Low carb diet?

Elizabeth1515 Posts: 26 Member
edited September 2015 in Food and Nutrition
Is there anyone on a low carb diet or has been on low carb diet ? What was your weight loss like in the first week but also long term if you got there !

Thank you .


  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    You'll lose quite a bit of water weight and glycogen in the first couple of weeks because carbs hold water... reintroduction of carbohydrates leads to water weight retention.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    whatever method you do - low carb, high carb, high protein, IF, etc, etc - it all boils down to calorie deficit and CICO = Calories in vs Calories out. So do whatever method allows you to maintain a consistent and sustainable calorie deficit.
  • edr2b
    edr2b Posts: 65 Member
    Consider eating clean..you will love it..from my experience low carb always helped short term and then I always gained the weight back..because I LOVE carbs..but if you want to do the low carb..you usually lose 1lb/day for the first month and then it slows down..but you should do what works for you..I look forward to hearing about your journey.
  • CopnorChick
    CopnorChick Posts: 1 Member
    I started a low carb high protein diet on Monday and thought I'd find it hard but am loving it and jumped on scales and have lost 6lbs since Monday. Am drinking loads of water and tracking everything on here so can keep an eye on macros.
    Good luck look forward to hearing how you get on x
  • sinbadfxdl
    sinbadfxdl Posts: 103 Member
    Let us all remember that eating a low carb with high protein meal works well with hunger pains. When it comes to losing weight, a calorie is not just a calorie. Your body always likes the short cut so it would rather go for stored fat than work all day to process the protein. Carbs (sugar) gets a direct pass to the blood stream and is quick to be stored as fat.
    After you drop a few pounds, eat more carbs the next day so your body will not go into starvation mode. Then go back to low carb till you drop the next two pounds. Your body is a chemical furnace. Feed it the right calories to keep it as a fat burning machine.
    This app is great for that. With this app, low carb diet, and exercise I always drop 2to 4lbs and I am never starving.
    Water is very important. Drinking lots of water actually helps flush fat and water weight. Be careful not to drink too much at night. Nobody wants to wake up at night to go to the bathroom several times.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    sinbadfxdl wrote: »
    Let us all remember that eating a low carb with high protein meal works well with hunger pains. When it comes to losing weight, a calorie is not just a calorie. Your body always likes the short cut so it would rather go for stored fat than work all day to process the protein. Carbs (sugar) gets a direct pass to the blood stream and is quick to be stored as fat.
    After you drop a few pounds, eat more carbs the next day so your body will not go into starvation mode. Then go back to low carb till you drop the next two pounds. Your body is a chemical furnace. Feed it the right calories to keep it as a fat burning machine.
    This app is great for that. With this app, low carb diet, and exercise I always drop 2to 4lbs and I am never starving.
    Water is very important. Drinking lots of water actually helps flush fat and water weight. Be careful not to drink too much at night. Nobody wants to wake up at night to go to the bathroom several times.

    Sugar does not get a direct pass to the blood stream, unless it's pure glucose your body has to work to break it down into glucose and fructose.
    Sugars are not quick to be stored as fat, rather the opposite, it's the first thing your body wants to use for energy, so unless you're eating so many carbs that you are eating more calories from carbs alone than your body burns in a whole day, you're not going to store carbs as fat long term.
    Starvation mode doesn't exist.
    Your body is always a fat burning machine you don't need any special diet for that. Many people on here have lost dozens to hundreds of pounds of fat without the need for a low carb diet.
  • sinbadfxdl
    sinbadfxdl Posts: 103 Member
    There is a Bbc horizon documentary "the atkins diet". 6 processes more for protein breakdown into glucose. And I didn't mean carbs go directly, but too many goes straight to fat. And protein will stay in your stomach a lot longer . Hit a plateau lately. You body is fighting back to retain the fat If your not eating enough. Eat more to break the plateau.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    Carbs do not go straight to fat.
    Your body can't fight back in a way that would eliminate a proper deficit.
  • sinbadfxdl
    sinbadfxdl Posts: 103 Member
    Drink soda calories and see if you don't get fat. Stay away from processed foods and eat all the veggies your stomach can fill. Good luck!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    sinbadfxdl wrote: »
    Let us all remember that eating a low carb with high protein meal works well with hunger pains. When it comes to losing weight, a calorie is not just a calorie. Your body always likes the short cut so it would rather go for stored fat than work all day to process the protein. Carbs (sugar) gets a direct pass to the blood stream and is quick to be stored as fat.
    After you drop a few pounds, eat more carbs the next day so your body will not go into starvation mode. Then go back to low carb till you drop the next two pounds. Your body is a chemical furnace. Feed it the right calories to keep it as a fat burning machine.
    This app is great for that. With this app, low carb diet, and exercise I always drop 2to 4lbs and I am never starving.
    Water is very important. Drinking lots of water actually helps flush fat and water weight. Be careful not to drink too much at night. Nobody wants to wake up at night to go to the bathroom several times.

  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    I drank soda yesterday. Still look pretty damn lean in the mirror. I'm also eating 40% of my calories in carbs every day. Lost 50 pounds so far. I think I'm good.
  • sinbadfxdl
    sinbadfxdl Posts: 103 Member
    Keep drinking your calories. You'll gain it back. Sugar is the devil. Marketers love to hear you quote that. Sugar is just as addictive as cocain.
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    sinbadfxdl wrote: »
    Keep drinking your calories. You'll gain it back. Sugar is the devil. Marketers love to hear you quote that. Sugar is just as addictive as cocain.

    Lol the flame bait is real.

  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Is there anyone on a low carb diet or has been on low carb diet ? What was your weight loss like in the first week but also long term if you got there !

    Can't remember exactly but probably around 3 pounds in the first week. I have read larger younger people losing more in that period.

    Over 6 months lost over 42 lbs and got to the weight I am now. Kept the weight off for 5 years.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Sugar does not get a direct pass to the blood stream, unless it's pure glucose your body has to work to break it down into glucose and fructose-

    Sugar (sucrose) in an acid soda will already be inverted to glucose & fructose, similarly the acid environment of the stomach will do the job pretty quick with no "work" involved.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited September 2015
    I eat a very LCHF ketogenic diet and have for about 3 months, so I'm still pretty new to it. In the first 2-3 weeks I probably lost 10 lbs, but I am sure at least 50% of it was water. When you cut carbs you will no longer retain the same amount of water. My guess is that is you cut carbs severely, you'll lose more water weight. Still, it was very fun to see.

    The first week or two I experienced a low carb flu (fatigue, headache) because I did not up my electrolytes enough. Once I doubled my sodium (tsp of salt in water or a cup of broth every day), upped my magnesium and ptassium, I felt fine - better than I had before starting. My skin cleared up, I had more energy, my appetite and cravings dropped, my hair thickened, my inflammatory arthritis improved andmy prediabetes mostly resolved. LCHF has done great things for my health.

    I continued to lose about 2 lbs per week for the next two months, and very easily. Almost no exercise. It has slowed to 1 lb per week now, but I am back to a size 10-12 at 5'8", and am a normal BMI. I hope to lose another 15lbs or so, at about 4-5lbs per month. Over the last 3 months I have lost almost 30lbs at about 1500 calories per day, give or take 500 calories.

    LCHF works very well for some. Good luck with it!

    Try the Low Carber Daily group for more support. The main boards don't have many low carbers on them.
    sinbadfxdl wrote: »
    Keep drinking your calories. You'll gain it back. Sugar is the devil. Marketers love to hear you quote that. Sugar is just as addictive as cocain.

    ... He's new. Please don't derail the thread. @sinbadfxdl You're probably about to hear (from many) that sugar is in fact not the devil nor is it as addictive as cocaine (but I do agree that it does SOMETHING to us). Hang on...
  • sinbadfxdl
    sinbadfxdl Posts: 103 Member
    yarwell wrote: »
    Sugar does not get a direct pass to the blood stream, unless it's pure glucose your body has to work to break it down into glucose and fructose-

    Sugar (sucrose) in an acid soda will already be inverted to glucose & fructose, similarly the acid environment of the stomach will do the job pretty quick with no "work" involved.

    Thankfully someone with intel.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    sinbadfxdl wrote: »
    Keep drinking your calories. You'll gain it back. Sugar is the devil. Marketers love to hear you quote that. Sugar is just as addictive as cocain.

  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    yarwell wrote: »
    Sugar does not get a direct pass to the blood stream, unless it's pure glucose your body has to work to break it down into glucose and fructose-

    Sugar (sucrose) in an acid soda will already be inverted to glucose & fructose, similarly the acid environment of the stomach will do the job pretty quick with no "work" involved.

    No, it isn't "inverted" in a soda.
    sinbadfxdl wrote: »
    yarwell wrote: »
    Sugar does not get a direct pass to the blood stream, unless it's pure glucose your body has to work to break it down into glucose and fructose-

    Sugar (sucrose) in an acid soda will already be inverted to glucose & fructose, similarly the acid environment of the stomach will do the job pretty quick with no "work" involved.

    Thankfully someone with intel.

    Neither of your first two posts in this thread come close to accurate or truthful. If you have to depend on fearmongering based upon lies to make a point, your point is flawed.
  • sinbadfxdl
    sinbadfxdl Posts: 103 Member
    Low carb is the way to go.