What's With The Butt Hate?

I keep seeing a lot of women talking about wanting to get rid of their butts. That's actually the one place I DON'T want to lose weight. First of all, my husband would kill me and I think women with butts are hot. I like having one and even if I didn't have a husband, I would still want to keep it. So explain to me why women want to get rid of them. Isn't that something that makes a woman a woman?

Edit: I mean women who are already thin or fit, not ones who want to lose weight as a whole and maybe SOME in their butt! And not lifting it up, but getting rid of it. :happy:


  • PurpleHAES
    Women need to keep butts and boobs. Right?
  • pouncepet
    pouncepet Posts: 72 Member
    And boooooobbies!

    I dont know or understand it myself. Im killing myself with squats, lunges and any glute training I can to make sute my *kitten* looks big and juicy! Like you, my hubby loves it. Yay for the bootilicious!
  • scottbrown78
    scottbrown78 Posts: 142 Member
    That depends on SOOOOO many variables, no answer is correct. But IMO, my wife has a fantastic *kitten*, but if I could set my beer on it while she is standing, I might ask her to work on it. I prefer an *kitten* that is a little to big than to small, but there are limits. ALSO, if a person is uncomfortable with a certain aspect of their body and wants to "fix" it then by all means that is their decision. No right or wrong, just different.
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    I'm trying to life my butt up and kill the cellulite, not get rid of it! Dang, men need something to hold onto :)

    As for the boobies - it was a proud day when I could once again walk into Victoria's Secret and purchase bras. Now, they're good, and I pray they don't shrink anymore!
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I have always had a small flat one, so I am trying to get mine a bit bigger and rounder :blushing:
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    I think it all depends on just how big their butt is. A good butt is awesome, but there is a thing as too much of a good thing. I'm at goal, but it's a constant struggle to make my size 4 butt higher and tighter than my size 14...

    I wanted to get rid of some boob too...went from a 38D to a 34D, very happy with the size they are now.
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    I keep seeing a lot of women talking about wanting to get rid of their butts. That's actually the one place I DON'T want to lose weight. First of all, my husband would kill me and I think women with butts are hot. I like having one and even if I didn't have a husband, I would still want to keep it. So explain to me why women want to get rid of them. Isn't that something that makes a woman a woman?

    I only wish I HAD a butt! Haha! Mine is flat!! I'm just starting to do some lower body exercises to build some muscle there and lose some of the fat so I can actually SEE my bum! Hahahaha!
  • ErinGBragh
    ErinGBragh Posts: 183 Member
    I definitely understand losing weight as a whole and including some in your *kitten*, and I understand wanting to lift it as well. But I see some really beautiful women on here who are already thin who want to get rid of it. So I guess that's what I meant.

    I get the boobs thing, too. I am pretty average right now, but when I was a skinny ballet dancer as a teenager, they were almost gone :( But I don't plan on being that thin, so that shouldn't be a problem!
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    I'm working on tightening mine up. My Husband is very supportive, but he'd start force feeding me twinkies, if my butt or boobs started shrinking too much.
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    I NEVER want to loose my butt lol.

    Before I married my husband I would always get compliments from guys; It makes a girl feel good.

    I use to want to get rid of my booty(I was about 16) but now that's the one thing that I love the most about myself! The only problem it gives me is I have to get 2 sizes bigger in jeans because my butt wont fit into my 15's but the pants are so big around the waist!!
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    One thing that I've had a problem with recently and maybe someone here can help me!
    I'm soo scared that I'll loose my boobs!
    I use to be a D I got pregnant they went up to a DDD and now they're down to C's.
    I've always had self esteem issues when it came to my tata's but I think thats one thing that's really slowing me down from loosing the rest of this weight!!
  • xSakura
    xSakura Posts: 288 Member
    I love my butt! :laugh:

    I don't like my boobs though.. TOO big haha :frown: Can't wait until they shrink a little!
  • amberdragonfire
    One reason I am not happy with my butt is that I CANNOT find jeans anywhere that fit properly. My waist is smaller, so waistbands gap & sag when I buy the size needed to go over my hips/butt. I dont want to be built like I a boy - I agree that curves are what makes the woman - but I would like to get some new jeans....havent bought any in years. It is truly frustrating. I was told to buy the bigger jeans & have them professionally tailored to fit. I just cant make myself spend that money on tailoring. I keep hoping someday I am going to find a brand that works - and doesnt look like "mom jeans"!
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    I wish i had a humounguous *kitten*! sigh but i dont!
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    I have the same problem! There are a couple of jeans that I really like though that I tailored myself! It is pretty easy there are some how to's online that go step by step and have pictures!
  • kimmianne89
    kimmianne89 Posts: 428 Member
    No I wan't to keep my bum :-)
  • ErinGBragh
    ErinGBragh Posts: 183 Member
    I use to want to get rid of my booty(I was about 16) but now that's the one thing that I love the most about myself! The only problem it gives me is I have to get 2 sizes bigger in jeans because my butt wont fit into my 15's but the pants are so big around the waist!!

    I hear you! My problem is more my legs. My family all have big muscular calves and thighs (even at my heaviest I didn't have to do much toning and people will ask me what I do for my legs...nothing!), and that's the hardest thing for me to fit into jeans! And don't get me started on knee-high boots! I have to special order them!
    One thing that I've had a problem with recently and maybe someone here can help me!
    I'm soo scared that I'll loose my boobs!
    I use to be a D I got pregnant they went up to a DDD and now they're down to C's.
    I've always had self esteem issues when it came to my tata's but I think thats one thing that's really slowing me down from loosing the rest of this weight!!

    I am 160 lbs and between a B and a C. I've found in the past that I stay at a solid B unless I get really thin (like in high school, doing ballet). But that took a lot of weight loss (I was 115 lbs of muscle from ballet, so I was pretty thin). Oh, and I'm 5'3.5"
  • terracotti
    terracotti Posts: 101 Member
    I have wide hips so it makes my lower body disproportionally big. it's better than having none at all, it's okay if it looked good but it doesn't. I don't want to get rid of it though, only the extra fat around it.
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    My guy loves my butt too.... I wish it was a bit smaller and tighter but he cannot enter a room without smacking me in the booty... I feign irritation at it but secretly I love the fact that he can't keep his hands off me.... :love:

    We have talked and he does NOT like boney women.... and I have no plans of being boney.
  • Jass_mal
    Jass_mal Posts: 68 Member
    I, unfortunately lost half of my butt and most of my boobs, :( . I have always liked my butt, it was nice and full and round but after 2 rounds of insanity, I lost half of it. I still have some decent junk in the trunk but I've been doing a workout called the butt bible to try and revive it a little. I'm afraid to loose what I have left. As for the boobs, I have always had a small chest but now I have the boobs of a 12 yr old, WHAAAAAA :'( Those were the first to go. But atleast I'm healthy and fit right :)