Looking for other P90 Support



  • snrose
    snrose Posts: 233 Member
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member


    I can DEFINITELY tell a difference...Very encouraging!!
  • snrose
    snrose Posts: 233 Member


    I can DEFINITELY tell a difference...Very encouraging!!

    I highly recommend it to ANYONE! its reasonably easy to do and very good at getting results and burning calories!
  • Impala007
    Impala007 Posts: 293 Member
    Hello all....I've been stalking this thread for about a week now and figured it was time to come out of the shadows. Got room for one more? I just started P90 (day 5) and am interested in others experiences along for the ride. Originally I had planned to start the program when I joined MFP in early January, but opted to spend a little time building up some endurance before risking wearing out the pause button. I've been sitting on this program for about 2 years now after talking a well intentioned (but less motivated) co-worker out of it. I haven't had to push pause so far and I'm trying to get coordinated with some of that yoga stuff and working on improving my form. My flexibility leaves a lot to be desired and I've got a shoulder that's been giving me problems so I stayed really light with the weights and doing pushups w/ knees on the floor. I have been surprised that the sessions seem to go by fairly quickly despite always having the onscreen t-minus clock in view.

    Wondering from the rest of you:
    --- Who uses freeweights and who uses the resistence bands?
    I have both ...just got the bands, but haven't tried them. I think I'll probably stay with the dumbbells.

    ---- For those that have been doing it for a while does anybody turn off the audio and play their own?
    I'm guessing if one doesn't it would tend to get old quick.

    I just got my ft7 HRM (same as Mike's?) today and am really curious to see what it will give me for cals burned. Guess I'll find out tomorrow..........
  • snrose
    snrose Posts: 233 Member
    Wondering from the rest of you:
    --- Who uses freeweights and who uses the resistence bands?

    i have both and have used both. i really like the dumbbells better :) but i think its a personal preference. i think the resistance bands work different muscle groups because of the difference in weight depending on the stretch in them.
    ---- For those that have been doing it for a while does anybody turn off the audio and play their own?
    I'm guessing if one doesn't it would tend to get old quick.
    i have tried playing my own music but during the power yoga and some of the strength stuff its hard to follow along without watching the tv
    I just got my ft7 HRM (same as Mike's?) today and am really curious to see what it will give me for cals burned. Guess I'll find out tomorrow..........
    i love my HRM! its one of my better investments!
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    Just did Day 2. Sculpt is definitely more challenging than Sweat. By the third circuit I felt like I could barely do anything. And I didn't keep track of any of my reps because I was just trying to figure out the moves and my resitance band. Towards the end I switched to weights. Overall I enjoyed it.
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    Just did Day 2. Sculpt is definitely more challenging than Sweat. By the third circuit I felt like I could barely do anything. And I didn't keep track of any of my reps because I was just trying to figure out the moves and my resitance band. Towards the end I switched to weights. Overall I enjoyed it.

    We originally started with the resistance bands but since switched to dumbbells (I have the Jillian Michaels adjustable weights). I found them to be better and less awkward. But that's me.

    I did Sweat this morning and man, did I sweat!! I soooo need a HRM as I would love to see what I'm burning! It's just not in the budget yet.
  • Alita2011
    Alita2011 Posts: 265 Member
    Wondering from the rest of you:
    --- Who uses freeweights and who uses the resistence bands?
    I have both ...just got the bands, but haven't tried them. I think I'll probably stay with the dumbbells.

    ---- For those that have been doing it for a while does anybody turn off the audio and play their own?
    I'm guessing if one doesn't it would tend to get old quick.

    I just got my ft7 HRM (same as Mike's?) today and am really curious to see what it will give me for cals burned. Guess I'll find out tomorrow..........

    I use free weights...Just regular weights I picked up at Target

    I don't switch the music it don't really bother me. I only have the tv loud enough to hear what Tony is saying
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    How often do you weigh in? Weekly? Every 30 days? Daily?
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Wondering from the rest of you:
    --- Who uses freeweights and who uses the resistence bands?
    I have both ...just got the bands, but haven't tried them. I think I'll probably stay with the dumbbells.

    ---- For those that have been doing it for a while does anybody turn off the audio and play their own?
    I'm guessing if one doesn't it would tend to get old quick.

    I use free weights...I'm afraid the resistance bands are going to snap. I'm 6'5" and my son is 6'6"...with arms up it gets scary!

    I honestly don't even notice the music.
  • edwards
    edwards Posts: 9 Member
    Well I plan on starting P90X up again the first week of March, but for now just normal cardio and weight training. I stopped the program after I passed my PT test and hurt my back in December. It turned out that my abs are way out of shape and my lower back muscles are constantly spasming and causing me pain due to injuries caused on duty. Well with physical therapy and exercise I am about ready to get back to it. I just hope I can do it and do it right and finish in 90 days. One word to the wise when doing plyometrics be careful if you have a bad knee. That was another issue I had and whenever I did that video my knee was killing me the next day and would constantly give out during the day when weight was applied. So to all those looking at P90 or P90X good luck and I look forward to reading posts and replying when I have the urge.
  • Alita2011
    Alita2011 Posts: 265 Member
    How often do you weigh in? Weekly? Every 30 days? Daily?

    I offically weigh-in on Saturday mornings, the day after my rest day. I "get on the scale" every morning.
  • Impala007
    Impala007 Posts: 293 Member
    How often do you weigh in? Weekly? Every 30 days? Daily?

    Officially for the record I'm doing Mondays now because that is weigh day for the company sponsored weight loss program which I'm participating in. Now as for stepping on the scale in between that all depends. I have been known to get on it quite frequently, but have been trying to do better in that regard...maybe once in between.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Mande- I second (or third?) the suggestion to go ahead and push through and stay on schedule. Stretch a little more and lighten the weights and reps.

    In answer to the other questions raised: I use dumbbells. I used the band one time for a week when I was travelling and it was okay but I didn't like it as much as my weights. That was also the week that I threw my shoulder out which sidelined me from Power 90 for a few months so I'm a little leery of it.

    I also tend to ignore the music, I'm trying to keep my heart rate within the zone so I tend to tune out in order to NOT try and match their pace. I only keep half an eye on the screen so I know when to switch moves.

    I weigh in every Monday morning. I also measure my waist at that time.

    I'm glad to see so much interest here about Power 90, it seems one of the "lost" children of Beachbody but I absolutely love it and am excited to use it as a stepping stone to P90X and beyond. Keep Pushing Play everyone!
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    I almost forgot! Give your son my warmest congratulations Mike! It's not easy to maintain the type of dedication he's shown, especially as a teenager. You should be proud of him AND the example you're setting.

    Next order of business, I took some pics last night and this is the first time I've looked at my before and "during" shots side by side. I ain't winning no beauty contests but I'm tickled pink with the progress thus far. In any event, you've been warned.





  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    Brent, awesome progress! I am sure everyone can see the difference. Glad to see you smiling in the second set of photos too! You have earned it! You can even tell in the way you stand, that you are more proud with your shoulders back. You are doing great. I LOVE seeing everyones before and after shots; it's very inspiring.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Brent...I'm shocked! What a difference!!! That is an amazing transformation in only 5 1/2 months. Especially considering you were side-lined with your shoulder injury. You continue to be an inspiration for me. Thanks so much for sharing your pictures. Unbelievable!

    And thanks for the compliments on my son!
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    Quite a difference, Brent! Should be very proud of yourself! Great job!
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Thanks for the kind words everyone. No one is more shocked than me, lol. With regards to my downtime, I think it highlights the vital role that nutrition plays in all of this. I became a calorie hawk since I knew I couldn't get much more than a walk around the block for exercise. But now that my shoulder is getting better by the day it's time to get back after it with a vengeance and make up for lost time. I look forward to seeing everyone else's progress in a few months. Some of us have shown you ours, time to show us yours, lol :)
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    Wow - that is terrific, Brent! Your hard work definitely shows in those pics.