getting started

neicylynn Posts: 3
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I have never been more serious that I am at this moment.. How in the world do I keep my motivation?


  • one thing that keeps me motivated is the results i am getting and how i dont want to see those results go away!
  • I always had a hard time until I joined a 12 week wt. loss challenge. Its really helped me by having the class i go to every week,getting weighed in, a coach to talk to and the support. Also this website helps a great deal.Im also doing Herbalife twice a day.
  • Hey Everyone!!!
    A couple of my friends told me about this page! I'm eager to see what happens! :flowerforyou:
    Have a healthy week!
  • mrskern06
    mrskern06 Posts: 24 Member
    having a good support system (friends) for accountability and encouragement is paramount!! Good luck and best wishes!
  • Motivation is pretty key. I stay focused by remembering the reasons why I started in the first place. Personally, I wanna look good on the beach over the 4th. I wanna be able to fit in a large sized shirt and smaller pants. I want to feel good about myself. When I stay focused and see the results of hard work, it reaffirms those goals and makes it feel like I'm getting closer to making these things happen. For me, it's working wonderfully.
  • Hello ALL!!

    Just joined and i think this will help me problem is i dont eat enough so this is showing me that what is wrong...I have a 14 month old so is hard to think about eating!
  • I am just starting too, but I really like the accountability this program can provide. So far the support and checking in at the end of the day has been really useful to me. Hoping it will be for you too. Everyone is very helpful and encouraging. Welcome.
  • Motivation is about remember your goals that you set in the first place & if you go off track, dont beat yourself up about it, forget it & get back on track.

    this site is a great place for keeping you on track & great people for encouragement.
  • Motivation is about remember your goals that you set in the first place & if you go off track, dont beat yourself up about it, forget it & get back on track.

    this site is a great place for keeping you on track & great people for encouragement.

    He's got it right! You won't be as motivated everyday. You just have to keep at it.
  • Hi, we are about the same size and I have some young kids also! We could maybe exchange emails and let eachother know how we are doing... maybe exchange tips and support eachother??? What do you think about that? My email is
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