Good Diet for PCOS



  • chelso0o
    chelso0o Posts: 366 Member
    I found this youtube video to be helpful. 1600 cals seems to be my magic number, and below 100g carbs with limiting processed foods.
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    I was diagnosed in the emergency room and because of that I can't get insurance... Which sucks... My in laws paid for us 1 year with a concierge doctor and he won't put me on Metformin because he wants me to see a specialist for that... Which we can't afford.....

    So I've been trying to control everything with diet and have been doing ok so far but carbs make me so lethargic and constantly exhausted so I am going back low carb as of this week and am already feeling a million times better. I was doing low GI but my body just doesn't like the carbs....

    I went almost an entire year with only 2 periods and had a miscarriage in June and one this past January....
    But losing weight has restarted my cycles and they have been almost perfect since October.
  • apriljackss
    apriljackss Posts: 96 Member
    Because of the tendency for women with PCOS to also develop insulin resistant, it is important to manage our insulin levels, which in turn can help us control excess testosterone which is the source of many of our symptoms.

    What has helped me with my lethargy after eating and overall energy levels and moods (though clearly not with my skin, but I think there's more at play there) has not been to count carbs, but to limit carbs to natural sources (i.e., no pre-packaged foods or added sugars, except a bit of coconut palm sugar in my coffee each morning) and to always eat either protein or fat with them to slow the release of insulin and keep my blood sugar steady. Of course eliminating gluten from diet has gone a long way to eliminating pre-packaged foods and added sugars, since I'm not going to buy all things labeled gluten free just to replace junk with more junk. With out really meaning to I'm eating a much more whole foods centered diet and I find thats been working for me. I'm still losing weight consistently eating this way and I have yet to feel deprived or starving.

    If I eat too much I still find I get lethargic after meals so for me personally, I eat 3 main meals a day and usually a snack mid-afternoon to hold me over until dinner. My favorite is an apple with some organic almond butter.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    It depends on what you want to treat. If you are trying to conceive for example, and have fertility issues, and PCOS is also associated with insulin resistance (which is not always the case) then a diabetic diet will help. If you do not have such issues, then there is no specific diet.

    It doesn't matter if your trying to conceive or not. PCOS causes the body to produce way excess Estrogen, which converts to Testosterone and also causes Thyroid issues and insulin resistance or full blown diabetes.

    A controlled carb way of life is the only way to go to get the hormones back in normal status.
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    Before I was diagnosed I lost 89 pounds in 5 months doing low carb and felt amazing!

    I've been doing low GI with the exception of our vacation and I've lost 35 pounds in 6 and a half months....
    I was only eating Ezekiel Breads and quinoa and brown rice and low GI fruits and veggies. And the loss was good at first and then it just slowed way down and I still was constantly exhausted.... Some days I didn't even really ever make it out of bed....

    I've only been back 2 days on carb restricting and I already feel amazing! I woke up earlier and I took my dog on a 2 mile walk and I still feel like I could walk more and probably would have if I didn't have things to so at home. I'm not as cranky or irritable and my headaches have slowed way down.

    I think really the most important thing is to find what works for you ..... If you can do low carb and not have issues then try it... If not then maybe explore the pcos diet and a more low GI way of eating with food pairing....
  • dsm0001
    dsm0001 Posts: 26 Member
    This is awesome!
  • PinkMartiniPls
    It's funny that you feel so good after only two days - everyone is different but I felt awful for the first week and a half on a low-carb ketogenic diet (LCKD). This just goes to show how differently people respond to the same treatments. However, as of right now, I would still vouch for this diet. The meds (e.g. metformin) are only masking what the underlying problem really is and unfortunately, most doctors still don't know much about PCOS.

    Another member posted that managing carb intake is the only way and I would like to add that exercise is equally important. PCOS management is about using diet and exercise to control how the body processes insulin.
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    It's funny that you feel so good after only two days - everyone is different but I felt awful for the first week and a half on a low-carb ketogenic diet (LCKD). This just goes to show how differently people respond to the same treatments. However, as of right now, I would still vouch for this diet. The meds (e.g. metformin) are only masking what the underlying problem really is and unfortunately, most doctors still don't know much about PCOS.

    Another member posted that managing carb intake is the only way and I would like to add that exercise is equally important. PCOS management is about using diet and exercise to control how the body processes insulin.

    Oh I know :) it is funny, everyone reacts differently. Every time I start low carbing again people always warn me about "Atkins flu" but I fortunately haven't ever had a bout of that.

    I used to HATE exercising and I never did other than a few years ago when I had a wii and I got an EA personal trainer "game"
    But I joined an 8 week challenge that appointed different points to different activities and exercise was always worth the most so I made sure to do it and now I'm hooked. I do about 4 days a week and walk the alternate days for a couple of miles. I feel a lot better and my body shape is changing.
  • PinkMartiniPls
    That's fantastic! I hope you keep up with it. I lost 50 pounds just with exercise alone but it wasn't enough to combat my PCOS symptoms, so that's why I decided to try a LCKD.

    I try not to be too preachy about exercise but I started out at 240 lbs and could only walk at 2.6 mph on the treadmill for 20 minutes before having to quit, so I know how it is to start off slow.

    I always scoffed at those people who said exercise would change everything until I experienced it for myself. I went from a size 20 to a 12/14, I was always HAPPY and felt incredibly sexy... It is absolutely worth it.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    That's fantastic! I hope you keep up with it. I lost 50 pounds just with exercise alone but it wasn't enough to combat my PCOS symptoms, so that's why I decided to try a LCKD.

    I try not to be too preachy about exercise but I started out at 240 lbs and could only walk at 2.6 mph on the treadmill for 20 minutes before having to quit, so I know how it is to start off slow.

    I always scoffed at those people who said exercise would change everything until I experienced it for myself. I went from a size 20 to a 12/14, I was always HAPPY and felt incredibly sexy... It is absolutely worth it.

    Exercise doesn't make a difference for everyone. It doesn't for myself and several people I know. I walk my dogs just to be out in nature and it is relaxing for me to go out and clear my mind.

    As far as weight loss goes and hormonal balance, what you eat matters the most.
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    That's fantastic! I hope you keep up with it. I lost 50 pounds just with exercise alone but it wasn't enough to combat my PCOS symptoms, so that's why I decided to try a LCKD.

    I try not to be too preachy about exercise but I started out at 240 lbs and could only walk at 2.6 mph on the treadmill for 20 minutes before having to quit, so I know how it is to start off slow.

    I always scoffed at those people who said exercise would change everything until I experienced it for myself. I went from a size 20 to a 12/14, I was always HAPPY and felt incredibly sexy... It is absolutely worth it.

    Exercise doesn't make a difference for everyone. It doesn't for myself and several people I know. I walk my dogs just to be out in nature and it is relaxing for me to go out and clear my mind.

    As far as weight loss goes and hormonal balance, what you eat matters the most.

    I used to think that too.... Last time I lost 89 pounds I went from a 22 to barely fitting in an 18..... Thought I didn't have to work out so I rarely did.....

    This time I've lost 35 pounds and went from a 24 to a 20 depending on the brand and it's because my body is completely changing shape from exercise... It really does make a difference... That being said .. Walking is excellent exercise....
  • PinkMartiniPls
    That's fantastic! I hope you keep up with it. I lost 50 pounds just with exercise alone but it wasn't enough to combat my PCOS symptoms, so that's why I decided to try a LCKD.

    I try not to be too preachy about exercise but I started out at 240 lbs and could only walk at 2.6 mph on the treadmill for 20 minutes before having to quit, so I know how it is to start off slow.

    I always scoffed at those people who said exercise would change everything until I experienced it for myself. I went from a size 20 to a 12/14, I was always HAPPY and felt incredibly sexy... It is absolutely worth it.

    Exercise doesn't make a difference for everyone. It doesn't for myself and several people I know. I walk my dogs just to be out in nature and it is relaxing for me to go out and clear my mind.

    As far as weight loss goes and hormonal balance, what you eat matters the most.

    When I refer to "exercise" I do not mean a casual stroll through the neighborhood. Casual exercise does nothing for me either. I am talking about intense cardio and strength training. Having said that, what is intense for me now is much different than what was intense for me in the beginning. I don't disagree that diet is equally important; however, when it comes to PCOS many, many, many studies have proven that "exercise" can work wonders. I am absolutely living proof that it can and does happen. I will also mention that it wasn't an easy accomplishment, either - I had to work incredibly hard to get fit.

    You are right about diet though, which is why I have been working so hard to incorporate this new way of eating into my lifestyle. Exercise alone will not get me to my goal of controlling my symptoms if I am gorging on pasta and bread, which keeps insulin levels artificially high at all times.

    Exercise + Low-carb = Double Whammy for PCOS!
  • apriljackss
    apriljackss Posts: 96 Member
    In my personal experience, just including exercise and keeping my diet solely within a calorie and macro goal set by MFP, did nothing for me in regards to weight loss. It just wasn't working. I can't exactly say that it wasn't helping my hormonal balance because I do take birth control. For me, diet has been the biggest (and by that I mean most obvious) help. I do also get daily exercise in the form of running up and down 6 flights of stairs through out the day and (embarrassingly) doing sets of squats in the bathroom through out the day just because it's when it's most convenient.

    My body shape is changing and my weight is decreasing through mostly diet. Although of course exercise is important for your overall well-being, PCOS or not.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Looking forward to checking out all the links!