DrGM42 Member


  • I'm 43 and a mom of two girls. I have 35 lbs to get to my current goal. I don't lift yet, but I want to get started. Right now, I fitness walk every night. I need all the support I can get. Sent you a friend request.
  • I'm 25 lbs in to my 60 lb goal. This is my second time using MFP to gain a healthier lifestyle. Slow and steady is my approach too. Small changes are easier to swallow. Good luck on your journey. I sent you a friend request!
  • I just restarted at the end of May. Good luck on your journey!
  • Welcome back! I totally understand when things get pretty busy, something's gotta give! Happened to me too. I fell off hard and am trying to get back on track too. I've been pretty on track for the last three weeks (almost). If you're looking for more support, friend me! Good luck on your journey!!
  • I'm a past user too. I just rejoined and am trying to capture the same success I had when I did this years ago. I lost 60+ lbs and was loving it. I had a whole support community that I felt accountable to and would check on the app everyday. Then I had a lot go on in life, something had to give, and I dropped interacting…
  • Feel free to friend me. The nerdy and geeky have to stick together! Good luck on your journey!!
  • Hey from MD! I have 50+ I want to lose too and looking for support. I've had a few panic attacks in the last few years (something new for me), so I know how scary they are. Once I had one driving home from DC - worst ride ever!! Send me a friend request if you like.
  • Hey! Welcome to MFP! I'm on the same journey and looking for some supporter too! Feel free to add me!
  • I'm 42 and working my way down from 218 to 145-150. I did this a few years ago with great success, so I'm back. Sounds like you have an excellent plan!If you're looking for support, fee free to add me!
  • I've been on and off too. I struggle when I screw up but I'm trying to own it. (Beer! Why do you have to be so tasty?!?!) I'm a little over 200 and want to be 145-155 ... I don't think I was ever 130 lbs! LOL If you need more support, feel free to add me.
  • Walking is a great way. The first time I lost 60+ was with walking. No gym. Later, I added a video workout. But I always walked. Then I slipped off the wagon and fell hard. Gained back 50lbs. Now, I'm back on the wagon again and trying to lose all that I gained. For me, I often want to find an excuse not to go out - "too…
  • I understand the ups and downs weight loss! I've been there too. I share the same goal! My plan: Cut out drinking soda (even diet); Finish the 21 Day arm sculpting challenge (on time); finish the 200 squat circuit challenge (on time); exercise at least 5 days a week (walking); stop snacking in the evenings; try going to…
  • Great post. I feel that way too. I lost >60 lbs, gained most of it back, and I just want to go back in time! I totally understand the feeling of being in someone else's body! I'm a good supporter too - no judgement here. Just support. Feel free to add me.
  • I'm with you. This war is tough. I need to stay on track. I'm motivated (right now), but I want to be in it to win it! Feel free to add me as a friend and we can do this together.
  • welcome! Good luck on your journey. Feel free to add me if you're looking for another member of your support team!
  • You can totally do this!! Good luck on your journey. Sounds like you have awesome motivation!! Sent a friend request!
  • just sent you a friend request!
  • friend request sent
  • SW:230 CW:191 GW:185 (June 2014) Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (6/01 Sun): 191 6/07 Sat: 6/14 Sat: 6/21 Sat: 6/28 Sat: End of Month (6/30 Mon): Total weight lost:
  • Good luck on your journey!!
  • Good luck on your journey ... not a diet. This site is a great resource. Feel free to add me if you need another member of your support team.
    in Hiyas all x Comment by DrGM42 June 2014
  • I'm in the same boat. I was on here a few years ago and did great. Then I gave into cravings, especially at night and that threw everything off. Now I keep trying to get back on the journey, but I'll keep it up for a few weeks then something will happen and I've fallen off. For me it's not chocolate but salty snacks ...…
  • Hi there! I'm looking for more members for my support team too. I'm a mom of two in MD. I had a lot of success on MFP, things got tough and fell off the wagon. Now I'm back. I'm looking for people who can help me when my motivation get low. Feel free to add me ...
    in Hi everyone! Comment by DrGM42 May 2014
  • Hey Chris - Good luck on your journey. My journey has been on and off again. I'm trying to get back up on the wagon and get back into shape too. Feel free to add me if you're looking for another member of your support team.
  • Don't be discouraged. As you heard, there are a lot of nice people on here. You just need to find the right support. Feel free to add me.
    in Discouraged Comment by DrGM42 May 2014
  • Good luck on your journey. If you need someone in your corner, feel free to add me.
  • I'm there with you. I gained a lot of weight with both my pregnancies. It took me a while to realize that I needed to make changes to make myself happy. I wanted to feel great in my own skin - something I've never felt. MFP is a great community full of people who can help motivate, inspire, and have your back on those days…
  • I've back again too. I lost >60 lbs, fell hard off the wagon, gained back >40 lbs, and was super lazy. It got to the point where I needed all new clothes for work ... I couldn't do it any more and I just didn't want to move up one more size. I need to get healthy with motivated friends in my corner. Feel free to add me!
  • I'm 40 - soon to be 41 - with 2 girls (6 and 10). I'm working on the whole 40's, healthy, and happy thing too. I'm sending a friend request. We can totally do this!
  • Good luck on your journey. It will be totally worth it!