diabetic mom - daughter needs help helping mom

Hello out there! My mom is a diabetic and isn't donig well on her diet. She has many lows. I want to help her track her day but I am not sure how many carbs/proteins/fiber she should have per meal to balance her day. Her daily calorie intake should be approx 1400 for her size. Any help?


  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    talk to your doctor- better yet talk to her doctor if possible or her diabetic nutritionist to find out exactly what they think your mom should be eating. I think it is wonderful that you want to help her- what a great daughter you must be.
  • rnprincess
    rnprincess Posts: 103 Member
    The number of carbs/proteins that your mom needs is based on her weight, type of diabetes etc. Her doctor should have goals for her and there are also diabtes education classes which are covered by most health insurance plans. Another great resource is the American Diabetes Association website at www.diabetes.org
  • Firewhirrrl
    Firewhirrrl Posts: 144
    My husband is a diabetic. He is type one.

    My advice is:
    1. Mix sugars with protien. Example. If you need to give her juice to bring her up, only give her a little,(1/2 glass) but then after a few minutes give her 1/2 glass of milk.

    The sugars flash. So they will bring her up fast when she is low, but they also spike and leave her in danger of going low again too. The protien helps stabilize her.

    Everyone has different reactions to food.
    Like my husband is through the roof with pizza most of all. Second is rice.
    He does better with pasta and breads.

    I have him eat grains and fruits often in small doses ( how about every three or four hours).
    Also, she should be testing her blood sugars every 3-4 hours as well.

    An early diagnostic tool I use to see how he is doing is to ask a question which requires and answer, like what day is it?
    And this shows how he is low but still functioning.

    For serious lows I use maple syrup, chocolate syrup and jelly.
    A greed thing for my car/ purse is those individual servings of jelly that you find in resteraunts. I pop one in his cheek when he is severely low. Works great! One usually does the trick.

    It's been years with my husband. It has taken lots of observing.
    Take notes. What foods do what to her. You will notice...
    Balanced diets are best. Just hang tough. It can be hard, but you are not alone.

    There are a lot of books on feeding a Diabetic, and also the local hospital has classes for support persons like you on how to cook for a diabetic.

    But first, be sure you have her check more often. And if she refuses, it's a sure sign she is low, so make her eat/drink something.
  • Lisone
    Lisone Posts: 78 Member
    I'm a Type 1 Diabetic... you are an AMAZING daughter.. I seriously think you are awesome for trying to help your mom manage such a terrible disease.

    You REALLY REALLY REALLY need to talk to HER Endicrinologist or Teaching Nurse or Dietician about the lows.. Low Sugars can be dangerous and I don't think getting advice on MFP is the best idea for you, or for your mom.

    Talk to the doctor, see what she has to say, and make sure you understand everything she tells you. Best to you and your mom!!!
  • oncechunky
    oncechunky Posts: 3
    Thanks for your tips! The jelly package is a super idea.
  • Lele71
    Lele71 Posts: 76
    Hi I am my mom's caregiver and what I do is write down all her sugar readings and how much insulin that I have to give her. That way I can show her doctor. That way the doctor can decide whether or not she needs to change my moms insulin.