

  • A little too fast jumping to conclusions.... I don't drink any alcohol for 9 months when I am at school. During this summer, back to my country, I only have 3 nights out in 8 weeks, I have never binged drinking, and I don't need alcohol to have fun. It's our culture that when we have a "reunion" night, we would sit with…
  • Um... I'm so sorry, but can some Admin close this topic? My wifi lagged quite a bit so I ended up posting this twice. I am so so sorry for this clumsy mistake :(
  • " We’ve been taught to think of food – especially carbs – as our enemy, and that couldn’t be further from the truth. Food is what fuels our bodies, allowing us to physically push ourselves to reach our own potential for fitness and athleticism. Food is not the enemy but the fuel for my athletic ambitions," Joe Bastianich.
  • Since we are on this topic, as an 18 years old teenager, I just want to ask: Are women more forgiving than men in terms of physical attraction? Noted that I'm not trying to put down men. It's just that in my high school environment, I tend to hear more about guys commenting on girls' appearance, giving them scores, saying…
  • I would love to run a marathon officially one day. I actually did run 26.3 miles once already, but never competed in a race before. It will be the first thing I do once I get back to the States. I think when I get older and my life has settled down more (as opposed to being a student), my ultimate goal would be to…
  • Hi, nice to meet you :)! I used to have bulimia, and I'm at the end of my recovery journey. I think my bulimia is all about shutting the voice inside my head and being disciplined, resisting the urge to purge after meals. The voice still lives with me but he is not around too much anymore, and I'm still learning every day…
  • I feel like a damn monkey in the zoo watching some people here "speculating" about us Asian as if we are aliens (frown Asian face --> -_____-)
  • Oh I'm in need for ideas on this too. I dread long runs when I become bored with my workout playlist... and I get bored very easily... Well, to contribute some of my own. So far, I have run to Mumford and Sons, Of Monsters and Men, 30 Seconds to Mars, and Imagine Dragons. Of course, I also get pumped up by all of those…
  • @Bocomomom: IMHO, strength training will often only build up the muscles beneath our layer of fat (ofc, this leads to other benefits as well, you will be able to burn more calories even after exercises, etc.) but to shed the overall body fat, cardio is still the most effective way, and running is probably one of the most…
  • I have this weird thing for bony hands/wrists. I think they look elegant and suitable for watches or bracelets. I have never known what it's like to have one before (due to too much fat, lol) but I notice all kinds of new definition on my wrist today XD Haha, it's kinda weird, but I'm obsessed with little things like that
  • I find that hill days and interval training are tremenedously helpful in improving my time. And I would always aim for a long sprint and push myself as hard as I can at the end of every run. Once the habit is created, I don't trail behind at the last mile anymore :)
  • Because I'm snobby and lengthy, my quote also screams snobbiness and lenght :P "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat…
  • If you are losing 3 lbs in 2 weeks, then be patient, because you are right on track. One should only lpse maximum 2 lbs per week, I believe. Sustainable and long lasting weightloss is all about taking one step at a time and creating a new lifestyle. Keep it up! Give it some time, and I promise you, there will be some…
  • I run 6 - 10 miles a day and usually consume 150 - 200 g of carbs (on a 1,400 cal allowance). Regardless of this and that study, I still believe in carb-loading as I find it WAY easier to run if I eat a lot of carbs 3 - 4 hours before my longer training (maybe that's just psychological effect). So usually I do 2 days of…
  • I used the treadmill to get my body used to running. For the first few days, I would increase the incline and set my pace relatively low (5 mph) and hold on to the handle for support. When I'm more comfortable with the pace, I would put the incline down, let go of the handles, and try to jog. If you find out that you are…
  • I want to open a party and celebrate today because the bloating is gone, haha :D!!!! I'm not too sure what is a culprit or what cures it though. Not good since it might come back. I think the activated charcoal helped a LOT, as the bloating is gone after two days of taking these. I also cut out the protein powder for the…
  • Thank you so much for all of your considerate responses! @aquarabbit: I just went out and bought some activated charcoal. If you don't mind me being impatient, how long does it take for this to work in your husband's case? I have lived in Vietnam for all my life but recently came to the United States to study and traveled…
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