Your girlfriend sounds ridiculously controlling. DO NOT MARRY HER! you've been warned. My husband is very athletic, and goes to the gym. I like that we both set a good example to our children when it comes to fitness. With that said I do not care or pay attention to what he eats or drinks. Aint nobody got time for that!
1300 isn't enough for anyone NOT exercising. You are doing insanity, you should probably be closer to 1600-1800
12 LBS in 1 week? Your scale is broke. Why are you only eating 1000 calories a day??? I am 5'2 and female and I am eating 1600 a day and losing!
at 5'3 you should be eating more than 1300 calories. Do lunges and squats, with heavy weights. Eat more. You're welcome.
Aw hun we eat the same things and our family of 4 are all within healthy weight ranges. We are picky eaters and eat typical american diets. We get take out about 1 or 2 times a week. Tacos, lasagna, hot dogs, french fries etc. I make sure we dont drink our calories (except the kids do get milk in the morning and with their…
dont log it.
on your second post, you were the "other woman" be glad the worst thing she called you was fat.
He called her disgusting. She is 5'3 and 145lbs. Are you crazy?
I like the curvy style from Gap. They are the only jeans I will wear.
working out at home helped me with this. Start by telling yourself that today you will just do 10 minutes. You will most likely do much more once you get started but promise yourself 10 minutes.
I think its great that you are more active but walking 1 mile a day and doing the squat challenge is not something your body will need rest from. You will be fine.
I think so much of it has to do with maturity. Most of the men I know didn't really mature until their very late 20's early 30's.
5'2 152lbs I eat 1550 calories a day, I lift 3 days a week, and do cardio 3 days a week. I also do abs 2 days a week.
Big difference in prepared and unprepared popcorn. Kernels anyone?
My kids get recess but it is considered "free play" they can basically sit there if they wanted to. The mandated time is set up so the kids are physically doing something (like gym) - let me rephrase that, my kids get recess IF it's nice outside...which in Buffalo is about 2 months of the school year.