Looking for other P90 Support



  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Good evening everyone,

    Way to go MikeK glad to see your progress on the scale....about your difficulty with pushups isn't because you are tall, but a byproduct of being tall....long arms (me too). The further you lift your body from the floor takes more effort. Same as short armed people being better at bench presses. They don't have as far to move the weight. I am still on my knees too so you are not alone. I , like Brent ,am trying to protect a bum shoulder and am in no hurry to get macho and end up on the shelf just when I'm feeling to get into the groove.

    Just knocked out day 10 Sweat after 30min warmup on the t-mill. I echo the new Mike's sentiment about Power Yoga it's
    a @#(&%! Curious as to the others who have been at this awhile are any of you able to do the stretching with straight legs. My flexibilty is not unlike that of a dead tree branch fresh from a liquid nitrogen bath. It will be interesting to see my progress in flexibility as the program goes along.

    Got some good news today ....called the Dr. for my lab results. Cholesterol is down from 265 in early DEC to 125. I'm sure he thinks it's because he told me to take my meds every day which I wasn't always doing, but I firmly believe it's mostly due to the fruits of joining MFP with my vastly improved diet and exercise. He says stop the meds and come see him in 3 weeks. Guess we'll find out then where the credit lies.
    Thanks for all of the support!

    Thanks! Glad to hear others comments on push-ups.
    The stretching (yoga) does get easier. I wasn't able to keep my legs straight in the beginning, but can now. Your flexibility will improve.
    On the lab results...awesome news! I too was on Lipitor for about 20 years for cholesterol and had some side effects, so I stopped taking it against my docs advice about 3 months prior to starting exercise. I had lab work in January 2 weeks after starting Power 90 and MFP and all numbers were normal. So good luck with your next labs. I think you will be surprised.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    I have a question about calories...yes calories ive done some reading but still not sure if i watching my calories right.
    Anyways MFP tells me my goal is 2190 a day i am always under...and if i exercise im really under...like today i burned 669 calories and ended up with 1390 calories left over...need to know is that good or bad? Should i try get more calories or less? What number should i aim for each day? Im just confused lol Help please?

    Tassie...IMO that is not good. It's fine once in a while, but not on a regular basis. Your metabolism will slow down and you will burn less calories. Plus you may not have the energy needed for a good workout. I always try to be under, but not by over a 1000. Go ahead and eat...just make sure your eating the right foods.
  • Tassie25
    I have a question about calories...yes calories ive done some reading but still not sure if i watching my calories right.
    Anyways MFP tells me my goal is 2190 a day i am always under...and if i exercise im really under...like today i burned 669 calories and ended up with 1390 calories left over...need to know is that good or bad? Should i try get more calories or less? What number should i aim for each day? Im just confused lol Help please?

    Tassie...IMO that is not good. It's fine once in a while, but not on a regular basis. Your metabolism will slow down and you will burn less calories. Plus you may not have the energy needed for a good workout. I always try to be under, but not by over a 1000. Go ahead and eat...just make sure your eating the right foods.

    Thanks Mike Just been last few days been like that...I will try and eat more today! Just so hard to eat alot with a little one..I didnt think id burn that many calories either so now i will think bout that=)
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    Day 9 Sculpt 1-2 complete. I think I need to increase my weights next time. Or go back to the band. I didn't burn as many calories and the reps weren't really a struggle at all.
    Getting out of bed before 5 am is sure a struggle though. No matter what time I get in bed I still just want to keep sleeping when the alarm goes off.

    What are you lifting now?
    HAHA! Only 5 lbs! But I have 8 lb weights I am going to use tomorrow. I did my resistance band the first day and I could really feel it. I might just go back to that. I just found it to be more of a hassle. I should probably just pick up a set of weights at the store this week. I have always been fairly strong (for a girl) I probably should have started with 10 lb weights, but I just wanted to make sure I could handle all the moves first.

    Not sure if it's in your budget or not, but I just bought the Jillian Michaels adjustable dumbbells through Amazon...and they are AWESOME!!! Sooo easy to use!! I love em! The best part is that they grow with me!!

    Here is the link if you're interested...

  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    I saw those at Target the other day. I think I might want a set that can go a little heavier, in case DH wants to use them too.
    So last night I was looking at my P90 food guide thing. I hadn't noticed all the info in the back before. Michi's Ladder was there and some other helpful tips.
  • snrose
    snrose Posts: 233 Member
    Well I decided I was ready to move on to the 3-4 circuit..at least with sweat. I still have to say I feel like I get more of a workout overall using the extra "Fat Burner Express" video. The Sweat 3-4 sure does have a rough leg workout though! I may just use them interchangeably, whatever I feel like doing that day since they burn about the same calories but seem to work different areas. I have yet to try sculpt 3-4, it looks pretty intimidating still. I may just wait until day 45 for that. Ab ripper 200 was K-I-L-L-E-R. I Think I did somewhere around 175/200 so overall not too shabby!
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Typically, P90X comes with a guide which tells you which workouts to do and in what order. Hearing that you only have 10 discs tells me that you either got an incomplete set of P90X or you bought a "bootleg" version which condenses the cds....definitely look for the guide and if you cant find it, let me know and i will email you the workouts and their order. IN addition, i would check your discs to make sure that you do indeed have 12 different workouts...

    We're talking about Power 90 here, the precursor to P90X. Also about the Power 90 Master Series which is a bridge to P90X. Common mistake, not many people know about Tony's older video ;)
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Brent I hope your not getting sick!! Hope you feel better and get some sleep!

    Thanks Tassie :) I think things are improving, I didn't cough nearly as much last night or today. Getting ready to knock out Sweat 3-4!
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Well I decided I was ready to move on to the 3-4 circuit..at least with sweat. I still have to say I feel like I get more of a workout overall using the extra "Fat Burner Express" video. The Sweat 3-4 sure does have a rough leg workout though! I may just use them interchangeably, whatever I feel like doing that day since they burn about the same calories but seem to work different areas. I have yet to try sculpt 3-4, it looks pretty intimidating still. I may just wait until day 45 for that. Ab ripper 200 was K-I-L-L-E-R. I Think I did somewhere around 175/200 so overall not too shabby!

    Congrats on making the move up to 3-4! I did the FBE the other day just to see what I burned and it was around 100 cals less but I felt like I worked harder, weird.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Well I decided I was ready to move on to the 3-4 circuit..at least with sweat. I still have to say I feel like I get more of a workout overall using the extra "Fat Burner Express" video. The Sweat 3-4 sure does have a rough leg workout though! I may just use them interchangeably, whatever I feel like doing that day since they burn about the same calories but seem to work different areas. I have yet to try sculpt 3-4, it looks pretty intimidating still. I may just wait until day 45 for that. Ab ripper 200 was K-I-L-L-E-R. I Think I did somewhere around 175/200 so overall not too shabby!

    Yeah...those side kicks get a little tough by round 3. Feels great when your done though :-)
    I looked at the FBE the first time over the weekend. One of these days I may have to try it.
    Great job doing 175! You'll be kicking out the 200 in no time.

    Brent...glad your feeling better. You definitely showed it in your 3-4 tonight!
  • snrose
    snrose Posts: 233 Member

    Congrats on making the move up to 3-4! I did the FBE the other day just to see what I burned and it was around 100 cals less but I felt like I worked harder, weird.

    I must say I just enjoy the energy in the FBE video i think. All those success stories working out behind him in beautiful hawaii! :)
    Yeah...those side kicks get a little tough by round 3. Feels great when your done though :-)
    I looked at the FBE the first time over the weekend. One of these days I may have to try it.
    Great job doing 175! You'll be kicking out the 200 in no time.

    I'm still having to modify a lot since I have lower back problems but it still hurts a LOT! :)
  • Impala007
    Impala007 Posts: 293 Member
    Hi all,

    Did the FBE come with your P-90 package? I don't have it, but my copy is probably from 2005 or 6. I have 4 discs (one disc that has the 1-2 routines and abs 100. One for circuit 3-4, one for cardio 3-4 and one for abs 200)
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Yup, it's three discs now. FBE, 1-2, AR100 then 3-4 AR200. In FBE Tony is working out with the 2005 success stories so it's probably a 2006 release.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    I saw those at Target the other day. I think I might want a set that can go a little heavier, in case DH wants to use them too.
    So last night I was looking at my P90 food guide thing. I hadn't noticed all the info in the back before. Michi's Ladder was there and some other helpful tips.

    I'm holding out for a set of Bowflex Select-Techs, mucho dinero :( I'm using two $20 sets I got at WM. They don't have good spacing, a single set goes from 5-15 with no in between. That's why I had to buy a second set so I could make 10's. Glad you found the hidden gold! Michi's Ladder and the tips back there are really at the core of eating better. I still read through the guide from time to time.
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    I don't think Eggo Waffles are part of my new, eating better plan. :blushing: But I have been craving some for days. So now that I ate them I can move on to better eating again. Fortunately I already eat/like a lot of stuff on the top of Michi's Ladder. For me, my weight problem has always been more lack of exercise than anything else. So hopefully P90 is enough to get me back in shape. I still struggle with wanting to eat sugar too much though.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    I read an article the other day about fruit and sugar. I said that our bodies want the nutrients in the fruit but it comes across as a general craving for sugar. See what happens if you add more fruit into your day. BTW, don't sweat the Eggo's, as long as it's an occasional treat you'll be fine :)
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    I am a vegetarian (well technically pescetarian), so generally I do eat lots of fruits and veggies. But that is a great idea. I will try and eat more fruit when I have a sugar craving and see if that helps.
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    I think the fruit does help curb the sweet cravings a bit. Between sodas, ice cream, candy of various types, cakes, and pies, I always found something I liked as a snack or dessert before my diet/exercise plan. I've been able to avoid all of the above, save for the occasional ice cream, but I haven't missed most of them all that much. Now that I think of it, a little cake might be nice one of these days. Heh, heh...

    I actually did all the reps in the Ab Ripper today. Had to stop in the middle for a few seconds on a couple of them, but I managed to eke through. My legs were - well, not sore, but maybe worn out by the end of the workout? Not from the workout I don't think, as it isn't anything I haven't been doing for a while now. I was on my feet all day long, so maybe the legs were saying "enough!" by the end of the day.
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    Today was Day 11 for me. Did Sculpt 1-2. Used the 8 lb weights. They were perfect. Glad I had them instead of jumping to 10 lbs. Still want to get a nice set of weights though.
    I am still struggling with getting out of bed this week though. It was strange last week (week 1) I had no trouble getting out of bed to workout. This week I have to force myself. I still want to get in shape/lose weight just as bad. Not sure what my problem is. Hopefully week 3 will be better!
    Nigel, that's awesome that you completed the whole Ab Ripper set! I think I do between 80 and 90 each time. Those last ten are tough!
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    We are on the same day then. You are getting very close on the Ab Ripper. I stopped at 5-6 reps twice to get 5-7 seconds of rest before finishing, but I finally did them. They're still really tough! I'm sure you'll get there pretty quickly. My improvements are small, but I can definitely do more push-ups, crunches, and weights than I could two weeks ago.