestly if I could actually lose 1 pound a week it would be great..this week I netted between 1300-1600 calories a day doing (so far) 114 minutes of cardio and I somehow managed to gain another pound. Frustrating..
  • Alicue21
    Alicue21 Posts: 14 Member
    You can totally do it. Be sure to read information on this site as well as elsewhere about your BMR and your TDEE. Set your caloric intake appropriately and exercise some - it will make you feel better and get you to the goal quicker.

    I have a muscle disease that almost makes it impossible for me to workout but I do (a little) and I lost over 70 lbs over a few years. I was younger then and your youth actually makes it easier to lose weight. My weight loss was also slower because I never thought I could lose the weight - but I did! You can too.

    My key things were 1) know what calories you're eating AND drinking; 2) drink lots of water (at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces per day) - staying hydrated will go a long way to prevent that "hunger" feeling; and 3) don't deny yourself anything, just eat it in moderation. That last item will keep you from feeling like you're depriving yourself which people often feel when "dieting". It not about being on a diet, it's about being healthy. So if you want that cookie, have a 1/4 to a half. Save the rest for later or share with a friend. It's all about your mind set. Don't think about what you can't eat, think about the possibilities of all the yummy things you can.

    Most of all, believe you can do it and have the will to do it. Don't buy a fad diet or a quick fix - there isn't one. If you do it right, it won't feel like you did any "work."
  • OkamiLavande
    OkamiLavande Posts: 336 Member
    No matter your size, you can find a prom dress. Another great website to look at is Unique Vintage Prom. It's not strictly vintage looking clothing. They have some truly beautiful and classy looking prom dresses of every style you could dream of in a wide range of colors. They even do plus sizes in the style you want. That's where I got my wedding dress and they are really good with customer service.

    However, if you set small goals and work towards them little by little, there's no telling what you can accomplish in under a year.
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    Your best best is to exercise and eat at a deficit and you may get there, but wouldn't it feel good to actually go into a few stores post weight loss and try them all on, since due to different body types, even if you're small-ish it may still not look good on you. For instance I am a solid size 4, but I can wear nothing A-line or strapless bc of my boob size, so I kind of have an idea of styles that will flatter my figure, but you ultimately do not want to get your heart set on certain style but get a dress that will flatter and accentuate your figure/body type.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    Very pretty dress. My mom advise is to stick with mfp until prom time then try on dresses at a store where you actually see the dress. Online clothes are airbrushed and likely look a bit different. You will be able to find a similar dress at most stores cuz that's the style right now.
    Goox luck
  • katiepaulson1997
    You can totally do it. Be sure to read information on this site as well as elsewhere about your BMR and your TDEE. Set your caloric intake appropriately and exercise some - it will make you feel better and get you to the goal quicker.

    I have a muscle disease that almost makes it impossible for me to workout but I do (a little) and I lost over 70 lbs over a few years. I was younger then and your youth actually makes it easier to lose weight. My weight loss was also slower because I never though I could lose the weight - but I did! You can too.

    My key things were 1) know what calories you're eating AND drinking; 2) drink lots of water (at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces per day) - staying hydrated will go a long way to prevent that "hunger" feeling; and 3) don't deny yourself anything, just eat it in moderation. That last item will keep you from feeling like you're depriving yourself which people often feel when "dieting". It not about being on a diet, it's about being healthy. So if you want that cookie, have a 1/4 to a half. Save the rest for later or share with a friend. It's all about your mind set. Don't think about what you can't eat, think about the possibilities of all the yummy things you can.

    Most of all, believe you can do it and have the will to do it. Don't buy a fad diet or a quick fix - there isn't one. If you do it right, it won't feel like you did any "work."

    I have been doing plenty of cardio. At least 20 minutes 3-5 times a week. According to that website you provided my BMR is about 1697 and my net calories have been usually between 1300-1550 so I think Im good there and my TDEE is around 2200 so I think Im good on all that. Anyway thanks for your encouragement.
  • a2choudh
    a2choudh Posts: 1
    I've been in this exact same situation, and I have some practical advice for you.

    First, from what I understand, you want to optimize the following:

    1. Get the dress of your dreams in a size that fits
    2. Lose weight

    These two objectives are related, of course, but as it stands they are NOT dependent on each other.

    My advice:

    1. Forget about the dress for 7 months, focus on your health

    2. At 3 months before the prom, take your measurements and go to a website like dhgate - this is where I ordered my dress. It's a chinese website, a cross between amazon and alibaba, where thousands of sellers offer hundreds of thousands of dresses. Actually, many of these sellers actually make the clothing that ends up in retail stores in North America. I found a seller that was offering dresses similar to the one I wanted. I sent them a picture and my measurements, and about 40 days later I got a package in the mail with my dream dress. It cost me $110 in total, with shipping and customs. And just FYI, there is no such thing as copyright infringement in fashion -- this is why the designers LV, D&G etc. plaster their logo on purses and whatnot, because copying their trademark logo is violation, but the actual design of the item can be used by anyone. Fashion cannot, by US and International copyright law, be patented or copyright or otherwise treated as intellectual property).

    3. 2 weeks before prom, measure yourself again, and if needed, just to to a local seamstress and have some of the seams made smaller. From what I can see of the dress, you may need the top taken in a bit if you lose a significant amount of weight in the 2.5 months since you ordered the dress, but it's all very dependent on how *your* body changes. A seamstress/tailor will charge about $25 - $50 for this service. Mine charged me $10, but my dress had shoulder straps, so it just needed the sides taken in.

    As the folks above said, losing weight for a specific event has a number of issues, positive and negative. On the one hand, you want to use it as motivation which has the possibility of working out *very* well for you in the end. On the other hand, from a pragmatic perspective, you do not want to sacrifice your dream dress and your dream prom in case things don't work out -- especially if you're still a teenager, your body and hormones are still in flux which does have a not insignificant effect on weight loss. It will be a HUGE accomplishment if you drop to, say, a size 8 by prom - but the dress you've linked goes to size 6--you don't want to undermine your accomplishment, or feel bad about yourself.

    TL;DR: weight has nothing to do with getting your dream dress -- dream dress can be ordered in any size. Lose weight because it will lead to better health and a better life, not for a target event. And even if you lose no weight at all, wear the dress of your dreams. It's worth it.
  • Loralrose
    Loralrose Posts: 203
    What size you are is partly how much you weigh... but a lot of it is just how your body is shaped. For example, I have big shoulders and hips. That's in my bones, it'll never change, but it means there are some styles and sizes that just don't work on my body.

    Work on making yourself the best you can be. Then look for a dress that shows off your personal awesomeness. Don't do it the other way around - don't get a pretty dress and try to force yourself to fit it.
  • manicautumn
    manicautumn Posts: 224 Member
    I hate to say it, but losing weight doesn't guarantee that a certain piece of clothing will look good on you. Bookmark it and keep it as motivation and reevaluate closer to the time.

    I was 115 and 5'0 when I graduated and I couldn't pull off the dresses that some of my peers were because I was too curvy even at a lower weight.

    Use it for reference and go try things on in shops. It can be good motivation, but don't ruin your senior year by crash dieting and obsessing over fitting a certain dress. You'll be beautiful at prom regardless of the size your dress is.