
I know we are suppose to hit a target of 1/2-2lbs a week. I've been averaging 3lbs. Is that okay considering I have a lot more to lose? I've got more than 100lbs I wanna see leave me and I figure it'll slow down soon (I've been doing this since the start of January and have lost 20.7lbs)


  • jeneil4
    Hey Molly,

    Everyone loses different, If your averaging 3 lbs and that feels good to you then it's okay. I only worry about when you stop that's its a bit easier to come back on.

    Also sometimes when your bigger you can drop the weight a bit easier than when your smaller, so this might continue for a bit and then level off at 1 or 2 lbs a week, just don't get discouraged by this. You are doing amazing so far so keep it up!!!!

    Well done:wink:
  • docturtle
    docturtle Posts: 156 Member
    Good for you! Yes, keep doing what you are doing! I often lost 3 pounds in a week too and after a while, it seems to level off. Keep with it though! I lost 8 pounds in my first 4 weeks, which was my goal for the entire summer, so I took a week off to see if I could handle it on my own and I gained 4 pounds back in a week! Now I stay on to try to maintain.