

  • Hey Debbie, Sounds like your doing it the right way. Slow and steady wins the race. If you feel like your 'Stuck' try changing things up, a different exercise or different calories, or more water. Good for you to make the choice to be healthy and truly commit. Keep doing what your doing and eventually the scale will…
  • Remember to count your drink calories, there are tons of calories in cappuccinos hot chocolate and coffee if you add sugar, and if you are drinking caffeine you have to drink extra water because it can dehydrate you. Salt/sodium can make you retain water so make sure your drinking enough. ( Your body weight 175lbs divided…
  • Here is a great RAW website it has tons of information, blogs and recipes if your interested. Enjoy your RAW day
  • Hey Molly, Everyone loses different, If your averaging 3 lbs and that feels good to you then it's okay. I only worry about when you stop that's its a bit easier to come back on. Also sometimes when your bigger you can drop the weight a bit easier than when your smaller, so this might continue for a bit and then level off…
  • I found a recipe book that is 5 ingredients or less, I can not believe how many things you can make that are so simple and sounds so good. I got it at Chapters on Clearance for 10$ or check out She has a great show and makes all kinds of great thing that look amazing…
  • I know a lot of people that go to the mall before the stores open, Tims is usually open they walk up and down the mall and grab a coffee. It's warm because it's inside and big enough to move around. My aunt and uncle do it everyday and have made it a social thing. Good luck
  • Try it for a few days and see how you react, everyone is different, I take mine in the morning so it is on an empty stomach and that is when I can remember to take them. Worse thing that will happen is a little less sleep. But that might only last a few days. Good luck
  • I know how hard it is to cut sugar, I truly believe it's one of the worlds biggest addiction. If you check out she has written a e-book "7 day sugar free diet" it's more of a lifestyle thing and she has tons of other information on her website. You need some sugar in your diet, natural sugars found…
  • Congrats on joining this site. I am new and enjoying all the people and resources Good luck on your quest to a healthy you.
  • Hey there, I personally have done this, I lost a bunch of weight and didn't have room for clothes that fit me and clothes that didn't (either to big or to small) I went through everything when I maintained for a while and got rid of clothes left right and center. Well I stopped eating right and got off track and put the…
  • Jack Lalane juicer has a facebook group with recipes on it. I always add ice to my juice it makes it taste better. Soft fruit is best to blend in with a blender (i.e. bananas) When you juice switch between 'soft' and 'hard' fruits and veggies, such as apple, spinach, carrot or whatever you want to add. Fruit sweetens the…
  • Hey JRM29, I am also new to this site, I have been yo-yoing for the past several years. I am really loving the tools on this site and am encouraged by everyone here, it's nice to meet like minded people. Keep up the good work I know how hard it is to get it off and keep it off. But arming yourself with information and…