


  • Firewhirrrl
    Firewhirrrl Posts: 144
    Your method of workout is precisely what I have determined to work.
    Thank you for sharing!!

    Btw... You look awesome!!
    GreAt job!! What a belly!
    I have mild asthma so perhaps my input isn't as helpful however I found increasing the speed and incline on my treadmill every two weeks very slightly was enough to push myself. I also panicabout having an attack (I've had two at the gym) which is why I build myself up and push myself slowly and gradually. Just so long as you have your inhaler at all times and build yourself up slowly you'll be ok I think.

    I must stress I actually don't run as I can't run properly on a treadmill but I powerwalk very very fast on a steep incline and go pretty hard on a random setting on the elliptical on level 12 with wrist weights.
  • NitaCB
    NitaCB Posts: 532 Member
    That's really encouraging hearing that some of you have actually found medication that works for you. I've just come back from a weekend away to run a half marathon and I had an asthma attack again. I'm just feeling so discouraged about it. I thought that I was on the way up, cos my last half before that I managed to do without an attack. So for it to happen again this time...I don't know, can I just not do races any more? I've got another half coming up in 3 weeks and then my big goal of a full another month after that. How on earth am I gonna do it?! I'm on a waiting list to see an asthma specialist so I really hope I can get in soon.
  • Firewhirrrl
    Firewhirrrl Posts: 144
    I am obviously not the one to tell you all about it:).

    But for real!! You like races, so race. Just know that like climbing mount everest there is a VERY DISTINCT possibikity that you plan for years, sink all your money , go around the world, just to be TURNED BACK 400 feet from the summit.

    The truth here is that in all sports, we all have to have body, mind, and spirit.
    Your body doesn't always cooperate.... Fine!
    It might piss you off or leave you crying at the side of the road, fine too. Just face this limitation and keep right on doing it.
    Because... Sometimes YOU REALLY DO GET THERE!!
    and THATS why you do it, for the times and possibility that it goes well ..

    That's really encouraging hearing that some of you have actually found medication that works for you. I've just come back from a weekend away to run a half marathon and I had an asthma attack again. I'm just feeling so discouraged about it. I thought that I was on the way up, cos my last half before that I managed to do without an attack. So for it to happen again this time...I don't know, can I just not do races any more? I've got another half coming up in 3 weeks and then my big goal of a full another month after that. How on earth am I gonna do it?! I'm on a waiting list to see an asthma specialist so I really hope I can get in soon.