Looking for other P90 Support



  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    Just completed Day 1. I was suprised that I could actually keep up with their pace. It felt good. Ab ripper was hard though. Could only do 7 of each rep and I am sure I will feel it later. Can't wait for sculpt tomorrow!
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    HAha! I just noticed that in the guide, day 1 is supposed to be sculpt, not sweat. Oh well. Guess I am not good at following directions.
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Need your opinions!

    I threw out my back a little this weekend (I wasn't doing anything strenuous -- I just bent and twisted wrong when it was tight). I think I may have been lifting too much during sculpt last week -- pushing max reps with my 8 lbs weights, and my back got progressively tighter as the week went on, though I didn't pay it too much attention.

    Anyway, I spent a good part of yesterday icing my back, took ibuprofen, and did a little gentle stretching. It's better today than it was yesterday, but it's still a little tight and sore. I don't want to injure it any further. But I do know that with a muscle strain or sprain it is better to move some than not at all.

    When dealing with a light back injury would you A) go off schedule and stick with light cardio and stretching for the week while you recover, or B) stick with the P90 schedule, but reduce weights and/or reps during sculpt, or C) some other suggestion?

    Thanks guys!
  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    it should have included a schedule for you to use...at least the p90x did.....it was included in the documents...hope you figure it out its a great workout

    Yes you are correct it should have come with a work out schedule. Which means that they either bought it off of a place like craigslist or ebay, or it is a bootleg copy. When will people learn???
    oops - I blame the economy:flowerforyou:
  • Alita2011
    Alita2011 Posts: 265 Member
    I think I will jump in! I am on day 24. Life happened towards the day 15 and I had to restart a week so I am looking forward to day 30 on sunday. I have lost about 3 pounds so far but I have not followed a plan TRY to stay within the calorie allotment. Happy I found this support group, this can keep me motivated and have someone to talk about Tony's lame joke with LOL...

    I like it eventhough it looks like a "back-in-the-day" video!

    Have anyone considered instead of doing Phase 3-4 for two months to order Phase 5-6? I think it comes with the Master Series.

    Also you can go to Beachbody website and create schedule. It's a lifesaver for me because I would forget otherwise.
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    Shanell, I just started today, but I ordered 5-6 when I got my P90, so I may be doing that instead of 3-4, will just have to see how things go.
    Mande, I would do option B if I were you. Hope your back feels better soon.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    I just started P90 with my husband last week. Today is our rest day. I lost 7.5 inches in one week. 2 of those were in my waist. Tomorrow is my weight day. It's my favorite. I'm still going to be doing phase 1-2 for the rest of the month probably. My husband is already to move on to phase 3-4. He is thin & muscular already. He just wants to tone up some more. I love P90.

    That is fantastic results! It shows that if you follow the program it works!
    IMO, I would stick with 1-2 for at least a month. If it becomes too easy, do more reps and/or weights.
    As long as your getting results, and you are, continue doing what your doing.
    Yes, I love P90 too!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Just completed Day 1. I was suprised that I could actually keep up with their pace. It felt good. Ab ripper was hard though. Could only do 7 of each rep and I am sure I will feel it later. Can't wait for sculpt tomorrow!

    The fact that you could keep up with their pace without pressing pause is impressive for day 1.
    And being able to do 70 abs......is great!

    I started out liking sculpt better than sweat, but then later switched. They each have their own challenges.
    P.S. - I also started with Cardio day 1. I later switched after my off-day because WOWY automatically scheduled them to be sculpt, followed by cardio. They should have made the Sculpt has the first link on the screen. Either way it doesn't matter.

    Keep up the good work. I'm excited to see your progression.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Need your opinions!

    I threw out my back a little this weekend (I wasn't doing anything strenuous -- I just bent and twisted wrong when it was tight). I think I may have been lifting too much during sculpt last week -- pushing max reps with my 8 lbs weights, and my back got progressively tighter as the week went on, though I didn't pay it too much attention.

    Anyway, I spent a good part of yesterday icing my back, took ibuprofen, and did a little gentle stretching. It's better today than it was yesterday, but it's still a little tight and sore. I don't want to injure it any further. But I do know that with a muscle strain or sprain it is better to move some than not at all.

    When dealing with a light back injury would you A) go off schedule and stick with light cardio and stretching for the week while you recover, or B) stick with the P90 schedule, but reduce weights and/or reps during sculpt, or C) some other suggestion?

    Thanks guys!

    Mande...I'm no expert when it comes to giving advice regarding injuries. But I also pulled my back in the beginning of doing Power 90. I think its fairly easy to do since our bodies aren't used to this. I used a heating pad, took some advil and soaked in a hot tub. I was hurting (mostly stiff) all day at work. But I came home and did the program. I took it easy if I felt it was pulling on that part of the back. And, miraculously, all the pain went away. So I'd try P90 tonight and just listen to your body. The stretching may just do the trick.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Have anyone considered instead of doing Phase 3-4 for two months to order Phase 5-6? I think it comes with the Master Series.

    Welcome Shanell. I'm at day 42 today. I started 3-4 on Day 31. I will probably stick with 3-4 unless it becomes extremely easy, which I can't imagine. I can always improve on reps,weights,form, etc. I'm cheap...figured I might as well get my moneys worth. Plus I don't see the rush, unless someone is getting unmotivated and bored. Plus I don't like to think ahead too far!
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    Nigel...great start! When I started, I couldn't even get through the first 7 pushups of 7-7-7.
    It's still a struggle, and that's from my knees.

    As Brent said, you got the right idea. Stick with learning the exercises first and getting really good form. Poor form will lead to pulling a muscle or defeating the purpose of the exercise. You'll be amazed when you look back at day 30 how you've progressed.

    This is the truth.

    I'm doing P90x (probably should have started P90 first but just going to do what I can on this). I just started week 2 and now I can push out a few regular push-ups, but then I'm not good for the rest of the workout. I still try to do them from my knees and keep my form.

    Can't wait until a couple aren't a struggle.
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    Thanks for the info so far. Did Sweat 1-2 today, and did pretty well with it for the most part. I've been doing Kinect Your Shape for the last month, so I had no trouble keeping up, and had done some similar exercises. Doing the upward dog/plank push-up style moves were really tough though - mostly due to the fact that my upper arms were a little sore from the previous day's workout.

    I see it as a good sign that I've gone through the first two days, and although I'm sore, I've mostly been able to keep up and not be panting the whole time.
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    Hey All,

    Another P90 user here...

    My husband and I started last week and today is day 8. We are both loving it and feel sooo much better.

    I gotta say, the music to the Sweat 1-2 is HORRIBLE!! I always laugh so hard when it starts!!

    Other than that, LOVE it!
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    I have the volume turned down real low. I can hear Tony talking, but I don't even notice the music. I am probably going to play my own music next time though, just to keep me motivated and working hard.
    That is great that your husband is doing it with you. My husband has promised to start P90 when I lose 20 lbs. I wish he would start now, but oh well. It's just another reason for me to stay motivated and stick with it.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Hey All,

    Another P90 user here...

    My husband and I started last week and today is day 8. We are both loving it and feel sooo much better.

    I gotta say, the music to the Sweat 1-2 is HORRIBLE!! I always laugh so hard when it starts!!

    Other than that, LOVE it!

    Welcome. P90 is great, isn't it! It's fantastic to have the support of each other!
    I always say No when it asks of you want to hear the music.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    I've shared a few challenges my 16 year old son Matt has had with losing weight.
    He has been religious with his P90 workouts (hasn't missed one yet), and I think very good on his diet.
    His Day 30 pictures didn't show much change, and last week he gained a pound.
    I've been feeling terrible because I know he is trying so hard.

    I got him to start tracking his food on MFP about a week and a half ago.
    I've also told him to lower his carbs, and up his protein (based on some reading I did about endomorph body types).

    I'm so happy for him..........this morning he weighed in.
    He lost 5 pounds since last Monday.

    I'm so proud of him!
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    GO Mike's son! Woohoo! That is awesome that he has continued to stick with it.
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    I've shared a few challenges my 16 year old son Matt has had with losing weight.
    He has been religious with his P90 workouts (hasn't missed one yet), and I think very good on his diet.
    His Day 30 pictures didn't show much change, and last week he gained a pound.
    I've been feeling terrible because I know he is trying so hard.

    I got him to start tracking his food on MFP about a week and a half ago.
    I've also told him to lower his carbs, and up his protein (based on some reading I did about endomorph body types).

    I'm so happy for him..........this morning he weighed in.
    He lost 5 pounds since last Monday.

    I'm so proud of him!

    Awesome! I bet he's feeling happy, too.
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    I've been cranking up my own tunes during the workout, so I don't even notice the bad music contained within the workouts themselves.
  • Alita2011
    Alita2011 Posts: 265 Member
    Koodoos to Mike's son. It is really good that you are helping him along his journey in a healthy way! Awesome! I don't listen to the music either. I have the tv up loud enough to hear his directions.....It is so funny to me when he sings "we are having some fun" also I think it is incredibly lame while during the body blows he says "Don't hurt me aw don't hurt me!!!"