

  • Today is going to be my last day. I have quite before many years ago, and I was hoping that getting back into shape would help me quit - but the reality is that it hasn't. I have been lying to myself that I have it under control and that I will be fine - I dont have it under control and I wont be fine - unless I take this…
  • I would say that you are looking to thin - bordering on being un healthy. As a guide - for myself - I need to get my BMI into the top half of a healthy range, and perhaps you should see where your BMI is sitting and see. I use this one here -> as it gives you more…
  • Remember - the first 2 weeks are always the hardest - it hard to get over your old addictions/cravings, your body will also be detoxing and it's hard to get your body moving and exercising. But - Remember this - it is worth it, you will feel better and in no time you will be feeling great! Just keep looking at the success…
  • Update - I have been making sure that my sodium levels are nearer what they should be - and that has made a huge difference!
  • I think you have to get to that point where you go "F&^ck it - I am tired of living this way" - how you get to that point is usually through either having health issues, seeing photos of yourself or just tired of being overweight and uncomfortable. For me it was just tired of not being as active and full of energy as I…
  • I prefer to use an online calculator to calculate my body fat %..... this one is my fav ->
  • Im getting about 1500mg sodium a day, and I sweat alto! I'm running 12km/h for 30-35 min. At the end of it my shirt is drenched! I should be getting around 2500 a day, and I am guessing that this is the reason im craving salt. Im going to start with that anyway - making sure I am nearer my sodium goals.
  • why dont you open up your diary... it might help if others could see what you are eating and give you some advice....
  • I certainly feel far more alive when the weather is good! Just makes me want to get out there and get doing stuff. I have a treadmill so I can (and do) exercise no matter what the weather is - though but the sunshine definitely lifts my mood :)
  • I use a HRM that connects to my treadmill and have actually noticed that the MFP numbers for the pace and time are less than what my treadmill says that I have burned by between 60-80 cals. I generally use the MFP numbers though as I have heard that these HRM's that connect to your treadmill can only be around 95% accurate.
  • OK, just read Celo24's link... .now that makes it all clear - thanks :smile:
  • Sorry, I should have clarified that... I am eating around 1450-1550 cal a day - I should be eating 1520 each day, but after exercise I have a net of between 1000-1200
  • Thats pretty close to what I have left each day if I exercise, so I am guessing thats good :)
  • So is it better to eat your exercise calories or not? I haven't been eating mine, but then my food intake is almost spot on what I need to eat each day.
  • I know how you feel. I work full time and have 3 kids - 3, 7, & 13!!! My day begins at 5.30 and only ends at around 10.30, so I eat my main meals at lunch time rather than at night. That gives me a chance to get some exercise in at night when the little ones have gone off to bed. I find that if I exercise at night, it…
  • Excellent, thank you! Good to hear that I have managed to put together a pretty good menu first attempt :) At the moment I am think my current exercise is averaging out at around 300 cals a day, but I will be stepping this up over the next weeks, so hopefully that will help - especially if I dont eat those cals. Thanks!
  • From what I have read you need to calculate your ideal fat burning heart range - both top and the bottom ranges. You need to keep your heart rate between the ranges while you work out in order to burn fat. This is the most common way I have found to calculate your ideal range. Note that rhr is RestingHeartRate: For Men:…
  • I've never had a problem running, so hopefully this will help you:: When I wanted to get back into it, I would start off at a comfortable pace - not too fast - and not too slow. I found that if i was running to slow my legs would hurt - and I think its because it just felt unnatural. Try and find a pace that feels…