Too Soon?

So ok...I told myself for every 10 pounds I lose, I would thin out my closet...just a few pieces at a time until I get to my goal weight. You see over the last 13 years (including before kids) I have been between a size 8 through a tight 14 (I refused to buy anything larger, even though my mom would get me a few 16's). During each pregnancy (my kids are 8, 4, and 3), I would buy clothes that I said I would eventually work out to fit in, but never did (Well, before 3 year old was born I had lost 20 pounds for my sisters wedding, and then got pregnant). Since my 2011 commitment, and starting MFP, some of my 14's are getting loose on me (maybe because I stretched them out in the first place), some of the 12's are still snug. That being said, am I rushing it, by wanting to get rid of some of my baggy clothes? My smaller wardrobe is in the attick calling my name, and I told my husband this past December, that if I did not fit in my smaller sizesby spring/summer, that I was going to donate them.


  • mycrazyturtles
    Honey you can work yourself into them, Don't give them away unless your happy with where you are at. If your happy then give them away.
  • jeneil4
    Hey there,

    I personally have done this, I lost a bunch of weight and didn't have room for clothes that fit me and clothes that didn't (either to big or to small) I went through everything when I maintained for a while and got rid of clothes left right and center. Well I stopped eating right and got off track and put the weight back on and had to buy new clothes. So from what I have learned this is my suggestions.

    Keep two outfits (approx) two big pants one for slumming around the house and one for going out. and two shirts short sleeved and long sleeved or sweater that way if for whatever reason you revisit that size even for a week or two you have something to put on and think OMG I fit into this again and it will motivate you to not fit into it any more. (And you will have something to take a picture beside like they do in before and after pictures!!)

    See how the weight loss goes in the Spring Summer we get into spring cleaning mode. Go through your smaller clothes and think, Is this in the best shape ever?, if I was that size today would I wear it? Is is still appropriate for my job and age? Does it have marks on it or look old and worn? If you answer NO to any of those questions I think it would be safe to get rid of it. because it doesn't sound like you really like it. Which could be true for gifts or hey that's on sale it's okay etc.

    You need to do what is right for you at this time and if getting rid of big clothes is going to motivate you to keep it off then go for it, everyone is different!!!
  • maureak
    maureak Posts: 107 Member
    What has always worked for me was to try and get by with what I have, until belts no longer work, before getting new clothes. It can be frustrating to think you're ready for a smaller size and to find out you're not.

    One of the greatest NSV's for me (non-scale victory) was going shopping and being pleasantly surprised at having to try on a smaller size than I thought I was. At that point, I wasn't losing weight as quickly as I had in the beginning, but was getting firmer and was still losing inches.

    Having goals are a great motivator. Congratulations on your first 10 pounds!
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    I had held onto a few dresses and skirts that I loved wearing when I was smaller. I'm bigger now and now that my bones are reaching their adult shape (hello child-bearing hips) I most likely won't be that size again. I'm devastated that some of my favourite pieces are rendered useless. So I gave them to my much smaller sister who can and does enjoy them. I kept one or two pieces that have sentimental value.

    Unless you absolutely adore the piece (would wear it everyday if you could type love) then keep it. If not, donate it or give it to someone who would appreciate and love it as much as you have done. There's no point beating yourself up about this, if the coming months don't go to plan. When I did finally fit into a few pieces, I didn't want to wear them because they weren't my style any more. I did have to say goodbye to my favourite pair of jeans because there was just no way I was ever going to be that small again. I take comfort in the fact that they'll be somebody else's favourite jeans. Besides, nothing beats the thrill of going shopping for new clothes and buying them in a smaller size than what you're used to.
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    I don't think you're rushing it - you can always get out your stuff in the attic and see what fits. Clothes are all cut differently.
    Make sure you don't wear anything too tight though - that will not flatter you at all!