Keladelphia Member


  • Vita coco coconut milk is pretty much the only non dairy milk i drink. Its super creamy and unsweetened
  • Aww thanks Joe. Your kind words are greatly appreciated. I hope you had an awesome holiday with your family and that all is well :)
  • If you've never learned the Olympic lifts from a weightlifting coach that is 100% what I would suggest at least for a few sessions in the beginning. As a weightlifting coach myself let me tell you it is much harder to fix incorrect movement patterns that have already been ingrained than it is to teach the snatch and CJ…
  • For me building muscle has definitely been easier than the initial weight loss because I love to lift weights and I also love to eat so eating in a surplus to build muscle is fun for me.
  • Thank you as well :) By bulking and cutting I mean eating in a surplus while following a progressive lifting program to gain weight/mass and then eating at a deficit while maintaining an appropriate level of protein to cut fat while retaining as much lean muscle mass as possible. Then when you reach the same weight as you…
  • Congrats on your weight loss success! I'll agree with what a few others already posted and say that recomp or bulk/cuts will likely provide more of what you're looking for as opposed to dropping another ten pounds. When I weighed 135 I was very skinny but still not happy with the amount of bodyfat I had and bulk/cuts are…
  • For a while I faked it, I would take a small piece of something and eat it despite not wanting to or would take something to my desk and not eat it but I found that by "faking it" I still had to face the same issue of being aggressively pushed food all of the time. Eventually I started just smiling and saying "no thank you…
  • I've tried Match (paid), Tinder(free) and Bumble (free) with varying levels of success. I had a terrible experience with Match which I expected to have the best experience with since you can actually describe your interests as opposed to just swiping photos. Also, its a paid app so I assumed more people would be looking to…
  • I remember wondering this exact thing to myself when I joined a gym and started tracking my food in MFP in a effort to lose a lot of weight. The good news? It's been over five years and the option to skip a training session literally never even crosses my mind. My gym habit is ingrained in me now as much as brushing my…
  • When I cut to competition weight for weightlifting I HATE the way my face looks but man it does feel cool to be that lean and shredded. I never sit at this weight for more than a few weeks because it's not worth the gaunt face just to have the extremely low body fat percentage to me other than for competition. I have found…
  • Thanks so much! The journey has been amazing but definitely never stops; i'm looking forward to updating this thread with this years cut pictures in a few months!
  • Other than the loss of menstrual cycle, I could have written your original post word for word at the beginning of maintenance. At the beginning of my maintenance I was also close to your stats, 5'6 130lbs and rarely taking rest days from very intense exercise. I think part of the scale issue was that at 130lbs I still…
  • Well I’m super stoked to hear that you’ve gotten back into lifting after a hiatus and congrats on the amazing loss! I too experienced a bad depression, stopped exercising and ballooned up to around 240 before losing 100 pounds. It sounds like you know what your issue is with your back pain (getting tight in your setup by…
  • Hookgrip will definitely be painful for a few months but after a few months you'll never lift without a hookgrip again except when using straps. The problem with hookgrip is most people don't make it past those initial few terrible months or only use it when weights are light and comfortable and stop when weights are heavy…
  • I bought this set for warm-ups before weightlifting and really like them. The tension is pretty strong for all three bands though just in case you were looking for something with lighter resistance.
  • I cook egg beaters (the 100% egg white ones) on Sunday and eat them M-F every single week stored in the refrigerator. I'm guessing that it's longer than the food safety recommendation but I've never ever had an issue. Edit to add it looks like the official recommendation for cooked egg dishes is 3-4 days in the…
  • I almost never switch my routine and do almost no cardio. I try to get in a run one day a week and walk for 20 minutes at lunch daily since I have a desk job but this is purely for cardiovascular health. I lift (full body compound barbell movements- squats, deadlifts and olympic lifts) 5 days a week (M-W, F-Sat) and do…
  • I have about a million pairs of tights, every brand from Nike, Adidas, Fabletics, various brands from Amazon, Athleta and Lululemon. As much as I hate to say it because I don't love the company itself, I always keep coming back to buying Lululemon tights when I want something more for function that fashion. Though I don't…
  • Ha-ha. I compete tomorrow morning! It’s been nice that my cut went exactly as planned (for once) and that I don’t have to cut any water to make weight to lift this year.
  • My cut from the winter is finally over! 71kg (156lbs) and yesterday at 64.2 (141lbs). Now I’m ready to lift some heavy weights in competition and ready to eat some freaking snacks! hahaha
  • Truly impressive transformation! It's so great you decided to take your health into your own hands at a young age instead of waiting close to 30 years like I did. Wishing you best of luck keeping those healthy habits in the future :)
  • I was single for 2.5 years after that long term relationship ended. I went on about 100 dates during that time and I always knew by the first or second date that the guy wasn't the right fit for me (or that I wouldn't be the right fit for him). I met my current partner when I was 32 and a half and though I was hesitant to…
  • I was in a ten year relationship from 20 -30. When that relationship ended I was pretty much dating for the first time ever and horrified at how "dating" worked these days (hook-up apps etc). I decided to just focus on exactly what you said, living my best life and having fun instead of worrying about finding a partner.…
  • I think you're putting way too much thought and analysis into what a perfect "goal" weight should be. A goal weight should be the perfect weight FOR YOU. For YOUR sports, for YOUR lifestyle. Based on all of the factors you've described above it sounds like you're already at a relatively healthy weight with only a little to…
  • I generally exercise seven days a week in one form of another. Five days of weightlifting (always), one day of running or hiking, yoga a few times a week and two mile lunch walk most work days.
  • I think there are way too many factors at play here to compare my bulk/cuts and resulting strength changes to yours (I train 5 days a week) but I think two big factors which you mentioned not paying much attention to ( nutrition and sleep) are critical to maintaining strength during a cut. Lack of proper nutrition and…
  • Though certainly not a cure, Kwan Loong Oil is my magic balm/rub. It definitely helped with pain relief when my tennis elbow was acting up, i'm assuming it could help with golfers elbow as well. I use it on my knees all of the time during and after training. It's also a bonus that it helps my migraines on the rare occasion…
  • I love watching the brute strength showdown! It's so cool to see what skills and strength carry over from sport to sport! Side note: though i'm not surprised, I think its really disappointing that as soon as someone sees women lifting weights they cant imagine lifting themselves or that sees a physique they can't imagine…
  • I know that there will inevitably be days I don't feel like training so I schedule my workout days/ times and write down exactly what I will do at the beginning of the week and each week and I remind myself that I need to treat my workouts as I would my job. My physical health is even more important than a paycheck so I…