What prompted you to lose weight?



  • ChuckgM3
    ChuckgM3 Posts: 302 Member
    Seems like I've been trying to slim down forever but this time having to move the "big sliding weight" up to 200 was what did it for me.
  • Rosie958r
    Rosie958r Posts: 160 Member
    To fit into and look good in younger clothes
    I don't want to go overseas and be overweight.
    Sick of being the larger one of my friends
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    I've been trying for a few years. In November, I joined a gym, and I'm getting stronger, but now I need to work on getting my nutrition and eating habits right.

    I remember telling my best friend many years ago I wouldn't ever be a chronic dieter. I'm one of those. I can't wait to be done.
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Well, I've needed to lose weight for years. I'd think about it, but never really stuck to any plan for more than a few weeks. Then a couple of years ago my doctor said that my blood pressure was starting to be a bit on the high side. High BP runs very strongly in my family, and I didn't want to end up in the same spot as my mother only 15 years sooner. Also, and this was a major motivator, my doctor said that I wouldn't be able to take BC if I was on medication for high blood pressure. :( I do not want to go back to the horror that is my unregulated cycle.
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    I haven't liked how i've looked for many years. I'd made a zillion half-assed attempts at losing weight(diet/work out for a week or two), but my laziness always won out. So I kept gaining more weight. It got to the point where I was no longer comfortable in jeans, but even THAT didn't do it for me. It was when I found myself single after a 3 year relationship, completely unhappy and lacking in self-esteem, that I realized now was as good a time as any to really get serious about getting in shape and losing weight. Going to the gym ended up being a GREAT time filler when I was feeling lonely, and i've been able to stick with it now.
  • diviana
    diviana Posts: 53
    Last year, at age 36, I began having heart palpitations. My doctor referred me to a cardiologist, and he put on my medical chart (and I quote): "cannot rule out obstructive coronary artery disease". At that time, I weighed just under 500 lbs. They ran some tests, including an echocardiogram, and it was ruled out. Still, it was being faced with my own mortality that was the wakeup call I needed. My doctor looked at me and said if I didn't lose this weight, I would die.

    That was just over a year ago, and I've lost 112 lbs so far. I hit a major plateau, but am now back on track. Having a bit of trouble readjusting my diet, but I plan to stay on it and keep going. Still have another 200 to lose :-)
  • edr2b
    edr2b Posts: 65 Member
    Been there..my moment was Jan 3rd..I decided that this would not be just another New Years Resolution that I never resolved and because this was the first yr that I had a child..I decided that being her mother I have to be an example to her..while I was pregnant w/her I developed toxemia/preclampsia..which results from developing high blood pressure..so once I had her I was taken off high blood pressure meds and I felt that this was God's way of giving me another chance so I took advantage...I'm down 18lbs and plan to reach my goal by the end of this year...plus I also have my 10yr reunion coming up so that was another motivator for me...Good Luck to everyone!!!
  • Lee1957
    Lee1957 Posts: 23
    You just keep on keeping on. That is all that we can do. If each day we make some progress it will happen. I hope everything turns out ok
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    Oooh good question! It's one that I keep picturing myself answering once more people notice my weight loss.

    Like so many, I've wanted to lose weight forever and have tried many many times before. But I kept putting off re-starting until "Monday". Then, while I was on vacation with my family this past Christmas I went through my son's camera and found pics of me from Thanksgiving. Scary! Frightening in fact. The image is burned in my memory although I haven't looked at it again since.

    Then, randomly, I started back at work on January 3rd of this year. While I wasn't seriously thinking of getting back on the wagon, I decided to visit MFP again after several months of being away from this site. And, suddenly, I was logging my food in. I found this "Lose Weight By April" group and thought, "Why not?" and that rest, as they say, is history. I found myself becoming more immersed in losing weight, picked up lovely friends along the way and just really enjoying this site. In mid-February I began exercising about 3 times a week. Then, in late February, my cousin who had always suffered from being morbidly obese, died of complications related to a blood clot. That sealed the deal for me. At that point, I knew I really had no choice since my own health has been compromised because of my weight.

    Now I work out for at least 30 mins a day and look forward to logging in and cheering on my friends. This place is inrfectious!