A fresh start

Hello everyone!
I've downloaded this app a few times, but I'm awful at starting a routine. I'm making a promise to myself to start using it regularly. Motivation can be an issue but I've done it before, lost 50lbs after my first child & before my wedding, but after second child and no big push I've gained all of it back over the past three years. I have a lot of bad habits I need to break & get into a routine that works for my life. Any hints or support are welcome. By this time next year I would like to be comfortable in a revealing bathing suit. The goal is 65 lbs.

The plan
I am going to try rising early to swim minimum 50 laps 5 days a week.
Plan out healthy meals that will support my body and energy levels.
Take my kids on daily walks of 10minutes each, no shorter.
Participate more at park play, not just watching.
Drink more water.

To achieve this I must
1.Get enough sleep! Set myself a respectable bed time & avoid temptation of movie watching, homework and late night cleaning.
2.Organize my time better.


  • DrGM42
    DrGM42 Posts: 32 Member
    I understand the ups and downs weight loss! I've been there too. I share the same goal! My plan: Cut out drinking soda (even diet); Finish the 21 Day arm sculpting challenge (on time); finish the 200 squat circuit challenge (on time); exercise at least 5 days a week (walking); stop snacking in the evenings; try going to the gym at work (never tried this before); post the good and the bad on MFP. Add me if you want anther supporter in your journey.