sunflower_79 Member


  • If I eat a small breakfast--Greek yogurt or oatmeal or cottage cheese and blueberries--something less than 200 calories, I usually am fine on calories for the rest of the day. If I eat a higher calorie and higher carb breakfast (oh, how I love my breakfast cereal), I seem to set myself up for failure. It's too many…
  • I have been in maintenance for about 2 1/2 months now and, in actuality, I am doing pretty well. I am maintaining within 3-5 pounds of my goal weight, which I know is normal. In some ways, it is easier because I have been doing this for a year now and I know what I can eat to stay within my calorie goals. I've decided that…
  • I'm a teacher. I teach high school English. I would love some support from a fellow teacher! Feel free to send me a friend request!
  • I am 5'4" and started almost a year ago at 167. My goal was 137, and I reached that in late May. I've been maintaining since then, but I've decided that I'd like to try to lose another 7 pounds to get closer to the middle of the normal weight range for my height. I am going on vacation next week, so I will maintain for a…
  • I am also in maintenance. I have been for about a month, and I am still struggling to find my balance. I would love to have some friends who are also in maintenance. Feel free to add me (this goes for anyone looking for a maintenance buddy!)
  • I started just over 6 months ago, and I've lost 25 pounds. I agree with those who say that the first 20 pounds come off the fastest. I am struggling with these last 10 pounds, but I am getting there slowly. I started at 167, and I currently weigh 142. My original goal was to lose the weight by the middle of March (for my…
  • I teach high school English, and I have two young children (ages 6 and 3). I find it extremely difficult to get in official workouts. But, I try to stay very active in these ways: I very rarely sit at my desk during class and I'm always walking around the classroom, I run errands all around the building, and I always park…
  • I hadn't gained anything as of Monday, but since then I've gained about 2 pounds of water weight. This week, instead of Christmas week, is going to be my week of indulgence. With my daughter's birthday tomorrow and a special family day on Friday, I have about two more days of splurging ahead of me. Then I plan to start…
  • I just switched over to maintenance yesterday, and I plan to stay there for the next three weeks. I am on vacation from December 21-January 5, and I want to have the freedom to enjoy the holidays. I won't eat more just for the sake of eating, and I'm sure there will be days that I will eat at my usual goal of 1600, but I'm…
  • I'm in the same position. I'm about 11 pounds from my goal, and I have managed to maintain over the past week since Thanksgiving, but not lose. I want to lose one more pound (I had originally really wanted to lose 20 pounds by Christmas Eve, and I'm currently at 19 pounds lost), and then just maintain until the first of…
  • Don't feel guilty! I cooked Thanksgiving dinner for my family, and I have a ton of leftovers. I just had a plate for dinner, but in more moderation than yesterday. I've already gone a bit over my calorie goal, and I haven't had that piece of pie that I'm going to have later. I think my goal might be to eat at maintenance…
  • I started out in August weighing 167 with a goal of reaching 137. I am currently at 153 and almost halfway to my goal. Feel free to add me! Anyone can feel free to add me who has similar goals so that we can support each other!
  • I am 5'4" and started MFP at 167 on August 6. I now weigh 154.6--down 12.5 pounds in a little less than 2 months. My goal is to lose 30 pounds by March 1, and then to possibly get down to 125, which I haven't seen in probably 10 years. If you would like to be friends with someone who is on a similar journey and has had…
  • The last straw was when my husband took pictures of me and my kids in a hotel pool when we went on a long weekend. I hated how I looked. I had been disliking a lot of my pictures for a while now, but I ignored it. Those pictures were too much to ignore, though. On that same trip, there were also a lot of mirrors in the…
  • My goal is to lose 20 pounds by Christmas. So far, I've lost 5 pounds since joining MFP. I lost 1.2 pounds during the first week of this challenge. MFP Starting Weight: 167 Challenge Starting Weight: 163 CW: 161.8
  • I'm a 34 year old mom of 2. My son is 6 and my daughter is 2 1/2. I started MFP almost 3 weeks ago, and I'm doing ok. Today has been really tough, though. It's my TOM, and I've been struggling with cravings. I am a perfectionist, so I want to do everything perfectly everyday and never go over my calories at all. I'm…
  • Hi everyone, My overall goal is to lose 30 lbs. by my 13th wedding anniversary in March. I've set a few mini-goals between now and then to keep me motivated, and I want to lose 20 lbs. by Christmas. So far, I've lost 4 lbs., so I have 16 lbs. more to lose by Christmas. I think that's manageable. I started the summer by…
  • Well, for what it's worth, I ate the salad without any dressing, but I'm used to just ordering whatever I want and not really thinking too much about calories. I guess the fact that I am thinking about what I'm eating now is what is important and it is just one meal. Glad to hear that there are others who have been in this…
  • I love to eat, too. I'm re-assessing my diet plan right now. I had some pictures taken of me playing in the pool with my kids this past weekend that were not at all flattering, and I kind of got into this "I need to lose weight now" mentality. But I did that after the birth of my first child six years ago, and that didn't…
  • Thanks for the response! I think I am going to eat 1500 today and try that for a while. I have been so hungry, but I just thought that would be normal as my body adjusted to the new way of eating. But maybe I need to start slower...