

  • Thanks Mike Just been last few days been like that...I will try and eat more today! Just so hard to eat alot with a little one..I didnt think id burn that many calories either so now i will think bout that=)
  • Hello Im trying to lose bout 40lbs by my Birthday in July! You made one great step already joining MFP! Got an exercise program in mind?
  • I have a question about calories...yes calories ive done some reading but still not sure if i watching my calories right. Anyways MFP tells me my goal is 2190 a day i am always under...and if i exercise im really under...like today i burned 669 calories and ended up with 1390 calories left over...need to know is that good…
  • Wow alot of people have great news today!!! Congratz to all!! Mike gratz on your progress on the scale always nice to step on the scale and see the numbers down!! Brent I hope your not getting sick!! Hope you feel better and get some sleep! Impala that is soo awesome!! Bet you feel great being of Meds!! Did you do a happy…
  • I take the supplements before i work out bout 30 mins or so...I think they help i havent really been that sore the next day so ya think the help like Brent said i can tell a difference if i dont take them!
  • Ive been put the day in my exercise notes so it helps...But i might just start doing the wowy site also=)
  • Welcome Mike! It gets easier as you go=) I know couldnt do push up right to save my life now i bust through them and this is only day 14 for me! Now the dips i have trouble with still lol I'll get there tho! Keep it up and the work will pay off!
  • Ive had P90 a few years now...I did it like 10 days then stopped at first cuz started working 12 hour days at a very active job....so ive lost some stuff all i have is dvds and bands
  • I sometimes go for a walk on my days off or weekends at the park....and sometimes i do bout 20 or 30 mins on treadmill if i got time but i dont cut out a day of p90 if i do that stuff just a bonus....Im not sure how u can incorporate it into your p90 tho.....yeah im thinking around mu 30 days im gonna go to 3-4 im feeling…
  • How does everyone keep track of what day they are on? Ive been needing a good way to keep up with it im not sure what day this is for me lol ....i gotta count on here to find out lol
  • Thanks Mike Thats way ive been doing it didnt know i was suspose take day off been havein to anyways...cuz so busy on weekends Glad to hear ive been doing right! Yeah ive got the videos down pretty good but im gonna wait little longer to go to 3 &4! I use the bands anyone else use the bands? I need more resist on them and…
  • Hello I started P90 12days ago ive lost 4lbs...its hard to find people that do p90 most do p90x so glad i found other people on this site doing it! I need all the motivation i can get! Any advice would help also! Does everyone just do circuit one day and cardio the next?
  • Happy Birthday!!! Way to go!
  • Happy Birthday!!! Way to go!
  • Congratz! I also cute out soda hope it works for me like it did you! Keep up the good work!!
  • Yeah i work out at night cuz i have a 14 month old that wants to be at my feet when i exercise lol Sometimes i can get around 5 or 6 in the evening if i can get my hubby to watch her but most time its at night....would love to wake up and do it tho...best time for me is night tho for now anyways...Takes me a while after to…
  • Awesome! You look Great!! Gives me hope! Thanks for shareing
  • WOW!! Thanks for shareing you look awesome!!
  • Its ruff finding stuff to eat right now its been snowing here and the stores are empty...outta salad and meat its crazy...Gotta have a meal to please my very pickie husband and toddler....my toddler is way better then my husband lol...he wont eat anything that dont have meat and wont eat chicken ugh...only vegs he likes is…
  • I have a hard time eating period..i just dont think about it! I kinda just looking for some easy ideas that dont take long to prep cuz i have a 14 month old...im not much on fresh fruits and vegs...i eat alot of frozen vegs? Is that bad?
  • I have Power 90 its really good if your way over weight and i did it for a week when i first got it and just started back doing it gonna hit the 90 this time!!!
  • Hello ALL!! Just joined and i think this will help me alot...my problem is i dont eat enough so this is showing me that what is wrong...I have a 14 month old so is hard to think about eating!