The more the merrier! Add me :smile:
Feel free to add me!
You have time to do it - set realistic, achievable goals and you'll be rocking that dress!
POWER. I'm hooked.
Daaaamn, you look amazing! Well done you, your efforts have really paid off!
A durrrrrty burger.
I'm down for this!
I've been making large batches of sugar free jelly & putting them into little pots as a post meal dessert. Ends up being about 5 calories each pot (if that!) Relatively cheap too!
Definitely need the daily motivation and support! I just joined the whatsapp chat via the link xx I'm 31, in the UK, and I have about 50lbs left to lose - lost 8 so far
Feel free to add me, I need motivating friends & I'll do the same back! :) Have about 50 lbs to lose
We're tea twins, that's how I take mine too! :smile:
You're doing ace!
Not logging and thinking my mental calculations were right led me right back to square one and old eating habits unfortunately, I definitely have to log to lose the weight and so I'm accountable to myself.
I'm 30 days in, and try to stay active on my feed. Feel free to add me :)
Go for the veggies instead of fruit - less sugar, less calories (depending on what you have) and more nutrients.
Make some skewers with halloumi, peppers, mushrooms and onion tossed in some italian herbs. They're delish!
Great work!
Right there with you ladies, '93 for me. I really find oatmeal makes me spike!
Hi, Type 1 here too...had it for 25 years!
Start weight: 186 llbs 6/21/17 weight: 178 llbs 6/22 - 178 llbs 6/23 - 178 llbs - 3 days maintaining the same weight, at least I'm consistent! 6/24 6/25 6/26 6/27 6/27 6/29 6/30 7/01
Right there with you! Have sent you a FR :)
Amazing! Great progress!
Love new friends! The support really helps keep on track.
Just added you! I need motivated friends too, feel free to add :)
Just focus on you and your goals! She's definitely jealous because you're doing amazingly well - if she pipes up again, remember, her words go in one ear and out of the other. You're worth so much more than how she's treating you.
I try to check online if I can - if not, I ask for dressing on the side, I hate those damn hidden dressing calories! Generally cheese & avocado are the big calorie adders to salads, so attempt to avoid those/calculate mentally the calories.
Because she was the woman that cried wolf...