

  • I got another cycle at 36 days!!! I am so thrilled. I stepped up my game and have been good about going to the gym for cardio. I can't wait to see what happens next month, I would love a baby... keep your fingers crossed!
  • Thanks, everyone for the advice! I know that eventually I will have to ditch the testing strips but for now, while I'm still experimenting with different foods, it's nice to know what the effects are. I was finally able to get that deep purple line - after my cardio workout and I have to admit, I feel amazing after my…
  • I've been doing the low-carb ketogenic diet for a few months now and occasionally, I still experience nausea and headaches when I haven't had enough water/salt. Chicken broth with olive oil usually helps me or even salty water. I usually feel better within minutes!
  • You're doing a great job, don't get discouraged! Change takes time and the amount of time is different for everyone. There are a few things that you can do, if you find that you are feeling like you want to give up, 1) make an appointment with your doctor for a physical and ask them to do blood work, so you can see what/if…
  • Thanks for the information! I guess I was just curious as to why I never test above the moderate level. For right now, I test frequently so that I can gauge how certain carb levels effect my readings and I'm not stressing out over it, as long as I get a reading. I'd love to hear more about other peoples' experiences...
  • In the beginning, I went the medication route at the advice of my doctor (metformin) and it didn't work for me. After considerable research, I decided to use diet and exercise to try and manage my symptoms. Exercise helped me lose 50 pounds. Diet has helped me get my cycles back. I practice a low-carb ketogenic diet and…
  • Most people have no idea what this syndrome does to a woman's sense of self. The side effects are bad enough to have to suffer through but add into that mix not functioning like a normal woman and good grief! I'm glad there are other women out there who are understanding, too.
  • I am so happy to hear that! I never though that it would really ever work - I've had PCOS for such a long time but I guess anything is possible if you try hard enough and trust me, this motivates ME to work harder.
  • I promised myself that I would follow it for three months to see if there were any changes. To my surprise it only took a month! Now I know that I have to maintain this way of eating to stay healthy, I mean finally losing weight is awesome but it's a far better feeling knowing that these symptoms can be maintained.
  • No, not yet - but I did see those. I wanted to see if I could get used to the stevia flavor itself. I am really trying to work on eliminating the need for any sweetness. I just can't handle it in moderation (it's like crack to me) and I find I do really well when I just don't indulge. In the beginning of my transition to…
  • Being on a low-carb diet, I don't have the luxury of adding sugar to anything that I eat. However, I do enjoy tea and the occasional cup of coffee to which a little sweetness is nice. I use Sweet Leaf liquid stevia ($13) that I get from my local health food store and it's made with organic stevia. I have never had any side…
  • I practice a low-carb ketogenic diet (LCKD). This means that I usually eat less than 20g per day of carbs and a high amount of fat. It was difficult to get into initially but now I feel fantastic and the weight is finally starting to come off. I have always suffered from a severe sweet-tooth and this way of eating has…
  • Low-carb Ketogenic Diet.
  • It is so discouraging! I cry almost every day at the SIZE of my stomach... I would love to have a baby and can't and the worst part is that I look like I am ready to give birth. I've been on a LCKD for a little while now and I'm losing weight but most days it feels like my stomach is getting bigger... There is some comfort…
  • I actually switched from coffee to tea when I began my LCKD because I absolutely have to have real sugar in coffee. Now, I drink about four cups of tea a day (green, herbal, chai) and love adding regular cream and stevia drops to it. On the rare occasion that my sweet tooth acts up (almost never happens now) a…
  • If you have a reason to suspect that you may have it, you definitely need to talk to a doctor and not just any doctor - find one who has knowledge on the subject (it's okay to ask). There are many doctors who have no clue what to look for and it may surprise you by how often they miss the signs. I was fortunate, as I was…
  • When I refer to "exercise" I do not mean a casual stroll through the neighborhood. Casual exercise does nothing for me either. I am talking about intense cardio and strength training. Having said that, what is intense for me now is much different than what was intense for me in the beginning. I don't disagree that diet is…
  • I actually had to give up coffee to make this work for me. I just couldn't drink it without real sugar, so I switched to tea and use liquid stevia (avail. in health food stores) and that satisfies my morning cravings just fine. In fact, I drink about four cups of tea a day, three of which are herbal/green blends and I…
  • That's fantastic! I hope you keep up with it. I lost 50 pounds just with exercise alone but it wasn't enough to combat my PCOS symptoms, so that's why I decided to try a LCKD. I try not to be too preachy about exercise but I started out at 240 lbs and could only walk at 2.6 mph on the treadmill for 20 minutes before having…
  • Diet pills aren't the solution. If any diet pill worked, even remotely the whole world would be using them, honestly. Unfortunately, there isn't a magic cure for weight loss - you HAVE to put in the work in order to be successful, it's as simple as that. The best way to lose weight is to control what you eat and how much…
  • I made the most incredible stuffed zucchini with a nice garden salad. Can't wait to make that again!
  • It's funny that you feel so good after only two days - everyone is different but I felt awful for the first week and a half on a low-carb ketogenic diet (LCKD). This just goes to show how differently people respond to the same treatments. However, as of right now, I would still vouch for this diet. The meds (e.g.…
  • That's great! As far as I know, it's an all-or-nothing type of situation for the ketosis diet. It hasn't been hard at all staying away from the carbs, as I eat when I'm hungry and don't need to count calories. The carbs that I do eat come from fresh vegetables and the large salads that I eat for dinner every night along…
  • Definitely! I should also mention that the increased fat intake suggestion only works with a diet that restricts carbohydrate intake to around 50g or less. If you consume higher amounts of carbs plus large amounts of fat, you might end up gaining weight instead of burning it (at least according to what I've read). The lack…
  • I've also heard that increased fat intake can help take care of skin problems. I'm still waiting to see if this LCKD does the trick for me with that.
  • I've read lots of great articles regarding the low-carb ketogenic diet for women with PCOS. The trick is to stay in ketosis to give your body a break from consistent insulin exposure. I've only been practicing it for a few weeks now and it's really difficult to get into but I'm doing much better now. I'm going to have…
  • On another note - I am on a low-carb diet and don't eat wheat, ever. So, it is not a gluten or wheat allergy as many people suggest. Some days I wake up this way without having had anything to eat and other days a simple cup of tea will make me feel this way.
  • Yes! All of the time!!! I went to a gastroenterologist, where I was told to eat more fiber, which I did. It didn't help. It still hasn't helped and I put that stuff in everything I drink. I am giving it a few more weeks and if my exercise regiment isn't helping, I am going back and making them give me an ultrasound - even…
  • You're right, the majority of people don't have be quite so restrictive of their carbohydrate intake and I wish I were one of them. Anyhow... I am not a typical "carbophobe" and it's quite possible that the OP is not either, or maybe she is - who knows? I don't even care what reason someone has for avoiding rice. All I…
  • I agree with your comment to a certain point. There are people out there (myself included) who suffer from metabolic disorders, such as polycystic ovary syndrome which causes us to be insulin resistant. I tend to do so much better when I am avoiding as many carbohydrates as possible and getting plenty of exercise. Since…