Looking for other P90 Support



  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    I have the WORST balance and bad form with the leg kicks...Anyone else feel like they are falling all the time?

    I totally feel that way sometimes! I have to focus hard on keeping my core tight so that I keep my balance!
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    My best friend started P90 and loves it. I have a hard time finding a good exercise program that is decent for me to use a) as a single mom and b) with my serious injuries/damage done to my body. Today was my first day with it, and I did the Sweat 1-2 and Ab Ripper 100. :) Wish me luck!
    I have a husband, but I am more like a single mom than not. I do all the work with our kids and all the other stuff around our house. He works a lot and just isnt' really good with our kids. So I have to get up at 4:45 am just to have time to workout. I also have some SERIOUS injuries to my body as well. That is why I started on P90 and not straight into P90x like a lot of people seem to do. When I was 18 I flew off a cliff in the mountains and broke my body in 17 places. Including 3 of my vertebraes, busted my pelvis into 3 pieces and I now have giant screws holding it together, and my left ankle has been rebuilt mostly of metal now. So far I have been able to do Sweat 1-2 and Sculpt 1-2 with no problems. I have had to modify a few moves because I can only do low impact activities. But I am still able to get a good burn even with my modifications. Anyway, my point is, I totally uunderstand where you are coming from. I really hope this program works for you too and you can stick with it. Today is day 5 for me and I already lost 1 lb this week.

    OMG...THAT STORY WAS HORRIBLE!!!! You poor thing!!!

    Kudos to you for excersising after your body was put through all that trauma!!
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    The craziest part is that the doctors didnt' know if I would ever be able to have kids. I carried both my babies to full term and delivered both of them naturally. :happy: It was really hard on my arthritis, but otherwise I had pretty uneventful pregnancies. Now I just need to get in shape and stay in shape so that my injuries don't prevent me from being able to play with my kids as they grow up.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Wow Rebecca...thanks for sharing your personal story. Your an inspiration to us all for pushing forward and being successful even with everything you've gone through! I don't know you personally, but you seem like a pretty special person!
  • Thanks Mike
    Thats way ive been doing it didnt know i was suspose take day off been havein to anyways...cuz so busy on weekends Glad to hear ive been doing right! Yeah ive got the videos down pretty good but im gonna wait little longer to go to 3 &4! I use the bands anyone else use the bands? I need more resist on them and some of the exercises i cant...might just have to go to weights...what is everyone doing diet wise? Just watching calories or on a specfic diet? I didnt get p90 done today i walked 2 miles at the park tho so aleast i did something ill just take this as my off day and do it tomorrow=)
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Another question...

    My husband is doing P90 with me as well. He is uncertain as to how many calories he should be consuming.

    He is 5'10 and weighs 178 currently. He wants to be around 165 lbs.

    I believe that P90 plan told him to be at 2,000 calories per day, but other sources have said much less..

    What do you think his target caloric intake should be?

    The meal plan that comes with Power 90 is a 1500-1700 calorie per day play depending on whether or not you eat snacks. It's just a blanket plan with no real customization other than some general recommendations about eating more if you're more active. Why don't you have him set up an account here on MFP? That would probably be easiest.
  • snrose
    snrose Posts: 233 Member
    I have the WORST balance and bad form with the leg kicks...Anyone else feel like they are falling all the time?

    if you feel like you are stumbling, i've found using my core muscles helps balance me (actually thinking about using them that is) and not kicking so high
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    I have the WORST balance and bad form with the leg kicks...Anyone else feel like they are falling all the time?

    I was thinking about his during Sweat today. You should probably try to kick lower and also try to slow down a bit and focus on form.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Day 48 Power 90 Sweat/Abs 3-4 Done!

    Let us know where your at on your journey.
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    Day 48 Power 90 Sweat/Abs 3-4 Done!

    Let us know where your at on your journey.
    Today is Day 7 for me. My rest day, so I took a little walk this morning. Hope to get another in this afternoon. Back to Sweat 1-2 tomorrow.
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    Another question...

    My husband is doing P90 with me as well. He is uncertain as to how many calories he should be consuming.

    He is 5'10 and weighs 178 currently. He wants to be around 165 lbs.

    I believe that P90 plan told him to be at 2,000 calories per day, but other sources have said much less..

    What do you think his target caloric intake should be?

    I've been trying to convert him, however he's using the Lose It app on his phone which he loves!! He's not interested in switching. Makes me sooo mad cause we are doing this together, but whatever...to each his own, I suppose.

    The meal plan that comes with Power 90 is a 1500-1700 calorie per day play depending on whether or not you eat snacks. It's just a blanket plan with no real customization other than some general recommendations about eating more if you're more active. Why don't you have him set up an account here on MFP? That would probably be easiest.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Day 27 of my Power 90 re-start! Shoulders are feeling good, form is tight. Bring It!
  • Alita2011
    Alita2011 Posts: 265 Member
    Day 48 Power 90 Sweat/Abs 3-4 Done!

    Let us know where your at on your journey.

    I am on Day 30....Instead of doing the Sweat 1-2 I did a 30 min walk/jog and realized I miss it as my main form of cardio. I am trying to think of some ways I can incorporate walk/run into my P90 routine. Any suggestions?

    I feel I need to move on to Phase 3-4 but I would be a crazy person to add both at the same time. Maybe I should start Sculpt 3-4 and keep my runs as cardio and the next week add Sweat 3-4 with a one mile run...I really don't want to add more time onto my workourts...I have three girls, wk full-time, and alot going on!
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    I am trying to think of some ways I can incorporate walk/run into my P90 routine. Any suggestions?

    Several folks on the BB forums add a light jog on their Sculpt days since those burn less calories. I'm considering adding a bike ride or the Couch to 5k once the weather warms up.
  • Impala007
    Impala007 Posts: 293 Member
    Hello Mike, Brent, and the rest of the gang...........

    Well today was technically day 8 for me, but I took the last three days off after my rest day on Wednesday. I worked 12 hrs shifts last week and it is a challenge to drum up the energy to get the exercise in getting home after 6 on a good day. The plague that has been running rampant at my house the last 2 weeks finally caught up with me Thursday. Friday I was a hurtin' unit. Was going to try and do something yesterday, but never made it. Today, even though I still feel pretty much like crap, I knew I had to get after it or it would become easier to say no tomorrow. Well it wasn't pretty, but I managed an hour on the t-mill then the Sweat 1-2. Had to take a minute or two before the abs, but got it done. Looks like I'll manage to come in about 2.5lbs lighter this week so progress is still being made. I hope the rest of you are all well and making headway in our quest for better health.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Hi Jim,

    Glad to hear you were able to push through and get your burn on. I admire your ability to get in doubles! I hope you and the rest of the family feel better soon. KPP!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Jim, glad your feeling better. Doing doubles your first day back is amazing. Make sure not to over do it.

    Shanell18, To be honest I'm not sure. I feel like I need to stick with P90 and not mix it up. But that's just me because I'm a control nut and if I waver from it, I won't know if my results were from one or the other. I try to get out on nicer days at lunch for 30 minutes and walk around the work campus. But my son will be starting Lacrosse 6 days a week in a couple of weeks...he's been asking me what he should do. To be honest...I just don't know.

    P.S. - How were your Day 30 results? Any pictures or measurements taken compared to day 1?
  • How does everyone keep track of what day they are on? Ive been needing a good way to keep up with it im not sure what day this is for me lol ....i gotta count on here to find out lol
  • Day 48 Power 90 Sweat/Abs 3-4 Done!

    Let us know where your at on your journey.

    I am on Day 30....Instead of doing the Sweat 1-2 I did a 30 min walk/jog and realized I miss it as my main form of cardio. I am trying to think of some ways I can incorporate walk/run into my P90 routine. Any suggestions?

    I feel I need to move on to Phase 3-4 but I would be a crazy person to add both at the same time. Maybe I should start Sculpt 3-4 and keep my runs as cardio and the next week add Sweat 3-4 with a one mile run...I really don't want to add more time onto my workourts...I have three girls, wk full-time, and alot going on!

    I sometimes go for a walk on my days off or weekends at the park....and sometimes i do bout 20 or 30 mins on treadmill if i got time but i dont cut out a day of p90 if i do that stuff just a bonus....Im not sure how u can incorporate it into your p90 tho.....yeah im thinking around mu 30 days im gonna go to 3-4 im feeling really good with 1 -2 right now got it down im just on day 13 right now....i understand bout not wanting to add more time to workout i have a little girl also got my hands full so if i do more usually at the park she likes me to push her around the track i enjoy it alot=)
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    I just have it on a calendar app, so I can track what I've done with each workout (and when).

    Shanelle, even though I've only been doing P90 a week now, I did switch and do Your Shape on Kinect (Xbox 360) for my cardio session on my third Cardio workout last week. I hadn't done Your Shape since I started P90, and there are quite a few moves that are similar in what I do with both, so it was nice to vary it up just a tad. I did make sure to do the same stretching I do with P90, do the same amount of time, and I did do the P90 Ab Ripper following my Your Shape workout. As long as I'm not straying too much from the P90 workout, it seems like that will be ok. The same may work for you in finding ways to incorporate other workouts or running into your P90 schedule.

    For those who have finished P90 however many times, what seems to be a good plan for maintaining. I'm not sure I'll want to go for P90X, and I'm getting close to a weight I'm happy at maintaining. As I'm not looking to get ripped, just building some muscle tone, and exercising regularly is what I'm looking for right now.
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