Looking for other P90 Support



  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    The results were good for what I put into it. I lost 4 pounds and .5 inch for most areas. I took pics and you can see the difference. Just kind of miss running. I came to conclusion that I will add walk/run when I can.

    I did day Day 31 Sculpt 3-4 and the max squats and push ups killed me....Before I couldn't really do any push-ups now I can do 16 without feeling like I am dying......

    Sounds like your first 30 went fairly well then! As you'll see in many topics here on MFP, weight isn't always the most important factor. The fact that you lost inches and you can see it in the pictures tells you your doing everything right! You said "for what I put into it"......if you feel you could have given it more, I'd suggest sticking with 1-2 for 2 more weeks till day 45. If you can give it more, start there. For me, 3-4 is definetly tougher and hard on me around my 5th and 6th work day. Plus I'm now looking at the same routine for the last 60 days. But either way...really happy for you!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Day 9 Sculpt 1-2 complete. I think I need to increase my weights next time. Or go back to the band. I didn't burn as many calories and the reps weren't really a struggle at all.
    Getting out of bed before 5 am is sure a struggle though. No matter what time I get in bed I still just want to keep sleeping when the alarm goes off.

    Rebecca...you're doing great! At day 9 you are seeing progress where reps are getting easier. That's exactly what you want to see. Increasing the reps and/or weights is perfect. I don't know how you do 5am...but bless you even more!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Day 50 of Power 90 for me. Weighed in a day later this week at work since I was off yesterday. I lost another 2.6 pounds for a total of 19.8 (oh, so close to an even 20). I was actually a little surprised as I increased my calorie intake this week, and ate out a couple of times (sodium up too). After my rest day yesterday, I'm feeling great and motivated to take my exercise up a notch this week. I must confess.........I've kept on my knees for my push-ups. Someone on another site actually kind of put me down for still being on my knees. It bothered me, but also pushed me to step it up. I'm not sure if it's true or not, but my son said because we are tall, it is much more difficult to do pushups. I'm not sure, but I know I struggle going all the way to the floor. So I'm going to do some of the single-push-up sets this week from my toes, but maybe not go all the way to the floor and see how I feel. I may stay on my knees for the 7-7-7's cause I'm still struggling on the last set. I feel strong on every other exercise, just not sure why push-ups are so hard.

    Have a fantastic week everyone! KPP!
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Sweat 1-2 & Ab Ripper 100 done for the first time this morning! WOW!!! My heart rate was really up there in the 160s throughout most of it... The power yoga is a B$%#@!!!

    I found that through the first half (running in place/jumping jacks/knees up/run lunges my legs got very tired. But I powered through, and got through the X-work/fast feet/etc. Took it a little slow on the cross hops...

    I really enjoyed the second half - the kicks/knee thrusts and punches. Those felt great!

    And the abs were hard, but I got about 80 of the 100 reps done - the Superman crunches and the full body crunches HURT!! LOL.

    Anyway, protein shake right after, balanced breakfast, hot shower, and I feel great. Can't wait for Sculpt tomorrow!

    Have a great workout today everyone!

  • Alita2011
    Alita2011 Posts: 265 Member
    The results were good for what I put into it. I lost 4 pounds and .5 inch for most areas. I took pics and you can see the difference. Just kind of miss running. I came to conclusion that I will add walk/run when I can.

    I did day Day 31 Sculpt 3-4 and the max squats and push ups killed me....Before I couldn't really do any push-ups now I can do 16 without feeling like I am dying......

    Sounds like your first 30 went fairly well then! As you'll see in many topics here on MFP, weight isn't always the most important factor. The fact that you lost inches and you can see it in the pictures tells you your doing everything right! You said "for what I put into it"......if you feel you could have given it more, I'd suggest sticking with 1-2 for 2 more weeks till day 45. If you can give it more, start there. For me, 3-4 is definetly tougher and hard on me around my 5th and 6th work day. Plus I'm now looking at the same routine for the last 60 days. But either way...really happy for you!

    I agree I am definitely pleased with the results. I had alot going on for the first 30 days and life has slowed down a bit for me. I moved on from Phase 1-2 because the exercise were getting to easy for me and I am very hesitant on increasing the weights. Sculpt 3-4 gave me a great push exercise wise.....
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    Day 50 of Power 90 for me. Weighed in a day later this week at work since I was off yesterday. I lost another 2.6 pounds for a total of 19.8 (oh, so close to an even 20). I was actually a little surprised as I increased my calorie intake this week, and ate out a couple of times (sodium up too). After my rest day yesterday, I'm feeling great and motivated to take my exercise up a notch this week. I must confess.........I've kept on my knees for my push-ups. Someone on another site actually kind of put me down for still being on my knees. It bothered me, but also pushed me to step it up. I'm not sure if it's true or not, but my son said because we are tall, it is much more difficult to do pushups. I'm not sure, but I know I struggle going all the way to the floor. So I'm going to do some of the single-push-up sets this week from my toes, but maybe not go all the way to the floor and see how I feel. I may stay on my knees for the 7-7-7's cause I'm still struggling on the last set. I feel strong on every other exercise, just not sure why push-ups are so hard.

    Have a fantastic week everyone! KPP!
    Well some people are just rude! You do push-ups however is comfortable for you; as long as they aren't too easy. ;-)
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    Sweat 1-2 & Ab Ripper 100 done for the first time this morning! WOW!!! My heart rate was really up there in the 160s throughout most of it... The power yoga is a B$%#@!!!

    I found that through the first half (running in place/jumping jacks/knees up/run lunges my legs got very tired. But I powered through, and got through the X-work/fast feet/etc. Took it a little slow on the cross hops...

    I really enjoyed the second half - the kicks/knee thrusts and punches. Those felt great!

    And the abs were hard, but I got about 80 of the 100 reps done - the Superman crunches and the full body crunches HURT!! LOL.

    Anyway, protein shake right after, balanced breakfast, hot shower, and I feel great. Can't wait for Sculpt tomorrow!

    Have a great workout today everyone!


    That's almost exactly how I feel about the whole thing too.
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    This has been one active day for me. First, shoveling snow to the tune of 667 calories or so, then a round of P90 Sculpt 1-2 later in the day for nearly another 300.

    Mini-yea for me - I finally did 8 regular push-ups at the beginning of the workout. Reached 7 for the wide, but the 7-7-7 still becomes a struggle. I've been doing 5 wide, then switching to the close, and those close ones are really tough for me still. Good thing is, I can tell I'm making some progress. After stepping up the weight at the end of week 1, I'm still doing pretty well with my reps (the Swimmers are the toughest ones for me).

    It is good to know that I'm not the only one trying to get through the Ab Ripper. Those are tough!
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Woo boy, today's sculpt wiped me out :( Stuck with the 10's on most moves. I still do push-ups from my knees but will probably move onto toes soon. I wonder if it's because I slept so poorly last night? Post-nasal drip kept me coughing all night. I wasn't tired today though....I dunno. Keep up the good work folks :)
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Woo boy, today's sculpt wiped me out :( Stuck with the 10's on most moves. I still do push-ups from my knees but will probably move onto toes soon. I wonder if it's because I slept so poorly last night? Post-nasal drip kept me coughing all night. I wasn't tired today though....I dunno. Keep up the good work folks :)

    My Gosh! He's human! Seriously, hope your not coming down with anything too serious Brent.

    I'm actually happy to hear someone else still doing push-ups from knees.
    I did the first set tonight from my toes but only got in about 8 I think.
    I know in time they will come.....I have to keep reminding myself I'm in no hurry.
    As long as I'm pushing myself and working hard, that's what matters.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    My Gosh! He's human! Seriously, hope your not coming down with anything too serious Brent.

    I'm actually happy to hear someone else still doing push-ups from knees.
    I did the first set tonight from my toes but only got in about 8 I think.
    I know in time they will come.....I have to keep reminding myself I'm in no hurry.
    As long as I'm pushing myself and working hard, that's what matters.

    Thanks Mike, a good giggle is always nice :) I was on my toes before I hurt my shoulder but this time am resisting the urge to push ahead. As you say, there's no hurry.
  • Impala007
    Impala007 Posts: 293 Member
    Good evening everyone,

    Way to go MikeK glad to see your progress on the scale....about your difficulty with pushups isn't because you are tall, but a byproduct of being tall....long arms (me too). The further you lift your body from the floor takes more effort. Same as short armed people being better at bench presses. They don't have as far to move the weight. I am still on my knees too so you are not alone. I , like Brent ,am trying to protect a bum shoulder and am in no hurry to get macho and end up on the shelf just when I'm feeling to get into the groove.

    Just knocked out day 10 Sweat after 30min warmup on the t-mill. I echo the new Mike's sentiment about Power Yoga it's
    a @#(&%! Curious as to the others who have been at this awhile are any of you able to do the stretching with straight legs. My flexibilty is not unlike that of a dead tree branch fresh from a liquid nitrogen bath. It will be interesting to see my progress in flexibility as the program goes along.

    Got some good news today ....called the Dr. for my lab results. Cholesterol is down from 265 in early DEC to 125. I'm sure he thinks it's because he told me to take my meds every day which I wasn't always doing, but I firmly believe it's mostly due to the fruits of joining MFP with my vastly improved diet and exercise. He says stop the meds and come see him in 3 weeks. Guess we'll find out then where the credit lies.
    Thanks for all of the support!
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Off the meds? Great news! My BP was inching up until I started with the improved diet and exercise and now it's down to a textbook 120/80. My triglycerides were high too but I haven't had blood work done lately to see what's changed. I was never able to do the yoga very well at first but let me tell you it DOES get easier. As you keep it up and get more flexible and as your middle gets smaller it gets much easier. A co-worker who does a lot of yoga complimented me on my warrior pose the other day so it can be done. Just stick with it :)
  • Wow alot of people have great news today!!! Congratz to all!! Mike gratz on your progress on the scale always nice to step on the scale and see the numbers down!!

    Brent I hope your not getting sick!! Hope you feel better and get some sleep!

    Impala that is soo awesome!! Bet you feel great being of Meds!! Did you do a happy dance? lol Cuz totally deserves one!!;)
  • I have a question about calories...yes calories ive done some reading but still not sure if i watching my calories right.
    Anyways MFP tells me my goal is 2190 a day i am always under...and if i exercise im really under...like today i burned 669 calories and ended up with 1390 calories left over...need to know is that good or bad? Should i try get more calories or less? What number should i aim for each day? Im just confused lol Help please?

    That all said i weighed in today day 17 for me..sigh 1 pound up=( but I also measured and i lost inch on waist, hips and 1/2 inch on thighs!! nice to see numbers down aleast on measureing!

  • Typically, P90X comes with a guide which tells you which workouts to do and in what order. Hearing that you only have 10 discs tells me that you either got an incomplete set of P90X or you bought a "bootleg" version which condenses the cds....definitely look for the guide and if you cant find it, let me know and i will email you the workouts and their order. IN addition, i would check your discs to make sure that you do indeed have 12 different workouts...if not, you are missing some and again, i may be able to help you by doubling up on a workout throughout the week in place of the missing workout.

    Anyways, best of luck and again, if you need help, feel free to friend me and ask me anything!
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    Day 9 Sculpt 1-2 complete. I think I need to increase my weights next time. Or go back to the band. I didn't burn as many calories and the reps weren't really a struggle at all.
    Getting out of bed before 5 am is sure a struggle though. No matter what time I get in bed I still just want to keep sleeping when the alarm goes off.

    What are you lifting now?
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    Day 9 Sculpt 1-2 complete. I think I need to increase my weights next time. Or go back to the band. I didn't burn as many calories and the reps weren't really a struggle at all.
    Getting out of bed before 5 am is sure a struggle though. No matter what time I get in bed I still just want to keep sleeping when the alarm goes off.

    What are you lifting now?
    HAHA! Only 5 lbs! But I have 8 lb weights I am going to use tomorrow. I did my resistance band the first day and I could really feel it. I might just go back to that. I just found it to be more of a hassle. I should probably just pick up a set of weights at the store this week. I have always been fairly strong (for a girl) I probably should have started with 10 lb weights, but I just wanted to make sure I could handle all the moves first.
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    HAHA! Only 5 lbs! But I have 8 lb weights I am going to use tomorrow. I did my resistance band the first day and I could really feel it. I might just go back to that. I just found it to be more of a hassle. I should probably just pick up a set of weights at the store this week. I have always been fairly strong (for a girl) I probably should have started with 10 lb weights, but I just wanted to make sure I could handle all the moves first.

    I think you went about it the right way, start light and make sure you've got good form so you don't hurt yourself, then slowly increase the weight as needed.

    I'm using 15 lbs for everything except the shoulder flys, where I drop down to 10 lbs. Last week when I first tried the Sculpt 1-2 routine I just used 10 lbs for everything to get a feel for the exercises and figure out the correct form.

    Reebs, if you have 8 lb weights, that is a great step up. Even though it's only 3 lbs more, it's a 60% increase in weight which is significant. You'll most likely get a real good burn from that! Do the 8's and pickup a set of 10's so you're ready for your next step up!

    Anyway, today is day 3 for me, and I did Sculpt 1-2 this morning. I am sore today - shoulders, triceps, back, legs... But it feels GREAT. I know I am working my body and moving in the right direction. Sweat 1-2 and Ab Ripper tomorrow!!!

    Have a great workout today everyone!
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Oh, and I think it's a good idea to use the resistance bands sometimes to change it up. They react differently than free weights, so they work the muscles a little differently. Plus, it's good to get used to using them sometimes, that way if you ever have to be away from home for a few days, you can bring your bands with you and still be comfortable and get a great workout.
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