tabi26 Member


  • Hmmm.....i weight mine cooked....I guess I could be eating more pasta! Yum! Lol.
  • So far about 14 in one go. But in one workout I do about 30 regular and about 30 more modified. My goal is do them all regular one day!
  • I would just like to point out the incredibly obvious. OP wants to lose weight! And says she has always sort of eaten like this....and somehow gained. So, OP has already damaged her metabolism to the point of being able to gain/maintain on a VLCD. OP figures this is healthy and perfectly fine because a dr did some tests…
  • I use a polar FT60 HRM. And thank you very much for the spreadsheet! As it turns out....I may be spreadsheet illiterate! Haha! But I'll spend the next few days doing my best to figure it out! And playing with the numbers to figure things out....turns out, I may be WAY more active Thani thought I was ;).
  • You're along an average of a pound a week! That's awesome! And completely healthy and sustainable! If that continues, by the time May rolls arou d you will have lost 26 pounds! That's great! It's mabye not your goal weight, but do you have a goal size in mind? You should also get a measuring tape and track your inch loss.…
  • Ok! So I've just had a little chat with the people on my friends list, and some suggested that I pm you and see what you think! Hahaha! According to them, you're the "go to guy" around here! So I just want to make sure that I'm fully understanding what you're saying: My non workout TDEE is 2775. This should maintain my…
  • Now I'm just getting confused haha! I only have about ten pounds that I want to lose so I should be eating a 15% deficit?? Which would be about 2300/day. Yesterday I did my workout, and I ate a little over 2300 (NET a little over 1700). I very truly and honestly was not hungry all day long. But the day before I ate over…
  • Thanks! I am in that group, and after posting this in the public forums, I thought maybe I should have posted it there too. Will go do that!
  • Just adding that I also changed my macros to 45% carbs, 30% fat, and 25% protien. I know protien is VERY important, but from what I've read on many websites, and many forums here is that you need any where from .5g-1g of protien for lean body mass. If I left my goal at 30% it would have me eating a little over 1g for per…
  • Thank you! Everything makes total sense to me! It's just so VERY VERY scary to eat 3000/day and still lose a bit (or even maintain for that matter! Lol!) the body fat % I used is from my scale at home (I know, very inaccurate....but it's the only means I have to measure it) my scale said 28%, which I really don't think is…
  • I'm sorry about your sister, but the thing is, until SHE decides that something needs to change, there's really nothing you can do. :(
  • Yes they are! My favorite lunch lately is 560 calories! Lol. It's four slices whole wheat toast, two fried whole eggs, and 30g of old cheddar cheese. Yum!
  • I only wish I HAD a butt! Haha! Mine is flat!! I'm just starting to do some lower body exercises to build some muscle there and lose some of the fat so I can actually SEE my bum! Hahahaha!
  • Don't let them scare you! You can modify every exercise to suit what you can do now, and eventually you'll find that you can do alot more than you thought you could! The best part? It's at home! No ones watching! So if you have to modify, or can't do a specific exercise at one knows but you! ;). Lol.
  • Technically, no one is "right". You have to play around with your numbers and see what works best for you. What works for someone else may not work for you at all. Ask yourself some questions: 1. Are you losing weight? 2. Are you hungry all day long? 3. Are you accurately measuring your intake as well as your exercise? 4.…
  • If you can do sets of 24, it's time to up the weights. For building strength/muscle you should only be able to do 10 reps MAX. As in, you cannot physically even do another rep with proper form. If money is super tight, maybe try to get some adjustable weights. If you want a whole body workout, without a gym, look into…
  • I'm from sask! Add me if you want too :)
  • You and I are the same height and I started here at 151 lbs. my diary is set at 1700/day. If I follow that I lose. And I'm a lazy person, I didn't work out for my whole first month, only followed the 1700/day and I lost a little over seven pounds in that month without working out. Lately, I too am hungry, so I've started…
  • Interesting that people say mastiff.....they have a mature weight of well over 100 lbs. given your dogs age, weight, and general appearance, I would have to say pit bull shepherd cross.
  • My biggest craving is food! Any food! Lol. Most days I fight a losing battle. Hahaha! But oh well! Back "on the wagon" the following day (hopefully lol).
  • Congrats on beginning your journey! My goals are not the same as yours, but feel free to add me :). We could all use support! As for keeping your cals under 4000 try changing little things over a period of time. You didn't gain it in one day, it won't come off in one day. The most important thing is that you have patience!…
  • I drink about one cup/day...average. Lol. I still lose weight, and I'm not thirsty. :)
  • I monitor what my kids eat, not how much they eat. I do try to make sure my youngest has calorie dense food though because he only eats one good meal a day (refuses to eat most meals most days). All meals are healthy, most snacks are healthy. Calories never really come to mind when I'm feeding two over active boys. Lol.
  • Amazing! You belong on a P90X poster!! Those results are crazy!
  • Grow a garden seeds are cheap! And if you can find a big "barrel" or anything somewhat large that will hold water, then you can even water your garden for almost free (if your garden is huge then you may have to use your house watering system). The money you save on veggies (and fruit...depending on what you can grow in…
  • Well for awhile there it was "I have no time." then "I'm just too tired." and now it's "but my weights are in the truck of the car."....yup....I'm the laziest person alive lol.
  • I don't care about the twinkies......but what kind of bread will I eat now?? :sad:
    in Hostess Comment by tabi26 November 2012
  • Track sodium and drink some water. According to your diary, you don't drink any water. You don't have to drink a ton of water, but try even just two cups a day. Also, could be TOM is here or approaching, that usually causes some water retention.
  • I've used that site as well as scooby. Both sites have me pretty close to the same numbers. I set my diary at my "sedentary level" or my "all I do is watch tv all day level" lol. And I've been losing....slowly....but losing. ETA: I set my diary at my "lazy" maintenance level....not my TDEE minus anything.
  • He is in 4-H here, but that's about all we can do.....we live 40 miles from the nearest town, so every activity he goes into involves an hour and a half of driving every time! Thank goodness I drive a diesel Jetta or he wouldn't be in 4-H either! Lol! We do hunt, so archery could maybe work (hubby and I use rifles, but…