Looking for other P90 Support



  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    I know I know that you need a HRM to find out the calories that you burn during the P90...Having said that, I do NOT have one yet, and am just wondering what the ladies typically burn during the workouts?
  • Alita2011
    Alita2011 Posts: 265 Member
    I know I know that you need a HRM to find out the calories that you burn during the P90...Having said that, I do NOT have one yet, and am just wondering what the ladies typically burn during the workouts?

    I am 151-152 ish and I burn 275 with Sweat 1-2 and 130 with Sculpt 1-2..

    Brent, Great job can def see your progress.

    I watch Phase 3-4 last night and I think I have bitten off way more than I can chew....It is going to kill me LOL...Lookking forward to it though....
  • snrose
    snrose Posts: 233 Member
    Great job Brent you are doing awesome!!
    I know I know that you need a HRM to find out the calories that you burn during the P90...Having said that, I do NOT have one yet, and am just wondering what the ladies typically burn during the workouts?

    I typically burn anywhere from 450-700 calories a workout depending on if im doing sculpt or cardio. I dont use the sweat 1-2, i use the other dvd that came with it called Fat Burner Express. I havent tried sweat or sculpt 3-4 yet so i can't give you the calories on that one
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    I know I know that you need a HRM to find out the calories that you burn during the P90...Having said that, I do NOT have one yet, and am just wondering what the ladies typically burn during the workouts?

    I am 151-152 ish and I burn 275 with Sweat 1-2 and 130 with Sculpt 1-2..

    Brent, Great job can def see your progress.

    I watch Phase 3-4 last night and I think I have bitten off way more than I can chew....It is going to kill me LOL...Lookking forward to it though....

    I feel like this is too low...Does anyone else agree??
  • snrose
    snrose Posts: 233 Member
    I know I know that you need a HRM to find out the calories that you burn during the P90...Having said that, I do NOT have one yet, and am just wondering what the ladies typically burn during the workouts?

    I am 151-152 ish and I burn 275 with Sweat 1-2 and 130 with Sculpt 1-2..

    Brent, Great job can def see your progress.

    I watch Phase 3-4 last night and I think I have bitten off way more than I can chew....It is going to kill me LOL...Lookking forward to it though....

    I feel like this is too low...Does anyone else agree??

    i burn a lot more than that!
  • Alita2011
    Alita2011 Posts: 265 Member
    I know I know that you need a HRM to find out the calories that you burn during the P90...Having said that, I do NOT have one yet, and am just wondering what the ladies typically burn during the workouts?

    I am 151-152 ish and I burn 275 with Sweat 1-2 and 130 with Sculpt 1-2..

    Brent, Great job can def see your progress.

    I watch Phase 3-4 last night and I think I have bitten off way more than I can chew....It is going to kill me LOL...Lookking forward to it though....

    I feel like this is too low...Does anyone else agree??

    i burn a lot more than that!

    I think my HRM monitor is accurate for me....It's a Polar (not sure the model) with the heart transmitter.
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    With my first Sweat 1-2 workout I burned cals somewhere in the 400s. Today I was more in the 300s, but I also got no sleep last night. When I did Sculpt 1-2 yesterday I think I burned like 260. I would really like to be burning more, so I hope to work harder as my body gets more used to working out and I get used to the moves. Also I am 5'6" and currently weigh 160.
  • aschrader7
    On my 5th day of P90x. Just finished back and legs. This is the best workouts I've ever been through. I started at 5'10 192 and I amd already down to 188.5. I'd like to get down to the 175 range. I am eating a lot of protein and drinking lots of water. Also eating myoplex bars and throwing in some Omega 3 and B12 vitamins. Any other suggestions? This is the hardest thing I've ever done and hope I can make it through with your support!
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    So today I am SORE from Scupt 1-2 yesterday. I could feel it as soon as I started to stretch with Sweat 1-2 this morning. I hope I feel better tomorrow morning or I am not going to get many reps in!
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    I know I know that you need a HRM to find out the calories that you burn during the P90...Having said that, I do NOT have one yet, and am just wondering what the ladies typically burn during the workouts?

    I am 151-152 ish and I burn 275 with Sweat 1-2 and 130 with Sculpt 1-2..

    Brent, Great job can def see your progress.

    I watch Phase 3-4 last night and I think I have bitten off way more than I can chew....It is going to kill me LOL...Lookking forward to it though....

    I feel like this is too low...Does anyone else agree??

    I do not think this is necessarily too low. Everybody burns at different rates. I have much lower calories burns with Sweat 1-2 and Sculpt 1-2 than I do with my morning walk/jog (I wear a HRM with chest strap). My HR only goes into fat burn mode (120's-low 140's) during P90 but goes much higher (140's-160's) when I am out running. Depends on your body, your weight, and how long you have been working out prior to now. As you get more fit, it is more difficult to get a large calorie burn. So, some may burn 400-500 calories (or more) with P90 and others may only get burn in the 150-250 range.
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    I know I know that you need a HRM to find out the calories that you burn during the P90...Having said that, I do NOT have one yet, and am just wondering what the ladies typically burn during the workouts?

    I am 151-152 ish and I burn 275 with Sweat 1-2 and 130 with Sculpt 1-2..

    Brent, Great job can def see your progress.

    I watch Phase 3-4 last night and I think I have bitten off way more than I can chew....It is going to kill me LOL...Lookking forward to it though....

    I feel like this is too low...Does anyone else agree??

    I do not think this is necessarily too low. Everybody burns at different rates. I have much lower calories burns with Sweat 1-2 and Sculpt 1-2 than I do with my morning walk/jog (I wear a HRM with chest strap). My HR only goes into fat burn mode (120's-low 140's) during P90 but goes much higher (140's-160's) when I am out running. Depends on your body, your weight, and how long you have been working out prior to now. As you get more fit, it is more difficult to get a large calorie burn. So, some may burn 400-500 calories (or more) with P90 and others may only get burn in the 150-250 range.

    Very good explanation...Thanks!
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    So today I am SORE from Scupt 1-2 yesterday. I could feel it as soon as I started to stretch with Sweat 1-2 this morning. I hope I feel better tomorrow morning or I am not going to get many reps in!

    Reebs, you'll get through it. Go easy if you have to. I was sore my first few days too. Great job!
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Hang in there Reebs, the soreness will go away after the first week. I took long, hot showers and popped Aleve to take the edge off.

    Thanks again everyone for the kind words :) Keep Pushing Play!
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    On my 5th day of P90x. Just finished back and legs. This is the best workouts I've ever been through. I started at 5'10 192 and I amd already down to 188.5. I'd like to get down to the 175 range. I am eating a lot of protein and drinking lots of water. Also eating myoplex bars and throwing in some Omega 3 and B12 vitamins. Any other suggestions? This is the hardest thing I've ever done and hope I can make it through with your support!

    Sorry, I don't have many suggestions for you. The P90X meal plan is much different than the Power 90 plan since the two programs have such different goals in mind. High protein sounds right and of course plenty of water. Be careful with the bars since they typically have a lot of other stuff in them besides the protein. Omegas and B-12 are always good. There are several P90X types around the forums, AndreSF and edorice come to mind off the top of my head. They might have better answers. Good luck :)
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Thanks for the replies, everyone!

    I didn't get my workouts in Monday or Tuesday (out of the house all day Monday, Tuesday no excuse -- just been in a weird head space) but I got back to it today! Did sweat and abs -- back is still quite sore, and I had to go pretty slow and modify in places, but I got through the whole workout. I did do 80 crunches -- just not all the moves we're supposed to. Any of the moves involving lifting from the lower body (i.e. leg lifts) hurt WAY too much -- so I just subbed in standard crunches, which didn't hurt. Better than nothing, yes?

    Still sore, but I think the back isn't quite as tight as before the workout. Hopefully it'll be even better tomorrow. I plan to drop down to my 5 lbs weights for sculpt and see how that feels.
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Brent -- you look great! :drinker: What an inspiration! And you seem SO MUCH happier in the after pics. Way to go, dude!!
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    I literally got P90 in the mail today and did Circuit 1 this evening. Im pretty clumsy and could barely do any of the pushups...but am giong to keep trying!
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    Second round of Sweat 1-2 today, and it seems like I'm starting to lose some of the soreness of the first couple of days. Though those abs crunches were tough - "ripper" indeed! Having been exercising regularly now for the last 5+ weeks, I can definitely tell that I'm able to get through P90 with far less trouble than I would have had two months ago. Might actually be in shape one of these days!

    As for music, I usually crank up Last FM on my Xbox 360, and listen to the tunes while I'm working out and using the laptop to play the DVD.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    I literally got P90 in the mail today and did Circuit 1 this evening. Im pretty clumsy and could barely do any of the pushups...but am giong to keep trying!

    We were all clumsy and could barely do push-ups on day 1, lol :) Do your best and forget the rest!
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Brent -- you look great! :drinker: What an inspiration! And you seem SO MUCH happier in the after pics. Way to go, dude!!

    Thanks! I AM happier now than I was then. I felt powerless and out of control, a bystander in my own life. I don't feel that way anymore.