Easter consumption



  • disneyval
    disneyval Posts: 18
    I had a 1200 calorie Easter lunch and enjoyed every bite. My big mistake was the 4 cheese souflee at Panera for Easter breakfast! So I didn't have dinner and went for a "brisk" 1 hour walk. I didn't exactly break even but I don't do this every day. :smile: Happy Easter, everyone!
  • minburke
    minburke Posts: 241 Member
    Ahh lucky I worked all Easter now I guess. I'm not a big chocolate eater anyway but a big cooked lunch would have had me if that happened :/ Great control everyone!
  • michelec64
    michelec64 Posts: 120 Member
    Easter dinner put me over my daily limit by 880 calories but it's not like I have a holiday feast every day, so it's all good. Tomorrow it's back to my 4 mile walk and calorie counting.
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    I leaned on salad greens to low cal through my lunch so that the Peep and piece of apple pie I had wouldn't totally kill me. X-D
  • Firewhirrrl
    Firewhirrrl Posts: 144
    I have had some emergencies come up.
    I have been binge eatin for four days now:(.
    So far I have gained a pound.
    I know I can get it back off too, but what is really bothering me is that I am still wanting to keep on eating.

    The crisis is almost over, but it has left a deep hole, which I am continutling to fill with food.
    I am trying to keep the course, but I'll be damned if it ain't biting me in the *kitten* right now.

    So for Easter food: I have eaten tons of chemicals and I feel horrible, my self esteem is low, my stress is high,
    And my hopes for a complete recovery is waining.

    When the candy is gone, I hope to be done with the chemicals.
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    Went over by about 400 cal... Good thing I walked for 80 minutes!!

    It was all worth it though!
  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    My entire lunch (with a couple candies included was about 550 calories.
    I'm actually searching for something to eat just to bring my calories over 1200 for the day. lol

    I discovered, being around people who aren't mindful of what they eat keeps me more motivated to stay on track. Weird.
  • sammybey
    sammybey Posts: 72 Member
    Went out for brunch and had yogurt with cranberries/cashews/honey to start, then honey-oatmeal bread French toast stuffed with cherry-bourbon infused ricotta (which I only ate 1/2 of...). And a mimosa! I estimated 1200 calories for that, could have been more but I don't care! Worth every calorie!

    I "made up" for that brunch by only having a small piece (~3oz) of chicken w/salad greens and balsalmic vinegar for dinner.

    I planned today to be a high-cal day and have been under my cals by about 200 every day this week otherwise.
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    I have had some emergencies come up.
    I have been binge eatin for four days now:(.
    So far I have gained a pound.
    I know I can get it back off too, but what is really bothering me is that I am still wanting to keep on eating.

    The crisis is almost over, but it has left a deep hole, which I am continutling to fill with food.
    I am trying to keep the course, but I'll be damned if it ain't biting me in the *kitten* right now.

    So for Easter food: I have eaten tons of chemicals and I feel horrible, my self esteem is low, my stress is high,
    And my hopes for a complete recovery is waining.

    When the candy is gone, I hope to be done with the chemicals.

    :-( I'm truly sorry. Not about the weight gain or bad food choices - screw that. There ARE more important things than avoiding bad foods. I hope your heart and mind heals soon. Everything else will follow suit.
  • humglum
    humglum Posts: 98 Member
    I have had some emergencies come up.
    I have been binge eatin for four days now:(.
    So far I have gained a pound.
    I know I can get it back off too, but what is really bothering me is that I am still wanting to keep on eating.

    The crisis is almost over, but it has left a deep hole, which I am continutling to fill with food.
    I am trying to keep the course, but I'll be damned if it ain't biting me in the *kitten* right now.

    So for Easter food: I have eaten tons of chemicals and I feel horrible, my self esteem is low, my stress is high,
    And my hopes for a complete recovery is waining.

    When the candy is gone, I hope to be done with the chemicals.

    :-( I'm truly sorry. Not about the weight gain or bad food choices - screw that. There ARE more important things than avoiding bad foods. I hope your heart and mind heals soon. Everything else will follow suit.

    ^This +1. I hope things improve for you soon.
  • Keasterp
    Keasterp Posts: 3 Member
    I work in a grocery store and all the left over chocolate and candy will be reduced tomorrow!!! AAARRRGGGHHH...lol If I survive tomorrow without buying anything , I can survive anything!!!! lol
    Happy Easter everyone!!
  • humglum
    humglum Posts: 98 Member
    I did pretty well today. Had my usual breakfast, went to the gym, and had what I consider to be a pretty moderate Easter dinner. One Cadbury egg and one Reese's egg. I have a ton of easter candy (why??) but don't feel like eating any of it. I'm actually under my (exercise) calories for the day but feel fine so I'm not going to force myself to eat them.

    Have pre-tracked my calories for my food consumption at work tomorrow (I work 12s so I take breakfast, lunch, and a snack) and am looking forward to a good week!

    (Also: mmmmmm prime rib. Why didn't I think of that?)
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