Is avocado worth the calories ?

SuzMcH Posts: 343 Member
I've got a real craving for avocado. I bought some yesterday and just checked the database for calorie content. I knew it was on the high side.

But I'm not sure I was prepared for approx 250 for a medium avocado. That bumped my lunch allocation up to nearly 500 cals which is a lot for me.

So are the benefits of the good oils and fats worth the calories ? S x


  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I give it a resounding YES. But I don't ever sit down and eat one whole, I put some chunks or slices on top of my salad or along with some veggies, that sort of thing. Between the protein and the wonderful healthy fats it contains, it's some good food for our bodies! But still a food to be eaten in moderation. :wink: '

    You could make a pita pocket salad with some dark greens, such as baby spinach, hard boiled egg, sprouts, a few slices of avocado, a few raw sunflower seeds..stuff it full of whatever other veggies you enjoy and you've got an awesome lunch!

    I imagine you'll get lots of ideas on this thread as more ppl see it. Always fun to see what others do with certain foods!

  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    Id say yes as long as its eaten in moderation. Especially if its something you enjoy and s healthy, who cares if the calories are a little on the high side?

    as long as you dont go scoffing 3 a day you should do fine
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    Here is a really good article--and it is not from an avocado grower! ;)

    Page 2 of the article says a good serving is 2 tbsp of avocado (which = 55 calories and 5 grams fat). They suggested using avocado (which is monounsaturated fats) instead of butter or mayo (or other highly saturated fat condiments) on your sandwiches or bagels.

    Hope that helps.
  • cmw72
    cmw72 Posts: 390 Member
    I'd say definitely! If you have the calories to spare, you could do a lot worse!

    First off, they are delicious!

    Also, they are considered to be a "superfood". Besides being a great source of "good" fats, they have other benefits as well. When eaten with other healthy foods, the lipds in avocado help the body absorb and retain the nutrients contained in that other food.

    I tend to go through 1-2 a week. :smile:
  • Lparault
    Lparault Posts: 100
    Absolutely!! Just don't eat a whole one at once. Like everyone else says, just add it to a salad or sandwich and enjoy!!
  • mabear74
    mabear74 Posts: 248

    I like to take mine, and mash it up, then I use it as a spread on wraps......yummy!
  • leelu
    leelu Posts: 136 Member
    1/4 of an avo spread over 2 slices of wholemeal toast and just a little pepper is my favourite lunch :)
  • allykat8
    allykat8 Posts: 237
    I 100% absolutely belive that avacdo is worth the calories and fat. It is high in both, but extremely good for you. Just have to eat in moderation and watch serving sizes. On sandwiches, it makes a great substitue for mayo!
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    I'm on the avocado bandwagon too! I really like to use it in salads.
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    Avocado = A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.

    I say it often, and I'll keep saying it, calories are important, but there's so much more than just the count. Same with the macronutrients. They're high in fat, but great fats. My simple rule, if it's natural, more than likely, it's worth it.

    200 cals of McDonald's fries or 200 cals avocado.

    Avocado baby. ;)

    Plus, you can make a really quick/easy guacamole that's not horrible. Just mush up some of the avocado, a lil salsa, a lil lime juice n cilantro. (I like spice so I'll add chili powder, jalepenos) Simple way to add some extra flavor too because I think avocado can be kinda bland.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Yes yes yes... good for your heart fats. Great for your hair and nails and skin fats.

    I ate a whole one for breakfast yesterday :)
  • sheltieroger
    sheltieroger Posts: 264 Member
    Absolutely. And I eat the whole one, which is why I pick them small, even if they are sold as a unit price. Unless I am sharing with hubby, then I get a bigger one. I have yet to find a fool-proof way of saving part of an avocado
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    avocado instead of mayo or butter is ridiculously good and well worth it.
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    I say YES avocados are a great source of good fats and very healthy for you :) I eat them at least once a week but I eat them in moderation as others have said. And they are good as a replacement to mayo ...yummy!!! I much rather spend my calories in a good avocado than french fries or chips!!!
  • SuzMcH
    SuzMcH Posts: 343 Member
    Thanks for all the advice. I've brought an avocado and some salad with me to work today. I have plety calories in my allowance today but I'm only planning on eating half. x
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 464 Member
    I am highly addicted to avocado's. I smash a whole one with a splash of lime/lemon juice, salt and pepper for a fresh homemade guac treat. Recently a friend told me about mixing that avocado with some fat free nonfat plain yogurt. I think it was 1/2c per avocado. It turned out really well and instead of eating a whole one, I ate half. Still, a lot of calories, but I was able to feel full with the yogurt added instead of eating just the avocado. I used the baked tostitos scoups or Melba toast for a nice snack.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I say yes to Avocado too. I don't calories or fat grams and the mainstay of my eating plan is FAT, all natural fats.

    Saturated Animal fats and fats from Olive Oil, Avocado, Butter, Nuts (mostly macadamia nuts) = 60% of my eating plan each day.

    It takes FAT to burn FAT from your body!!!
  • jurgitafit
    jurgitafit Posts: 112
    Oh, I love love love avocado, and it's worth every single calorie to me! :happy: But ONLY when the avocado is just right-- is perfectly ripe, not the watery kind, and eaten slowly, enjoying each and every bite! :wink: Right now I didn't have an avocado for a few months, and it's not easy knowing how much I love this fruit-vegetable. But I'd rather wait for the perfect avocado than have whatever. :laugh:
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Oh, I love love love avocado, and it's worth every single calorie to me! :happy: But ONLY when the avocado is just right-- is perfectly ripe, not the watery kind, and eaten slowly, enjoying each and every bite! :wink: Right now I didn't have an avocado for a few months, and it's not easy knowing how much I love this fruit-vegetable. But I'd rather wait for the perfect avocado than have whatever. :laugh:

    You want to hear something funny...............

    I bought 5 of them and I tried one in my salad recently and i am hoooked!!!

    I would never touch avocado's and would tell everyone of their health benefits, but I had never eaten one. Bought them several times and never ate them, they sat on the counter and went bad.

    Dierberg's this past week had California Avocado's 10 for $10.00 (so 1.00 a piece)...........
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Also, if you have a kitchen scale, I would get your serving measurements in grams. It seems like most avocados are about the same size, but I feel like I've seen a big difference in the calories I get when I enter "1/4" of an avocado versus however many grams that quarter of the avocado really is. I tend to feel like the measurement by grams is more accurate (but maybe I'm being optimistic :laugh: )

    In any case, YES, they are worth the calories. I have found that a little can go a long way. Just a few thin slices in a wrap make it super tasty, so you don't need to eat it all at once. (But you do need to eat it soon, because they do go bad quickly.)