beccafertig Member


  • 1 pouch of instant oatmeal (plain/no sugar) 1/2 of a medium banana (apx 2 ounces) sliced VERY thinly 1/4 c frozen blueberries 1 tbsp finely chopped walnuts Prepare oatmeal in the microwave with water, not milk. While still very hot, stir in the sliced bananas and frozen blueberries. The hot oatmeal will cause the bananas…
  • Portion them out into freezer bags and freeze them.
  • I'll have to check out Catherines! I only do cacique when they have the "buy 2 get 2 free" sale.
  • Honestly? Invest in some high quality bras. I love cacique, sold at Lane Bryant. They are expensive, but worth every penny!
  • Oh how I'm thrilled to find you all! I'm working to drop 150 pounds in the next year, and thought I was the only one out here! This is such an encouragement!!!!!!
  • Agreed!
  • My thoughts exactly!!!
  • I've been doing slim fast for a little over a week, and I love it. I do the "mix it yourself" powdered shake mix so I can use organic fat free milk with it. I did not care for the slim fast snack/meal bars, so I tried Luna nutrition bars for women. The wrappers say they are 70% organic, and extremely nutritious. Out of the…
  • At my urging, my husband started taking some Glucoseamine chews I got for him at Walmart. He has horrible knees from years of wear and tear (He's 6'6", and 300 pounds). Just this morning, he said his knees have not been aching at all for the last two days. He started taking it regularly last Saturday.
  • Having a grey tone to your skin could be indicative of some poor oxygenation/cardiovascular issues...Probably don't want to hear this, but I would touch base with your doc and request some cardiopulmonary function testing.
  • WOOHOO! A SAHM group! I'm fixing to get on my bike and get a workout in before taking my DS to school this morning, so I'll be back later to properly introduce myself! :-)
  • I'm working through it right now. It's got 3 different levels. My game plan is to do level 1 for 30 days, then level 2 for 30 days, and finally level 3. I've heard several of my friends who have completed it that level 3 is insanely difficult! Also, Jillian Michaels workouts are notoriously hard on the knees, so make sure…
  • Oh wow, what CAN'T you put on a "shish"??? Favorites are mushrooms, green peppers, onions, zuccini and summer squash. Delish with some chicken added! I've found that if you want a great tasting glaze, use a jar of the pineapple ice cream sundae topping or some apricot preserves (sugar free if you like). That on a grill is…
  • Finished with day 4! Level 1 is getting easier, but I still wouldn't call it "easy". My muscles are still burning by the end, but they aren't aching next day like they did at the beginning! 26 more to go!!!
  • Slim in 6 doesn't require much space at all! You'll be good to go!
  • Welcome!!! There are lots of us out there that have 100+ pounds to lose. I'm shooting for 140 pounds.
  • I can't run either. WAY too hard on my knees. I have a stationary bike that I use every day. I started playing video games while I'm biking to pass the time, and it made a huge difference. I can't stand sitting there staring at the tv pedaling away...I need the interaction.
  • Red Bull really messed me up. I won't go near it. The first time I ever used 5 hour energy was on a long night-time road trip. It was sudden jolt of energy or anything like that. A few minutes after I took it, it felt like the fog lifted and everything was very clear. I was alert, and felt great. That's…
  • BUSY day today! I did my Slim in 6 workout and cardio on my bike. I'll be hitting the Shred after I get the kids in bed. Time to be hardcore!!! :-) 3 workouts today! YAY!
  • Have you tried the "Ezekiel" breads from Food for Life? They are a bit expensive at about $5.00 a loaf, but they are as whole grain as you can get. Made from 100% sprouted grains, flour free, yeast free (I think). I just love them!
  • If you make your dairy public, you can get lots of great input!
  • It's a sign that your body has adjusted to your current habits. Not necessarily a bad thing if you've really been diligent in working out and eating right. It's simply the body's way of saying that in order for you to continue with additional weight loss, it's time for a change. That doesn't necessarily mean working out…
  • Day 2...OWNED! The muscle aches are pretty intense today, but I'm dead set on the end results! Keep it up all!!!
  • Sometimes it just helps to let it all hang out.
  • Just completed day of of The Shred. I debated putting it off another day. I had to get my kids up at 4:00 this morning so we could take Daddy to the airport for a business trip. By the time we got back, even though it was only 5:30, we were all wide awake and wired. I went ahead and did 30 minutes on my stationary bike…
  • Here here! My mantra has become "I don't need cake to celebrate". It sort of rhymes if you say it over and over again :-)
  • One more thing to remember...cake doesn't make the birthday. We don't need to eat junk in order to celebrate a special occasion!!!
  • Cake is a downward spiral for me. One piece will turn into two or three. You have to know your weaknesses. If you are able to have one piece of cake and let it be that, then I say eat it. If you don't think it's wise, just give them a heads up before the party. Tell the twins you won't be eating cake because you want to…
  • Just bought the DVD last night! I'm game for some group motivation! Let's do this!