Hi, trying to go from 162 to 130!



  • You can do it! My goal was from 165 to 135, which at one point seemed unrealistic but now I am 143! Unfortunately though, my dress fitting is this week for my December wedding so I will have to maintain from here. But I only have 7 more pounds to go after my wedding to reach my goal! I try to eat tons of vegetables because they really are mostly water, hardly any calories, and are satisfying if you eat enough of them. That's my biggest tip for you. Greek yogurt, granola bar, or hard boiled eggs in the morning for breakfast to hold you over for a nice big vegetable lunch (I usually do one week of salads, one week of raw fruits and veggies, and one week of brown rice & veggies so I don't get sick of the same thing everyday). Do fruit or cheese sticks for snacks in between, and usually if you stick with that you can pretty much eat whatever you want for dinner, especially if you work out! It has worked for me! =)
  • After having my third child I weigh 174!! Before babies I weighed in at 125 I'm 5'10 so that was way to skinny!! I'm trying to loose at least 20 pounds to get to 150ish. It has been soooo hard!!! This mommy gut has got to go!!!
  • I'm 154 trying to get down to 120! Need motivation!
  • Hey All :) My goal is 125-130, I am at 171 right now! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Drdisney
    Drdisney Posts: 90 Member
    If you add 100 lbs thats me .. 260 trying to get to 225. Been on here for 3+ weeks, log daily, motivate my MFP friends, and can always use more motivation -- I really don't want to go to the gym today. Open invitation for any of you to add me. Hope you all have a great day, and good luck reaching your goals.
  • Truegoddess22
    Truegoddess22 Posts: 94 Member
    Weighed in today at 175.8, goal weight is 125-130. Feel free to add me as well :)
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    I began at 165 and plan to get to 130 also current weight 155 add if you wish too
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    I am at 172 and want to get to 147 so pretty close total weight loss goal. Add me if you like.
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    Ahhhh we are kindred spirits I have around 20 to go also and have a horrible sweet tooth. Add me if you want!
  • I was 175 at one point, now 135 aiming for 125 so it is possible! Feel free to add me anyone xx
  • kitticus15
    kitticus15 Posts: 152 Member
    I am 185lbs hoping to get down to somewhere around 125lbs, anyone can add me, I love rrading on progress as it gives me incentive getting the tips to keep on track
  • sunflower_79
    sunflower_79 Posts: 23 Member
    I started out in August weighing 167 with a goal of reaching 137. I am currently at 153 and almost halfway to my goal. Feel free to add me! Anyone can feel free to add me who has similar goals so that we can support each other!
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I'm at 167 or so (last I weighed anyway) and really struggling to get back to the 140 and ultimately 135. Losing a few pounds used to be so easy but for some reason losing this 20 lbs has been extra extra hard. Trying to find what works for me still. I log just about every day to stay accountable. I've been off on my exercising and today that is my goal to start back on. Feel free to add me.
  • rramey1
    rramey1 Posts: 1 Member
    I`m trying to go from 190 to 130 lbs. not sticking to it like I should but trying.
  • Sueof5
    Sueof5 Posts: 4
    Hi...I am at 160 trying to get to 130 also. Ive been at this for almost two months now with no result :(... I def need the support as I am about to give up. Please add me and give me pointers. Thanks :0
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Im 25, 5'1" & started out at 167lbs 07/09/2013 & now weigh 140lbs. I've been working out moderately 4 days a week on average & eating within my calorie goal. I havent banned any food out of my diet, which has helped with cravings. My diary is open & anyone feel free to add me!
  • I'm trying to get from 142 to 115! I'm short so 115 looks healthy on me than it would on most. Could use some motivation and some friends for a little bit of a push
  • CalistaBruno
    CalistaBruno Posts: 34 Member
    Hi! 173-130 here. Feel free to add me. I'm always looking for friends to help motivate!