Need Clarification


I just seriously started using MFP this week after joining a few weeks ago but not doing much with it. I am so confused as to how many calories I should be eating. I am a 34-year-old female, 5'4", 167 pounds. My goal weight is 137, and I originally put in that I wanted to lose 1.5 pounds per week. I entered this in and the goal calculator told me to eat 1200 calories per day, which I have done for the past two days. I have been reading a lot on these boards last night and this morning and I keep seeing people say that you shouldn't eat less than your BMR. I went to the Fat 2 Fit Radio site as suggested in numerous posts, and it tells me that my BMR is 1522 calories.

I see all of these posts that are saying that you are seriously hurting yourself if you eat less than your BMR, yet the goal calculator told me to eat 1200 calories per day in order to reach my goals.

What should I be doing?

Thanks in advance. I'm sure that the veterans around here answer these types of questions all the time.


  • Hi! Im 28, and 5'4', when I started I was 172 and my GW is 135... So Im in the same boat as you are... The first 2 weeks I did 1500 (to get used to it), and now I'm doing 1200... I've seen great result with that. On days I dont workout I stick to my 1200 a day goal, on days where I do hit the gym or do a lot activity, I try to eat back half of my burn. Some will tell you dont eat them and some will tell you to eat them, you just need to figure out what works best for you and your body. To me 1200 cals is a MINIMUM healthy.... You dont want your body to go into starve mode. It really depends on activity level and your body... Listen to it.... I hope that helps some.
  • sunflower_79
    sunflower_79 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks for the response! I think I am going to eat 1500 today and try that for a while. I have been so hungry, but I just thought that would be normal as my body adjusted to the new way of eating. But maybe I need to start slower...
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    MFP gave you too few calories becuase you set your expectations too high. With the amount of weight you have to lose, somewhere between 1/2 and 1 pound per week would be more realistic. Glad to see you're going with your BMR!!! Please also consider eating back at least half of your earned exercise calories. Gotta feed the machine!
  • I forgot about that, my goal is .5-1 lbs a week... anything more than that is not doable for me... I eat, and I love it, and I really could not do this if I wasnt able to eat...
  • sunflower_79
    sunflower_79 Posts: 23 Member
    I love to eat, too. I'm re-assessing my diet plan right now. I had some pictures taken of me playing in the pool with my kids this past weekend that were not at all flattering, and I kind of got into this "I need to lose weight now" mentality. But I did that after the birth of my first child six years ago, and that didn't really work then either as I have now gained it all back plus some.

    I'm definitely going to increase my calories. I find it hard to live on the 1200 calories now, and I'm not working because I'm a teacher. I would never make it on these few calories when I go back to work in a few weeks and still have to keep up with my 2 kids.

    Thanks for the advice and support!