Cutting Sugar

How can I cut as much sugar as I can from my diet...and no end up craving sweet things. I thought I was doing rather well with my diet...then added the sugar tab and I go over it every day....and I'm not even eating sweets and junk. I though yogurts were supposed to be good for you haha


  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    Not all yogurts are good for you...some are loaded with crap. Sugar is a hard one for me because I eat lots of fruit.
  • LD6686
    LD6686 Posts: 77 Member
    Yeah, I have been eating the muller corner greek yogurts. I didn't think of my sugar in take until I was reading about it being the key factor to fat burning. I eat fruit and veg every day. I just dunno what to cut out. I've stopped eating the yogurt as of today.
  • LessBrian
    I eat Chobani greek yogurt. It has fruit in it so there is sugar, but I think the key is to make sure that the product is free from added sugar. The natural sugar in fruit is okay in my book. I also love chocolate so that's my biggest vice and one that I'm not giving up any time soon so I try to make sure I only eat it when I know I'm going to exercise that day.
  • Adsnwfld
    Adsnwfld Posts: 262 Member
    Become a food detective, you will have to read every label, sugar is hidden everywhere. To cut the cravings go for natural sugars found in fruit. Many "healthy foods" add sugar.
    While sugar adds calories, sugar substitutes are not the way to go either. Try to find some foods low in added sugar, no corn syrup etc.
  • jeneil4
    I know how hard it is to cut sugar, I truly believe it's one of the worlds biggest addiction. If you check out she has written a e-book "7 day sugar free diet" it's more of a lifestyle thing and she has tons of other information on her website.

    You need some sugar in your diet, natural sugars found in fruit is okay, but really any processed food or pre-made food has hidden everything.

    Good luck on your journey
  • LD6686
    LD6686 Posts: 77 Member
    The problem I spotted with MFP is that it adds both fructose and glucose under the same heading of "sugar"'s the glucose that needs to be cut down. I know I need some sugar, but MFP is only allowing me 24g of "sugar a day"...well a banana has 21g...but I would count the sugar in bananas as good sugar. I don't eat chocolate anymore tbh. The only things I eat that can be classed as sweets are the yogurt and fruit. I always try to avoid food with added salt, sugar etc.
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    I don't know how you will react as far as cravings go, but I can tell you something that works for me.

    I know it sounds CRAZY, and I have posted this before. When I crave sweets I eat a couple of radishes. I know, CRAZY. There is something about the crunch and the strong flavor that satisfies me. Of course I love all veggies.

    PS> stay away from maltodextrin
  • CocoRenee
    When I was younger and trying to break into the modelling industry, an agent recommended magnesium supplements. They worked a treat for me at the time. This thread reminded me of it because I also have an awful sweet-tooth. I've had a wee scout about the web and most of what I've found echoes the agent's advice. Sugar cravings can apparently be a result of low magnesium levels - which is said to be why women suffer cravings around menstruation. hmmm... think I might need to go get a new bottle and see if it still works for me!


  • chuckanderson
    If you friend me you can check out my diary..... I'm not saying I eat perfect but it will at least give you some ideas :)
  • Mark_99
    Natural Yoghurt and then add honey to sweeten........... If you use Natural Yoghurt as a base then add your own fruit or honey you will guarantee that there is no ADDED sugar that you find in every other manufactured yoghurt. Try checkin out how to make your own yoghurt, it isnt hard at all and you can add your own fruit puree etc, Make it yourself = no added sugar :-)

    Hope it helps ENJOY.......