Looking for other P90 Support



  • sharesb
    sharesb Posts: 416 Member
    Hi everyone! I am on Day 23 of Power 90 and I am loving it. I have so much more energy now for other things it's great. So far in the three weeks and a bit, I have lost almost 6 lbs and already lost three inches off my waist!

    I have a hard time with the push ups and until I can master those I am not ready to move to phase 3/4.....

    Good luck to everyone with your 90 days!! ♥
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    Everyday when I complete my diet & exercise diary it says in 5 weeks I will be approximately 10 lbs lighter if I continue with in the same manner. Those of you that have been doing this for a while, have you found that to be true? Does MFP accurately predict what your weightloss will be?
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    How does everyone keep track of what day they are on? Ive been needing a good way to keep up with it im not sure what day this is for me lol ....i gotta count on here to find out lol

    Did you not get the wall calendar that came with the discs?
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Everyday when I complete my diet & exercise diary it says in 5 weeks I will be approximately 10 lbs lighter if I continue with in the same manner. Those of you that have been doing this for a while, have you found that to be true? Does MFP accurately predict what your weightloss will be?

    I don't pay attention to it, it only takes that one day into account. I suppose I could eat the same thing for 5 weeks and see but as long as the scale keeps trending downward, I don't care.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    For those who have finished P90 however many times, what seems to be a good plan for maintaining. I'm not sure I'll want to go for P90X, and I'm getting close to a weight I'm happy at maintaining. As I'm not looking to get ripped, just building some muscle tone, and exercising regularly is what I'm looking for right now.

    I'm still in loss mode so I don't have personal experience but a lot of people mix and match different workouts to keep things fresh. BB has several other "entry level" vids that you could use and not need to move on to the more advanced ones.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Hi everyone! I am on Day 23 of Power 90 and I am loving it. I have so much more energy now for other things it's great. So far in the three weeks and a bit, I have lost almost 6 lbs and already lost three inches off my waist!

    I have a hard time with the push ups and until I can master those I am not ready to move to phase 3/4.....

    Good luck to everyone with your 90 days!! ♥

    Great progress! Keep working on those push-ups and you'll be crankin' 'em out in no time :)
  • How does everyone keep track of what day they are on? Ive been needing a good way to keep up with it im not sure what day this is for me lol ....i gotta count on here to find out lol

    Did you not get the wall calendar that came with the discs?

    Ive had P90 a few years now...I did it like 10 days then stopped at first cuz started working 12 hour days at a very active job....so ive lost some stuff all i have is dvds and bands
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Gotcha, hate it when that happens, lol. I used the wall calendar for my first round but this time I just marked the 30/60/90 day points on my regular calendar and I log it every day in WOWY on the BB site. Hoping to win the daily prize!
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey all!

    I started Power 90 this morning, Sculpt 1-2, and it felt great! I was able to do 10 regular pushups, 10 wide pushups, and then for the 7-7-7 I did 7-6-4... The chair dips are crazy hard!!! I was only able to do 4, and that was modified with my feet in close and my knees bent. Overall not too bad I think!

    Sweat 1-2 and Ab Ripper 100 tomorrow!! Hope everyone has a great workout today!

  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Welcome Mike!

    Sounds like you're off to a roaring start, great stuff :) You'll be surprised at how soon you can improve on those push-ups and dips. KPP!
  • Welcome Mike!

    It gets easier as you go=) I know couldnt do push up right to save my life now i bust through them and this is only day 14 for me! Now the dips i have trouble with still lol I'll get there tho! Keep it up and the work will pay off!
  • Gotcha, hate it when that happens, lol. I used the wall calendar for my first round but this time I just marked the 30/60/90 day points on my regular calendar and I log it every day in WOWY on the BB site. Hoping to win the daily prize!

    Ive been put the day in my exercise notes so it helps...But i might just start doing the wowy site also=)
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    Hi Mike! Sounds like you had a great first day! Today is only Day 8 for me, so you aren't far behind me. I love seeing all the people here doing this same progam as me. So inspirational.
    Hey, anyone taking the supplements? I just take a vitamin everyday. But I wonder if the supplements are worth it.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Welcome Mike to P90. It is a great program and its fun to see how everyone else here is doing.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Hi Mike! Sounds like you had a great first day! Today is only Day 8 for me, so you aren't far behind me. I love seeing all the people here doing this same progam as me. So inspirational.
    Hey, anyone taking the supplements? I just take a vitamin everyday. But I wonder if the supplements are worth it.

    I used to take the ActiVit multivitamins but stopped those once I started Shakeology. I also take the Performance Formula and recently started using the P90X Recovery drink. I think the Shakeology is great for a whole host of reasons, not the least of which is I no longer need Metamucil. The Performance formula helps me "bring it" a little harder, I take it when I get home and then work out an hour later and I can tell a difference on the days I forget to take it. The Recovery Drink really helps ease muscle soreness. I was previously using generic creatine powder or whey protein but neither was anywhere near as good as the recovery drink.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Thanks Brent. You answered my question about the Recovery formula.
  • Alita2011
    Alita2011 Posts: 265 Member
    Jim, glad your feeling better. Doing doubles your first day back is amazing. Make sure not to over do it.

    Shanell18, To be honest I'm not sure. I feel like I need to stick with P90 and not mix it up. But that's just me because I'm a control nut and if I waver from it, I won't know if my results were from one or the other. I try to get out on nicer days at lunch for 30 minutes and walk around the work campus. But my son will be starting Lacrosse 6 days a week in a couple of weeks...he's been asking me what he should do. To be honest...I just don't know.

    P.S. - How were your Day 30 results? Any pictures or measurements taken compared to day 1?

    The results were good for what I put into it. I lost 4 pounds and .5 inch for most areas. I took pics and you can see the difference. Just kind of miss running. I came to conclusion that I will add walk/run when I can.

    I did day Day 31 Sculpt 3-4 and the max squats and push ups killed me....Before I couldn't really do any push-ups now I can do 16 without feeling like I am dying......
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    Brent, thanks for the info. I don't think I could do the performance stuff since I get up and workout first thing in the AM.
  • Hi Mike! Sounds like you had a great first day! Today is only Day 8 for me, so you aren't far behind me. I love seeing all the people here doing this same progam as me. So inspirational.
    Hey, anyone taking the supplements? I just take a vitamin everyday. But I wonder if the supplements are worth it.

    I take the supplements before i work out bout 30 mins or so...I think they help i havent really been that sore the next day so ya think the help like Brent said i can tell a difference if i dont take them!
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    Day 9 Sculpt 1-2 complete. I think I need to increase my weights next time. Or go back to the band. I didn't burn as many calories and the reps weren't really a struggle at all.
    Getting out of bed before 5 am is sure a struggle though. No matter what time I get in bed I still just want to keep sleeping when the alarm goes off.
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