New to MyFitnessPal!

EricaH0487 Posts: 4
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone! My name is Erica and I'm new here! Well, I've been on the website for a couple weeks now. I can't believe I've never come across this before! I want to make new friends because I need a large support system! I've been trying to lose weight for a while now and I'm finally doing it. So far, I feel great! I've lost 7 pounds. I'd love to talk to some of you and get to know you better! I'm always for making new friends :)


  • jrm29
    jrm29 Posts: 39
    I only started a couple of weeks ago, too! I've only just started to really figure out the website and make use of the community aspect, but it's amazing how much of a difference a little encouragement from others makes! Good luck with your goals - you have some support right here :)
  • lisastrom
    lisastrom Posts: 108 Member
    Hi Erica,

    Feel free to add me. I'm on here every day. Love this site. It's the only way I've been able to lose. Here's to success!:drinker:
  • Hey JRM29, I am also new to this site, I have been yo-yoing for the past several years. I am really loving the tools on this site and am encouraged by everyone here, it's nice to meet like minded people. Keep up the good work I know how hard it is to get it off and keep it off. But arming yourself with information and friends to encourage you is the best thing you can do. Way to go!! for taking the first steps to a whole new you!

  • Hi Erica,
    I am Carolyn. I just joined a few days ago. I love being here and hope to make many friends. I sent you a friend request. Good job so far on your weight loss. I hope we can inspire each other to stick with this program. Have a great day!
  • I love not being the youngest person this site. Thanks you being the same age group, I feel like the only mid-twenty year old int he world and it's hard to be this young and overweight. I'm routing for you!
  • Hi Erica, I am new as well, I started 3 days ago, We can all support each other, I will send you a friends request
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