Incorporating Exercise into daily routine

I work full time, have a 2.5yr old dd and am also studying so I dont always have time to fit in a proper work out especially when my exams are getting close its unfortunately all about revision in the evenings and no time for exercise. So I was just wondering if anyone has any tips for excercises I can incorporate into my day without having to actually stop what I;m doing for a workout. I currently walk to work (30mins) 3 times a week.



  • adriangoddard
    I know how you feel. I work full time and have 3 kids - 3, 7, & 13!!!

    My day begins at 5.30 and only ends at around 10.30, so I eat my main meals at lunch time rather than at night. That gives me a chance to get some exercise in at night when the little ones have gone off to bed. I find that if I exercise at night, it gives me a second wind for the last push of late night work, and also means I get a good nights sleep.

    I also walk 1.5km from the train station to work, and back to the train station -> i get off one stop earlier to make sure I walk the distance.

    Hope that helps - even just a little :)
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    pinkg I have a dvd dancefloor workout and you can choose how long you work out for so maybe when DD is in bed before your revision you could just squeeze a 20 minute workout in?!?! Or get up a little earlier in the morning to do it?!?

    On your lunch break do some step ups, 10 minutes of fast stepups burns more than you'd expect - thats what I do when I havent got time to fit something in whilst the kiddies are having one of their meals :)
  • Page83
    Page83 Posts: 23
    have you tried the 30 day shred? obviously you still have to stop what you are doing but its only 30 and a great workout. otherwise i guess things like using a thigh master while your sitting at the desk, bum clenchers, hand weights maybe getting in some squats and lunges on your breaks, something thats not going to work up a sweat but still get the muscles working.
    it can be so hard to get the right routine it took me ages to find something that fits into my days.