new and ready to get back on track

I successfully lost 50 lbs on WW 3years ago and kept all of it off till this last year. I have slowly gained some back not to mention the rest of what I intended to loose. I AM BACK! I am trying MFP before I pay again at ww. Wish me luck Im here to stay. :sad:


  • jeneil4
    Congrats on joining this site. I am new and enjoying all the people and resources Good luck on your quest to a healthy you.
  • mssugarca
    I also lost 50lbs with WW however I didnt keep it off and I have been struggiling with them every since. I recently joined this site and already have shed some LBS. Im super excited and motivated with this site, something I lost with WW about two years ago and was desperatley trying to get back. This site is awesome. It even has a recipe builder and a way more intensive food library. It rocks. :)