edr2b Member


  • Consider eating clean..you will love it..from my experience low carb always helped short term and then I always gained the weight back..because I LOVE carbs..but if you want to do the low carb..you usually lose 1lb/day for the first month and then it slows down..but you should do what works for you..I look forward to…
  • YOU CAN ADD ME :))))))
  • Ok thx!! I had a BOY!! One of each and now complete lol I will chk out ur group.
    in Help!! Comment by edr2b November 2014
  • Same here :)
  • I love her videos..I used it along with My Fitness Pal the first time I lost weight...then began running..but yes it works in conjunction with MFP..
  • Ok everyone..let's stay on track and I look forward to see what our weigh in is for Monday!!!!!
  • I know it is not the best route to go..but it has really suppressed my appetite..I am so bad..I know that sticking to this site and working out is key bc I lost 33 lbs doing it before..the only problem is I gained 20 of it back..
  • I'm in!! Name: Beth Age: 29 Height: 5'2 Current Weight: 207 Goal Weight by N.Y Eve: 187 (20 lbs)
  • It was helpful for me...and hopefully for mazu..I seem 2 do better when I workout otherwise I just want to eat everything I can think of.
  • Did you weigh yourself today???
  • That would be great!!!
  • MROB04..I will add you..I will post a consolidated list of everyones weight..weigh in started 2day..WE CAN DO THIS!!! Even if it is just the 2 of us...we can motivate each other...:smile:
  • I'm sorry probably confused every1..I am already a mommy but my goal is 2b @ my goal weight by 30 which is next July. So we would all just weigh in each Monday starting 2day. Here is my SW: 205.2 Here is my GW: 145 So a total of 60 lbs
  • I am in..I was looking for a group to join for April 30th..so this is awesome...my daughters 2 year bday is next month so hoping to be down about 10lbs by then..I had originally lost 33 lbs using MFP..fell off the wagon and have now gained almost 20lbs back...so "it is time" to get back on track!!! Thanks 4 opening this…
  • Sitstaygimme..I know exactly what you mean..I started out on here @ 220 after having my 1st child..I lost down to 188 lbs and decided to celebrate by going out w/the hubby and a friend to an outing..I told them..I'm going to celebrate bc it was my birthday..well that was in July..it is now Jan. and I have been off since…
  • Carrots and light ranch or wheat bread w/1tbsp peanut butter..it will feel you up...
  • O my...you look awesome..you don't even look like the same person..congrats!! :love:
  • I'm in...I had my daughter last year on May 28th so I am want to lose 24 lbs by May 28th...which is doable.. CW: 203 GW: 179(for APRIL) I just don't want to weight in the 200's 190's or the 180's so I can be @ my goal...my bday is July so I will work towards 150 for July 23..any ideas how to get this off quick and natural…
  • That is awesome!!! I'm very proud of you...I was in a bad mood today also...I should have known when I woke up and my daughter had dropped such a huge bomb that I had to cute her onesie off so that it didn't get in her hair..that being said the rest of my day was crazy but like you instead of giving in I went to my…
    in 3 Miles!!! Comment by edr2b March 2011
  • I'm in..I have several of her videos..just let me know what day you want us to post... As of today I am 202.2
  • Starting Weight: Goal Weight: SW: 220.6 CW: 204.0 3/17: 204.0 3/24: 3/31: Mini Goal 199 4/7: 4/14: 4/21: 4/28: 5/5: 5/12: 5/19: 5/26: 180's 6/2: 6/9: 170's Let's keep it goin..so excited about this challenge...it is very "doable"....
  • I was actually taken Loestren FE but my insurance company stopped paying for it so I switched BUT personally I would rather gain w/the pill than get pregnant w/o using it... :) I guess if you tried it for a month or two and see how your body is w/ and w/o it then go from there..do whatever u are comfortable with..
  • Been there..my moment was Jan 3rd..I decided that this would not be just another New Years Resolution that I never resolved and because this was the first yr that I had a child..I decided that being her mother I have to be an example to her..while I was pregnant w/her I developed toxemia/preclampsia..which results from…
  • I do a Celebrity Fitness class 2x a week that is similar to P90X at the gym..then 5x a week I workout @ my job in the afternoon during my lunch break..then in the mornings at home I try to do my Leslie Sansome 5mile video..and that pretty much takes up all of my spare time...
  • Okay I'm already added to the list but I wanted to list my goal weights so that I can be accountable for them on this challenge: Starting Weight: Goal Weight: 3/17: 204 3/24: 202 3/31: 199 Mini Goal(Out of the 200's) 4/7: 197 4/14: 195 4/21: 193 4/28: 189 Mini Goal (Get into the 80's) 5/05: 187 5/12: 185 5/19: 183 5/26:…