leelu Member


  • well going back to all those awful business management classes i took one thing stuck with me about goal setting and not just for business but this is maybe a little corny but i find it good to think about when setting goals SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timeable personally i have my eye…
  • i make simular with pita bread - -i use the whole pack of 8 or ten pitas, and make a production line as you can freeze them raw too and have them on lazy days :)
  • when i jog (which aint that often so i am sure that others will have more qualified advice for you) i always sprint as fast as i can as i am getting towards the end just to use the last bit of energy i might be able to dig out. i would suggest trying to incorporate a few short sprints into you jog just to break your well…
  • are you sure 2000 calories is enough? if your a young male that exercises that doesnt seem like enough to be Gaining weight - check all your input are correct. I would think you should be looking at healthy carbs and protein, (whole grain bread and cereals, meat, nuts, eggs) but if your looking to build muscle you will…
  • I know i was very suprised how little calories are burnt with exercise, if he or she is fairly fit and jogs slowly that may only burn 300 or 400 calories ... and thats not even a 600 mil milk drink or a small fries from Mcdonalds
  • With so much to loose you really have the most to gain ... wish you all the best in achieving your goal... it will be hard work but super rewarding !!!
  • Taken January - 2 weeks before my diet Taken 3 weeks ago at a friends wedding I am the one in white in both pics
  • Yeah i think mine was part nerves too ... in normal circumstances i would have just had a bit of a cough and kept swimming but i just couldnt get my breathing sorted out every time i put my head under i felt like i was gasping for air... so ended up breast stroking / side stroking instead.... ah well
  • Yep was the Pink Triathlon ... I swallowed a bit of water in my first breath in the swim which threw me out massively.... and was thinking the swim would be my strongest leg so lost a few mins there... but it was pretty good really :) wasnt as bad as i had it in my head to be ... I thought it would take me longer than it…
  • ok so giving up on the photo stuff... in both pics i am wearing white - so thats me
  • Photo fail ... can someone help?
  • Ok going to try the photos
  • Mine is also public, however not sure how good a role model I am
  • I love poached eggs, so that is my usual... just poached eggs on wholemeal toast.... ask the waitress for some asparragus/mushroom/tomato/spinach on the side if you want to bulk it up a bit.
  • I couldnt find WW bread - i did look for it ... but i am really happy with this one as i actually like the bread as well..... YAY for toast and avocado for weekend pre-gym breaky!!
  • You can never have too much laughter, vegetables or sex - unknown
  • My mum has said that she really regrets making me eat everything on my plate - I came from a house that had desert every night after the meal and we werent allowed to have desert unless we ate all our dinner - she says she wishes she never did that now.
  • I weigh pretty often and can go up anything up to a kilo (2.2 pounds) different between evenings and morning, but from day today its only a couple of hundred grams different and part of that is due to legitimate fat loses i think.
  • Glad to welcome some crazy excitement onto the site ... keep us all inspired with your excitement please
  • 1/4 of an avo spread over 2 slices of wholemeal toast and just a little pepper is my favourite lunch :)
  • Having Gastric Bypass changes the way that you digest food and your diet so severely that I would not take advise from this site - you should have been issued with an eating plan from your Surgeon or Medical expert when having the operation, if you weren't or it was some time ago or you believe it doesn't meet your needs I…
  • In Australia Wendys is an icecream store. they serve thickshakes in shopping malls - also evil I would suggest
  • This absolutely counts.... I would never get any exercise if dancing to bands wasn't included.
  • MPF starting weight 107.1kg PSB Starting Weight :97.7kg Current Weight :94.9kg Week 3 - goal: -500g 95.6kg # lbs LOST This week: 1.2kg # lbs TO GO: 26.5kg Week 4- goal: -500g 94.4k.g Woot made over double my goal this week making up for what I didnt get last week .
  • "If we weren't meant to eat late night snacks then why is there a light in the fridge?"
  • That might be a good challenge for us all - the diet stuff aint so good for us and its an easy crutch to rely on instead of looking for healthy drinks for water. .. maybe one for later if our fearless leader gets stuck for ideas
  • I had no change this week at all ( I blame TOM) so my week 3 goal is my week 2 goal MPF starting weight 107.1 PSB Starting Weight :97.7kg Current Weight :96.1 Week 1 - goal: -500g (97.1) Week 2 - goal: -500g # lbs LOST This week: 0 # lbs TO GO: 27.7kg Week 3 - goal: -500g Did my walk today in a pool so even better
  • Try a scheduled snack around 3 - 3.30 so your not "starving" when you get home, also be aware of the fact that is when the advertising hits the telly / radio as well, its desgined to get you thinking of junk when your at your hungriest so being aware of what is happening may help you resist the suggestions :)