

  • Never you mind the retarded, insecure male. He was unable to say, "hi, my name is ..... And feel free to ask questions", so instead he epically failed at meeting you. Never worry about little boys. And I've got the calluses. I forgot all about golves... Thanks for the reminder. Wonder if they come in pink.
  • i was able to keep my weight at a cool stable 122 after the HCG. i went back for another round. i did this a bit earlier then expected ( 6 weeks is the recommended, so 2 weeks is early) i gained 4 lbs on loading, i now weight 119 after 7 days. my goal weight remains 107, and at a loss a day, i hope to be on target by the…
  • these days i like... apple cut into slices. with cinnamon and stevia ( careful of what additive is in it, no "ose" eg. dextrose) and then microwave for 2 minutes. its doing a great job. ok. also: take unsweetened cocoa powder, add agave nectar. now its chocolate syrup. put onto... last night i made tofu ice cream. 1 pack…
  • I am obviously not the one to tell you all about it:). But for real!! You like races, so race. Just know that like climbing mount everest there is a VERY DISTINCT possibikity that you plan for years, sink all your money , go around the world, just to be TURNED BACK 400 feet from the summit. The truth here is that in all…
    in Asthma Comment by Firewhirrrl May 2011
  • So you feel my pain. Mine also brews. I gave up all beer just for now until I get down to my weight. Then it's all ok again. I am a super hop head, however. I like citrus in my beer so I go for Russian River 's Pliny ( both the elder and the younger). My husband clones it and it is excellent. I also like fresh hopped and…
  • Your method of workout is precisely what I have determined to work. Thank you for sharing!! Btw... You look awesome!! GreAt job!! What a belly!
    in Asthma Comment by Firewhirrrl May 2011
  • I did go back to the specialist. I am also on steroids ( purple one). And I also have proair. He wants me to try an acid reflux medecine for a month before he changes current meds. And he said if the acid reflux doesn't work he would put me on a treadmill and do some testing and give me a stronger medication. I'm on 100/50…
    in Asthma Comment by Firewhirrrl May 2011
  • I did go back to the specialist. I am also on steroids ( purple one). And I also have proair. He wants me to try an acid reflux medecine for a month before he changes current meds. And he said if the acid reflux doesn't work he would put me on a treadmill and do some testing and give me a stronger medication. I'm on 100/50…
    in Asthma Comment by Firewhirrrl May 2011
  • I would say, also. My friend and I started dieting in January. I lost 10lbs the "hard way", while she lost 35 or so. That's why I tried it. She herself has gone from ... Obese to chuby. It's completely amazing. She is now waring a 14! At some point you will also know someone who is doing and has done this. But the key...…
  • I ordered the real powder from India in a prescription form.( not the homeopathic). I am not under a doctors care. I have a medical background, and have some familiarity. I was able to loose 11 lbs in about 21 days. Then I got to a point where I felt and looked good. My weightloss journey has taken me through a lot of…
  • Update: I have been successfully running these days and I have found a solution for me. I have to take. Few hits before I exercise, and exercise at such a mild rate that I don't have any elevated breathing. So for me: that's about a 12 min mile... Sad speed, but I found I was able to go for as long as I wanted without an…
    in Asthma Comment by Firewhirrrl May 2011
  • Ok: So I started at 189. I walked every day during lunch for an hour. I did exercises ( Jillian michales) with hand weights... And I lost 40 lbs in a full year. I stalled a lot and would stay at the same weight for over a month at a time. Then I radically changed my diet. I lost more weight. It came off faster at this…
  • There really are so many things in the mix. 1. Water weight can sometimes be a factor. 2. Obese people will loose weight faster then a person close to their goal. I was also loosing weight at what I thought was a slow goal. People were also passing me by. I then realized that a lot of people were on the HGC diet. The HCG…
  • True. That is a lot of extrem exercise requiring calories in itself. Ok. So something I did to loose weight when I was not countin the calories::: 1. Add lemon to your water. 2. Steer away from wheat. Maybe try rice noodles or spelt. Easier to digest. And wheat has an odd effect for a lot of people. 3. Go for soups for…
  • I'm on the last 12. From a past ( and not overweight) life. Yes, it will become more difficult, but certainly not THAT hard. My thoughts are: 1. Learn what foods your body likes. 2. Learn how NOT gain weight. And when these are accomplished: get the weight off!! How about being even more aggressive. Go for 2.5 lbs a week .…
  • Sorry: I didn't realize so much time had lapsed. You already know what I am talking about:). Have a nice day.. Keep trucking.
  • Go baby go baby go!! In the end... I have done a few different plans. And what I found... 1. Find people who you can talk to about food/cravings/ stress and fear.. All day every day. 2. Work your plan. I have seen it work!! It does work. 3. One foot in from of the other. All it takes is a start. And then it takes another…
  • My husband is a diabetic. He is type one. My advice is: 1. Mix sugars with protien. Example. If you need to give her juice to bring her up, only give her a little,(1/2 glass) but then after a few minutes give her 1/2 glass of milk. The sugars flash. So they will bring her up fast when she is low, but they also spike and…
  • To show that I am the master of my fate, captain of my destiny. I choose what size I want to be... I will keep on because I have the power to do so, without settling or giving up ( which is another form of being lazy, powerless, and apathetic, a victim).
  • Dona: Sorry, but I find your Plight wonderful and funny. Great idea with freezing your water. And I also live rural, so it's a wonderful thing with people being nice as they are.. Sorry bout the lack of a lighter.
  • Also: has a lot of vegetarian foods that are good cold. Just get a large cooler ( yes, I even use a full sized) and reusable refreezable ice packs. You will need large ones, they will last for over a day. Don't get small ice cubes sizes, they only last for an hour or two. Lastly, soups can go into thermouses…
  • I travel daily, but not for work. I pack a full ice chest each day. I also always have a super great trail mix ( home mixed) Also I always have dried fruit. Ok so that's it for snacks. To bring for lunch itself: Tortillas with hummus and veggies. Coleslaw Eggs Water ( and a protien drink packet from health food store) Egg…
  • Actually, white flour is wheat flour which has been "separated" and bleached. Its pretty and white and can be "fluffier" and easier to cook with, BUT IT HAS BEEN ALTERED, both physically as well a's chemically. Therefore it is deficient in nutrients as well as has added chemicals. Otherwise: wheat flour is made in both…
  • I have had some emergencies come up. I have been binge eatin for four days now:(. So far I have gained a pound. I know I can get it back off too, but what is really bothering me is that I am still wanting to keep on eating. The crisis is almost over, but it has left a deep hole, which I am continutling to fill with food. I…
  • Jillian michaels does not require weights. I don't know about the other. I also love 30 day shred. Of all of her workouts, it's still my favorite. Most of the home workouts these days are non-gym workouts which are killer... And don't require any equipment. However light handweights or soup cans, jugs of milk?
  • I have had migraines. I went to my chiropractor of all people.(she is also a natropath) She determined that I was sensitive to wheat gluten, but not all gluten. She modified my diet. Immediately, that day... I began to feel better. I had the aura feeling twice that I was going to have A migrane, but both times none came.…
  • Sara; Plateaus are good. This is where your body stabilizes at a new weight. The small fluctuations are likely water retention. However, someone said to me... " if you are not loosing weight you are lying". Because when you count calories, weigh your food, and work your program you will loose weight. There are over…
  • I am thankful for the other adults who have developed exercise asthma. Especially those who are avid exercisers. This condition just blindsided me. I didn't believe the doctor:). I had a few moderate attacks before I even purchased the medication, because I was in denial. And now I know it is true, and I take my…
    in Asthma Comment by Firewhirrrl April 2011
  • @eeekie; I do agree about the time of day, I was having asthma attacks at night this winter during the night. So cold air is part culprit. However, it seems to be more. Went for a moderate 20 min bike ride on exercise bike, maybe broke a sweat, wasn't sore the next day, so a true moderate exercise pace... Blammo! I was not…
    in Asthma Comment by Firewhirrrl April 2011