Trying to be fit in my forties!

Hello Everyone!

I'm new to this and looking for like minded people on this weight loss/healthy lifestyle journey. This is a new year, and the year I turn 40! I would love to go into my forties healthier and happier. I need to lose a total of 65 lbs to be at a healthy weight. I'm simply tired of the weight loss battle...tired of losing that is! Any advice and encouragement would be greatly appreciated as I will do the same. This is my last ditch effort before I start thinking about surgery which I don't quite qualify for...yet. I am the mother of a beautiful 16.5 month old boy and need to be healthy for him. I am looking forward to getting to know some buddies along this journey! :smile:


  • befitnow3
    befitnow3 Posts: 62 Member
    Hey from canada!! I'm 45, mom of a 16 yo and looking to lose 40 lbs that I've gained in the last 3 years!! Hope to connect????
  • aplatt41
    aplatt41 Posts: 88 Member
    Hello! I am 42yrs old, mother of 1 boy, need to lose some weight to get healthy again. Sending a Friend request.
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    42 here, but none says i look it.. hmmm maybe they are just being nice ..

    anyway i have a great group for support.. anyone can join and add me

    you can do this . i did mine natural we can support you to do the same.
  • jpads1234
    jpads1234 Posts: 95 Member
    41 here need all the help I can get
  • DrGM42
    DrGM42 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm 40 - soon to be 41 - with 2 girls (6 and 10). I'm working on the whole 40's, healthy, and happy thing too. I'm sending a friend request. We can totally do this!