Non-weightloss related goals



  • kittyhasclaws
    kittyhasclaws Posts: 446 Member
    I want to be strong enough and have enough wind to stay a round with my friend the pro-MMA fighter. I will never beat her, but I also want to be strong enough and fit enough not to get tapped out in a few seconds!
  • VeggieKidMandy
    VeggieKidMandy Posts: 575 Member
    I want to do the walking dead obstacle course!!!
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    1. Lower BF%
    2. Become skilled at running
    3. Get better at yoga
    4. Be able to lift heavy
    5. Parkour

    I had a lot of goals about fitting into certain clothes but they are all reached now.
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    I want to do the walking dead obstacle course!!!
    The zombie run looks incredible! this is a fun one!
  • ncmedic201
    ncmedic201 Posts: 540 Member
    Quit smoking
    I have signed up for a 28.3 mile charity hike on November 9th. My goal is to finish it.
    Fit my favorite jeans again
    Improve my core strength
    Ride my bike on the local trail from my county to the end of the trail in another county-about 32 miles
  • Veslus
    Veslus Posts: 72 Member
    1. Improve my mile time
    2. Run a 10k
    3. One armed push-ups
    4. Go bathing suit shopping and NOT hate every minute of it!
  • bowbeforethoraxis
    bowbeforethoraxis Posts: 138 Member
    I love these!

    I care less about the number (although seeing the weight go down on the scale tells me I'm doing things right enough to get closer to my goals) and more about what I can do.

    I want to be able to do those insane, kind of sexy yoga poses like the head stands and the ones where your body is completely tangled up like a pretzel.
    I want to be able to walk into any store and know that I will be able to fit into the clothes.
    I want to be small enough that my best friend and I can buy matching outfits and they will look good on both of us (twinsies for life!).
    I want to have a healthier relationship with food. Not think of food as a comfort, or food as a scary thing. I want to be able to go on an unexpected night out and not be paralyzed with fear that I'm ruining my hard work, but know that I can make good choices and even if I don't, know that it isn't the end of the world.

    I did have an amazing moment yesterday, went shopping with my friend and I tried on some AE workout pants and they fit! We also grabbed some dinner at the mall and I made healthier choices, limited my portion sizes, and didn't go over my calories for the day!
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    They're all in my profile, but big ones are...

    -20 legit push-ups
    -1 legit pull-up
    -hit a homerun
    -squat 200#
    -deadlift 200#
    -bench 150#
    -overhead press 100#
    -improve my Virginia 4-Miler and I am Woman 5K times
    -Rugged Maniac on 11/2
    -Tough Mudder 2014
  • Hannah_Hopes
    Hannah_Hopes Posts: 273 Member
    Complete Tough Mudder course in 2014! :happy:
  • MzPix
    MzPix Posts: 177 Member
    Oh my gosh, I have loads of non-scale goals!
    In fact, it took some deliberate communication with my physician to help her understand that my weight loss journey is not in any way related to female vanity. She kept making little comments about “fitting in that dress” or “showing up at the beach.” I kept having to remind her that we weren’t on the same page. Anyway… I digress.

    Here are some of my non-scale goals:
    I want to regain a healthy blood pressure and blood sugar level which will result in my independence from medication.
    I want to be strong enough, dexterous enough, and quick enough to defend myself and my household from danger.
    I want to be taken seriously in the work place and become more superficially eligible for the promotions I have been denied due to my weight.
    I want to be more energetic, and in turn, more productive.
    I want to be a healthy role model.
    I want to be able to go running to clear my head without being distracted by being weak, out of shape, and out of breath.

    Overall, I just want to be able to live this life to the fullest, and being obese is preventing that.
  • murdledoe
    murdledoe Posts: 98 Member
    I am planning on doing a 5K next summer.
  • feesh510
    feesh510 Posts: 14
    In the "Make no little plans" arena, I want to run a marathon in March 2015. I am planning to run the San Francisco Half Marathon in February. I'm on week 4 of a C25K. I have an ongoing goal of exercising for 45-60 minutes at least 5 days a week, including 3x/week swimming. Knock on wood, I'm on track.

    Honestly, I'd love to lose weight, but I'm more focused on my athletic goals. For whatever reason (diet, PCOS, age), I'm losing weight very slowly. I really don't want to feel really deprived diet wise; I feel like that's not sustainable.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Mine are more related to what I want to be able to do. Yes, I'd like to get to 145 pounds, BUT I want to be able to ride on amusement park rides, and walk around with my kids, and have my weight or my back hurting or my joints hurting keep me from being able to do that.

    In June, we went to Disney, and I was able to do that. We've reset that for 3 years to go back. When we take that trip, I want to be able to wear a bathing suit and go swimming with my kids. I also want to be able to buy normal sized clothes and not HAVE to buy them from a plus-sized place.
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    So far I've eached a buch of nonscale related goals. I've hiked in the grand canyon. I fit in an airplane seat and do not need the seat belt extender. I've run a half marathon. The big one I want to do is somewhat scale-related. I want to go ziplining. Most places have a 250 pound limit. I still need to lose to get to that. The other is pure vanity and will probably never happen again but I'd like to look good enough that an unknown female buys me a drink at a bar.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    To be able to bike ride with the kids.......done
    To no longer take high blood pressure meds.....done
    Go to the waterpark.............done
    Go hiking in the grand canyon
    Be healthy .......done
    Shop in regular size clothing stores......done
    Ride in a hot air balloon
    Feel sexy and confident.....done
    And sign up for a race

    In am sure there r a few more
  • marikaCL
    marikaCL Posts: 276 Member
    I would like to:
    Run a Marathon
    Do a Tough mudder and Spartan Race
    To be able to do unassited pull ups
  • kem05
    kem05 Posts: 97
    Maybe TMI, but.... One of my main goals is to have a regular cycle! I have PCOS and when I was at my heaviest went without a period for 10 months. What?! I'm only 29 years old, I want to have kids in the not too distant future! As the weight is coming off the cycles are becoming more regular. Now whenever I start to feel crampy, bloated and moody, after a few curse words I whisper a silent "hallelujah!" :bigsmile:
  • Ayakaba
    Ayakaba Posts: 10
    quit smoking and feel all the good about it without the side effect of getting big
  • sarahhan95
    I would love to run a marathon officially one day. I actually did run 26.3 miles once already, but never competed in a race before. It will be the first thing I do once I get back to the States.

    I think when I get older and my life has settled down more (as opposed to being a student), my ultimate goal would be to participate in an Ironman triathlon. It's a farfetched dream trying to complete a 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bycicle ride, follow by a full marathon, but a gal can dream, right :)?