Shrinking size - should I buy new clothes for temporary use?

Hi All,

I'd like to know your opinion about the following...I've lost 25-30 lbs in the past few months but I am not even close to my goal (50 lbs more to go). I have become kind of demotivated to hit the gym and go to other public places because I have clothes in bigger and smaller sizes than my current size but I keep on telling myself this is a temporary period so I shouldn't invest in clothing in this size. The smaller sizes are not even close to fitting me. I have bought some new clothes but very few since I already have such a huge closet with clothes that don't even fit.

Does it frustrate you if your gym clothes don't fit you so well? I have some that are huge on me while some of them look like I had a baby's shirt on. I feel completely ridiculous in them but I can't buy clothes every month. Should I buy some again, even if it's temporary? Maybe this is sabotaging my exercise routine a little bit...I'd like to know about your personal experiences.


  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Thrift stores are your friends. I have found some decent gym clothes here and there, too. I draw the line at tennis shoes unless they still have a tag, and I don't buy bras or underwear used, but everything else is fair game.
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    it get expensive but yes, get used to it until you hit goal. I started in a 4xl shirt and size 54 pants... I had to go out almost monthly and get smaller clothes. Now im in a XL and size 36 pants and will have to go out this fall and get all new winter clothes.
  • Bess_74
    Bess_74 Posts: 68
    It is important to feel comfortable in your clothes! If you have lost a size or two, buy that size and get rid of the too big stuff, BUT buy it USED. Check out thrift stores and yard sales in your area or start a clothing exchange on facebook.
  • Loralrose
    Loralrose Posts: 203
    Two words: Thrift. Store.

    Buying new pants isn't a big investment when you're paying $5 each.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Thrift stores are your friends. I have found some decent gym clothes here and there, too. I draw the line at tennis shoes unless they still have a tag, and I don't buy bras or underwear used, but everything else is fair game.

    I totally agree with this.

    I definitely think it's a bad idea to buy a whole new wardrobe for every size you go down (unless you have tons of extra funds) but especially for workout wear you need to feel good, comfort wise, and I do think it's very demotivating to wear workout clothes that are baggy...almost WORSE than wearing workout clothes that are too small.

    Get minimal "for now" 1 pair of pants/shorts and 1-2 inexpensive tops that fit you well now.
  • PCOS_No_More
    I wonder if I should get rid of all the clothes that are too big. A relative said I should keep them since "you never know when you get that big again". I am a cheapskate, I don't throw away clothes...I have donated plenty of them but still have a lot left just hanging in my closet. I hate it though because I am not sure if it is healthy to think one day I will be that big again. I do know it could happen, it has happened before that I gained the weight back.
  • PCOS_No_More
    I may be setting myself up for failure by keeping them?
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Just buy a few things. You don't have to get an entire wardrobe. You'd be surprised at how much better you feel about yourself when you have clothes that fit you the way they're supposed to fit.
  • DBoone85
    DBoone85 Posts: 916 Member
    If you look good and feel good in your clothes, everything else that you do will be better and you will be more motivated. bite the bullet and get some stuff that you like, and that fits.
  • Fatandfifty3
    Fatandfifty3 Posts: 419 Member
    2.Don't let that relative drip poison in your ear! Resolve never to go back up there! (Ok. 2a.Keep some clothes that are a little roomy for 'fat days' but chuck the rest in the charity stores direction.)
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    Declutter your closet. Box up all the too big clothes and donate or sell them.

    Then yes buy some clothes that fit you.

    First hit thrift stores and ebay/craigslist for smaller clothes to save money.

    I wouldnt go out and spend 100$ on a pair of jeans ya know but yea get some in between clothes because who knows how long it will take sometimes weight loss stalls and in the meantime you want to feel confident the way you are right now.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I donate my clothes as they get too big, I keep a hamper next to the dryer so I can put them right in there, once it's full I drop it off.

    As for clothes while losing what I did was every size I dropped I bought one decent fitting pair of jeans and top (not top end but something that I felt great in) the rest I would go to the wealthier areas and hit their thrift stores and fill in my wardrobe with that. Have gotten some great clothes there with tags still on them for a couple dollars.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Oh for goodness sake, of course get clothes that fit you ........ who wants to look like they're wearing clown clothes ......

    Great ideas here for inexpensive clothing ....... donate yours & find replacements ....... just do it !

    And congrats on losing weight :drinker:
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Buy some basic pieces in neutral colors that you can accessorize! Go to Pinterest and look up something like "6 piece wardrobe" or "wear one item multiple ways."

    As for workout clothes, off price stores such as Ross, Marshall's, and TJ Maxx are really great.
  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member
    Yep like the others said, thrift stores.

    I've lost enough to be down two pant sizes so I actually hit up the Goodwill myself today (finally!) and ended up buying 5 pairs of pants and about 8 tank tops/t-shirts. Was all about $5 a piece.

    I've got about 20+ pounds left to lose so I didn't want to waste money on going to a regular store because I'll be getting rid of this stuff eventually.

    OP if you invest in some workout pants with drawstring waist you'll be able to use those forever even if they get really baggy (it's actually motivating when they get super baggy for me anyhow lol).
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    I think that when you feel good about yourself that it is a motivator to feel even better about yourself. I'd invest in a few outfits that fit now. Shirts/tops are easier to wear when they are a couple sizes too big than pants are. Belts, scarves, anything that you can cinch in the too big is your friend. My best advice - if you don't feel good in it - toss it (or give it to charity if it's in good shape)!

    Congrats on the weight loss so far - and best of luck in the future!
  • plumsparkle
    plumsparkle Posts: 203 Member
    Ebay!! Sell the clothes that are way too big and use the money to buy stuff off there that fits. I've practically replaced my whole wardrobe and it is a good way to try out different styles on your new body shape. If you don't like something, sell it on! I personally think that keeping your old larger sizes is admitting to yourself that your weight loss is just a temporary thing. Getting rid of them says you are committed to your journey!
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    2.Don't let that relative drip poison in your ear! Resolve never to go back up there! (Ok. 2a.Keep some clothes that are a little roomy for 'fat days' but chuck the rest in the charity stores direction.)

    2. for sure. Never tried to find clothes on ebay. Might now, though!
  • PCOS_No_More
    You all have so many good things to say. I tend to be so cheap when it comes to myself. I guess that does give a bad impression to other people. I don't want that so I will do what you guys just said. :)